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Long ranged commanders

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2 years ago
Early game morph rates have already been nerfed, which should have addressed the "timing attack" problem.


I said this:
I don't see any reason to let beam laser go beyond 440 range. This corresponds to eight modules with 4% range each. If we want to flatten the ranges somewhat then a combination of 2% base range + 6 absolute range would also work. The module could be a bit cheaper to compensate.

I don't think the module would stay at 150m.

What is actually wrong with nerfing all range caps, rather than just setting an arbitrary cap on beam laser? If the specialised long range (380+ base range, like missile launcher or sniper) need more base range then couldn't they just have it?

I didn't recommend any arbitrary cap for beam laser, instead I suggested keeping the 150m per module and just lowering the number of allowed modules for all weapons, but tweaking the attributes of weapons in general to compensate. A significant chunk of the morph cost is in the levels themselves, and 150 is the standard cost of cheap modules. The "could be a bit cheaper" reads like we'd find them providing half the benefit at 90% of the cost on the next patch notes.

That experiment you did with commander,grizzly and cyclops by themselves against a squad of cheap units is a bit disingenuous. Players who didn't morph their commanders still have the base commander, which is closer in HP to the morphed forms than it's been up to a few years ago (btw I agree with that change), and it's relatively easy to have a cheap riot or two nearby. The gap in effectiveness is smaller.

And why does it matter so much that commanders can, at some points in the game, be somewhat more efficient than other options you'd get from your factory at brawling/kiting some compositions? It's still only a moderately effective strategy in general, all things considered, which is why you don't see it done very often. And it still works best when combined with other units, not by itself. If those builds seem much more effective than many other commander options you considered people would use, maybe you should look at why those suck instead and buff the corresponding modules.

Area cloaker's excellent. Shields and Disruptor bomb and slowing weapons are good, maybe lightning too. HP and regen are decent.

Napalm warheads? niche. Hellfire grenade? Niche at best. High density plating's niche.

Drones suck. Damage mods suck. Shotgun sucks. Strike commander is generally better for combat than the guardian. Engineer's generally too slow and underwhelming. There's inconsistencies like 400 cost self-cloak reducing speed by 8 and 800 cost area cloaker not having any speed reduction.

In short, I advise against even lowering the range cap without giving various other buffs. Try harder to give stuff fair cost-effectiveness instead of leaving things you feel are "degenerate" somehow in a "crippled" state or removing them from the game entirely. Commanders have less weapons to choose from now than they had 10 years ago!
+4 / -0

2 years ago
Napalm warheads? niche. Hellfire grenade? Niche at best. High density plating's niche. Drones suck. Damage mods suck. Shotgun sucks. Strike commander is generally better for combat than the guardian. Engineer's generally too slow and underwhelming.

Yeah the poor guardian. :( However there needs to be some difference between strike and guardian, and I think offense-ish vs defense-ish is a good place for that line to be drawn. I think the biggest issue with guardian as a combat unit is that its so slow, it feels like 1000 HP here and 1000 HP there just buys a few more seconds of being alive... because they will catch you with superior forces. So I rather enjoy having my heavy-plate guardian lurking inside a defensive nest, ready for action in the inevitable situation that every non-arty unit ends up dead. (My secret strategy!)

I'm under the impression that both range and damage mods are low priority for a guardian. You can spend a fortune and merely double your max damage output, then get flattened without firing a shot. Some dude shows up with a couple buoys and you're just F-ed if you can't run away fast enough.

Recon and strike can actually use other modules because they can escape. My partner in crime has made some really fun ninja recons, the guy would jump onto pally's and stuff, disruptor bomb in hand. Would survive things that seemed unsurvivable. Good fun.
+1 / -0
Guardian commander does have some nice break points with damage booster, for example single riot cannon plus 1x DB kills glaives in one shot. Add a second riot cannon to kill scorchers in one shot. 3 or 4 targeting boosters with the rocket launcher outrange all midrange skirmishers.

Riot cannon+dbooster plus SLAM rocket can kill a stinger in 30 seconds from outside its range while being able to defend itself reasonably well from raiders and only costs as much as a lance.

If you have more metal than sense you can trivially outrange fencers and even stingers with a rocket launcher commander.

