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Quick question about some awards

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2 years ago
Been trying to get Master Commander, Air force general, and fleet admiral.

Was wondering if anyone knows the explanation behind "exceptional play with airborne units." "Successful ship Usage." and "Using your commander like a boss."

Haven't tested much with Fleet admiral or air force general yet but have been using my commander for combat on the frontlines, Main constructor and reclaim and even using lazarus device a ton as well.

Anyone know anything behind these awards?
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Someone with better knowledge can confirm or refute this, but I think it is to do with the proportion of total damage you do with a certain type.

So to get the commander award, your commander needs to do a certain proportion of your total damage, therefore its tough to get multiple of these awards in a single game.
+1 / -0
Those are all based off of "Damage Dealt". For Master Commander you need to have the highest Damage Dealt in the match with your Commander. Only 1 person gets the reward per match. For the other two it is with Planes(Gunships too maybe) and with Ships.
Damage Dealt is based of Hit Point damage relative to metal Cost of the unit. If a unit cost 300 metal and you damage it 50% you get 150 "Damage Dealt" I believe.

So to get the awards just destroy more with that unit type that anyone else in the match by a good margin.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Isn't there also a limit that you have to go over to get certain awards? So you can't just do like 1 damage and get a bunch of awards or something.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
+4 / -1

2 years ago
Yeah, pretty sure there is a minimum value requirement and perhaps even a percentile threshold you have to be higher than other players. Like you have stand out and be the highest Damage Dealt by a certain percent over the 2nd best in the game. Not sure of this though but I know even in a 1v1 Ship Mirror game you are not guaranteed the Fleet Admiral Award. Which I assume is because the Damage Dealt, while higher, wasn't excessively higher over the other player to get the award.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
The way this is calculated is a little complicated, but the page USrankAdminSteel_Blue actually has some useful information here:


Too bad he decided to just drop a link to it instead of using it to make a point. If you read the page in its entirety, you'll see that physical damage is important when the game is trying to decide which reward to give to whom. I also doubt that things like resurrecting or building with a Commander is added to Master and Command calculations (though I could be wrong about that, didn't see the code).
+0 / -0
2 years ago
Big purple heart has been the strangest "award". Pretty sure it's calculated in a different way from the stat graph appearing in the end of the games.
+1 / -0
Big Purple Heart seems to be based off Hit Points, instead of Metal Value which the graph uses.
+0 / -0
2 years ago
The "damage received" should be in hit points too, yet they still differ.
+0 / -0