It's a pretty good commander for bad factories like Amph in case you run into cloaks, because that's one of the few ways you can attempt to survive ronin spam for example.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Guardian commander does have some nice break points with damage booster ..... It's a pretty good commander for bad factories like Amph in case you run into cloaks, because that's one of the few ways you can attempt to survive ronin spam for example.

A much more thoughtful analysis than my own. Also an excellent observation of the comm providing a bit of balance to its start factory.

My favorite weapon is flamethrower and I try to stay near obstacles to avoid a good surround, that's a fun dance. "How many of your dudes can fit inside my flame?" Helps to be 12k+ hitpoints when doing that. I take one rocket launcher when I know there will be a comm brawl, sometimes one riot, and the heatray is epic. Once in a while a jug catches a heatray comm and doesn't know what to do about it, and it can sometimes survive jacks (helps to target the closest one). One game I saw ZArankAstran with a huge dual-heatray trollcomm and an opponent that figured it needed to get jack-dropped. (More than once!) Its not my style, but I've seen the SLAM ruin spider armies, anyone to doesn't keep moving. Its all so gooood.

That said, probably half the games end with the comm at lvl 2 or 3 because there are other bills to pay.
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Why are you comparing the anti-raider capability of Cyclops/Grizzly (heavy skirmisher) against a beam commander? (heavy riot)
Why not juggle or dante?

Because the beam commander has 500 range and PTrankraaar claimed that burst wasn't important. The beam commander has slightly more DPS than Grizzly and less health, so if burst didn't matter, then the Grizzly should win the test. The range and weapon type puts the beam laser commander in the same general role of Grizzly, except that Grizzly is a lot worse against small units. A commander with 500 range should n no longer be a riot.

Juggle is too weird to compare as it needs healing and doesn't even damage structures at range. Dante is a 3500 cost strider. It gets to be good at the one thing it is good at, and its non-missile weapons only have about 400 range.

I must have added up the speeds wrong on the ticket.

And the tests have a bias anyway - since you are claiming the com has a 2200 cost, you should be doing a Grizz + lvl1com vs 14 Glaives encounter in comparison to the morphed com encounter.
There is so much wrong with this, why are you hurting my soul with bad statistics, a level 1 commander isn't worth 0 metal, commanders are horribly inefficient...

That experiment you did with commander,grizzly and cyclops by themselves against a squad of cheap units is a bit disingenuous. Players who didn't morph their commanders still have the base commander

Adding a level 1 commander would have been a reasoanble test, but I am still more interested in the comparison without it. A commander and a Grizzly is two units, and as such is allowed to be much more powerful than either of them by themselves. An upgraded commander is a single unit.

See the middle of https://zero-k.info/Forum/Post/255624#255624

+0 / -0
I didn't say "burst isn't important", I said it has pros and cons and acknowledged that in the grizzly's case it does devalue the weapon A BIT relative to a 100% efficient instahit constant dps weapon. I'd roughly rate it as 80% dps efficient in general: it's worse than that if they're alone and being swarmed by some of their worst case enemies (highest dps and lowest weight), but better on other situations. Cyclops' cannon also has low projectile speed and low AOE, in ZK's terms i'd roughly rate that as 40% dps-efficient in general, but still consider the unit itself as broadly effective given the slow beam and its other attributes.

Yes, this means i'm rating the current 250 dps bursty grizzly as worth the same as a 200 dps grizzly with a constant dps weapon. Hey maybe for ZK the fair value would be 170 not 200. It's natural for different RTS with different unit sets to weigh things differently, but there's a fair scale for ZK too in there somewhere.

GF's arguments show a tendency to ban the efficient DPS case completely rather than try to give it a fair cost. To force "clumsyness" beyond 400 range. I think that reasoning is a bad design decision:
- limits unit variety : options across the range of clumsyness would still be used if given fair costs
- "clumsyness" has scaling issues : as the map gets populated and numbers grow and they're given a bit of escorting from counter-counter units, they go from failing to hit/kill the units they were supposed to counter, to wrecking the units they're not supposed to counter (as happens with rogue, lance, grizzly, cerberus, bertha)
- various inconsistencies in costs and how clumsy/inefficient units are

In case of commander range mods, cost goes up linearly but weapon value increases non-linearly with relative range (generically something like *relativeRange^2). In other words, one increases the raw cost-effectiveness of the commander as a combat unit faster by stacking range mods than any other attribute although the unit can be more easily sniped or overrun (mixing hp, regen and speed also have sinergies, but the chassis gains some naturally as it levels up...at least the strike does).

Anyway, I've made my case for allowing efficient weapons across a wider range interval and that it'd be safer to reduce the amount of range mods they can stack instead of nerfing the cost-effectiveness the mods at lower levels and that most commander weapons need higher base stats for combat commanders to be a worthy investment. I'm curious what you'll do.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
I think Grizzly is dealing no more than 66% its listed damage, and it possibly goes as low as 50%.

GF's arguments show a tendency to ban the efficient DPS case completely rather than try to give it a fair cost. To force "clumsyness" beyond 400 range. I think that reasoning is a bad design decision:

Limiting unit variety is not an applicable argument. There are lots of combinations of stats that would increase the unit count but should otherwise not be in the game. Units should feel reasonably fair and not overshadow others.

Fair costs don't exist for sufficiently-non-clumsy units. Sure, you can cost anything to be fair in terms of win rates, but that isn't what we really care about. The more important sense of fair is the feeling of fairness, and that the outcome can't swing wildly.

A maneuverable 500 range beamlaser on 5k+ health with passable speed doesn't feel fair. The power of it is not paid for in clumsyness like it would be with similar units. Having people pay for this with metal wouldn't solve the fact that it isn't being paid for in clumsyness, it would just eventually make the commander cease to exist, which is the bad solution to a unit feeling unfair.

The "clumsyness" of Rogue and Lance doesn't go away at scale. My notion of clumsyness isn't just on the weapon end, it isn't simply a matter of how often a unit hits, or its reload time. Being glass cannons makes protecting them a constant concern, so maneuvering them remains difficult. They are weak to attrition and being sniped. A cluster of units with less than 2k health individually is a liability. I have been talking about Grizzly/Cyclops as being clumsy in terms of weaponry because these units have solid individual health and good enough speed. Cerb and Bertha are silo/Raven bait. They don't exist within the same paradigm.

In case of commander range mods, cost goes up linearly but weapon value increases non-linearly with relative range (generically something like *relativeRange^2)

Yes, I don't think we can do anything but have cost and range go up linearly though. Changing it would add a lot of complexity.
+0 / -0
- limits unit variety : options across the range of clumsyness would still be used if given fair costs

To (probably) quote Orson Welles, “The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.”

I think that Zero-K is a better game on account of having things which units cannot do, or cannot do easily and smoothly. Figuring out how to work around those gaps with clever unit compositions and unit control, in the face of an enemy trying to (a) disrupt you and (b) do the same thing, is a fundamental part of what makes the game fun.

- "clumsyness" has scaling issues : as the map gets populated and numbers grow and they're given a bit of escorting from counter-counter units, they go from failing to hit/kill the units they were supposed to counter, to wrecking the units they're not supposed to counter (as happens with rogue, lance, grizzly, cerberus, bertha)

I think it is an inherent part of the game that the effective strength of units changes under different circumstances, and again I think that in general the game is improved by this phenomenon. For example, it means that there is an interesting decision to be made in terms of when to transition to a unit composition which might be weaker now but will be better in the future situation you hope to create.

There might be some reason why strength changing in particular due to "clumsyness" is bad, but I do not particularly see one.
+0 / -0
I have put this in for now: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/ed81130f4facaaaf956fe1a5a78137cdb4439870

Here is broadly what changed and how it relates to ranged beam commander strike.

All level 2 weapons are free, and the choice is forced (no "No Weapon").
  • This means that each beam laser has a relative nerf of 25 metal compared to other weapons.

Level 4 cost is 650 -> 150 to match the linear base cost progression (50/100/150/200/250/...), and dual wielded weapons at level 4 are more expensive (25 -> 350). Note that the cost changes do not cancel out.
  • Dual wielding beams, with no other modules, is now 150 metal cheaper at level 4.
  • Dual wielding any other combination of basic weapons is now 200 metal cheaper at level 4.

All repeat modules are now limited to 5 rather than 8, and many were tweaked. Here is a list approximately sorted from most buffed to most nerfed.
  • Damage booster damage 10% -> 15%
  • High density plating costs a lot less speed
  • Nanolathe BP 4 -> 5, and cost was nerfed 150 -> 200
  • High powered servos speed 3 -> 3.5, and cost was nerfed 150 -> 200
  • Adv Targeting costs slightly more speed, and cost was nerfed 150 -> 200

Basically, comms are "generally" 200 metal cheaper at level 4, but this buff is eaten up and can turn into a nerf when they stack a lot of speed and range. In particular, a beam laser comm stacking range and speed costs 100m more at level 4. The new module limit caps beam laser range at 454, down from 528.

Nanolathe sort of has a nerf, and the BP cap is lower, but costs less slots. The change was mainly just a nice oppotunity to give it 5 BP.

Modules with speed penalties now apply a percentage penalty after the bonus of High Powered Servos. HDP and Damage Booster reduce speed by 2%, Personal Cloak by 12%, and Adv Targeting by 3%.
  • This is a massive buff for HDP as it used to cost 3 speed, and now will cost somewhere between 0.8 and 1.2.
  • This is a buff or nerf for Damage Booster, conditional on comms reaching 50 speed.
  • This is a buff of about 3 speed for Personal cloak for unboosted comms (it used to cost 8 speed), and a nerf of about 1 or 2 speed for comms that stack full speed.

This is a targeted nerf for comms that want to attain high speed and range. Adv Targeting now costs around 1.1 to 1.8 speed, but keep in mind that High Powered Servos gives 3.5 rather than 3 speed, so comms that pick up one or two speed modules may end up better off.
  • An old strike comm with 5x range and 5x speed had 53.5 speed.
  • A new strike comm with 5x range and 5x speed has 51.85 speed.
  • An old strike comm with 5x range had 38.5 speed.
  • A new strike comm with 5x range has 36.975 speed.
  • A strike comm with 2x range and 2x speed has 47.5 speed under both old and new systems (the increased penalty cancels with the +0.5 on the module).

Some chassis are now "specialised" to particular basic modules.
  • Strike receives +2 health regen from autorepair (but it lost 10 base regen at max level).
  • Guardian receives +25% health from health modules.
  • Recon receives 4 speed (rather than 3.5) from servos, and -1 jump reload time.
  • Recon and Engineer receive 4 and 6 build power from Nanolathe respectively.

Campaign commander receives the best of the chassis bonuses, except Nanolathe only gives it 5 BP. The campaign module limit has been left at eight. I also buffed Shotgun, Cluster Bomb and Concussion Shell, and reduced the maximum innate autorepair of Strike from 35 to 25.
+2 / -0
" * Jump reload reduced by 1s for Recon and Campaign"

edit, to be more constructive: (i really dig these changes)
+1 / -0

2 years ago
I just loosely followed the thread because I don`t care much for coms, read GoogleFrogs last post and thought:
"wow thats a lot of number-crunching for such a unit..."
+2 / -0

2 years ago
Well, commanders are mostly numbers. That's probably a big part of why I'm not so into them. Armies are made of many units, all with positions and firing lines and the ability to support each other, or to get in each others ways. Most units are individually simple, with complexity arising from the physics (ie position, movement, ranges; not simply Jugglenaut jank) involved. A commander is a single unit, and when it is the bulk of an army there isn't as much going on out in the "game world" part of the game. A lot of the complexity of commanders happens on the statistical level, with little or no impact on the game physics in which the statistics are applied.

By "game physics" I mean units moving around and firing projectiles. By the "statistical level" I mean the damage that is applied, and compared to health, when the projectiles hit. Units flanking each other, slow firing rockets, and spray angle are examples of "game physics". ZK has a lot of it. A "statistical level" mechanic is something like Halberd armour, or more general armour class systems that exist in a lot of other games.

A damage booster or health module doesn't directly change what a commander does in the physical sense, it just changes how fast the post-physics health numbers go down. Sure, it changes the tactics of fighting the commander, but it doesn't change which entities exist, or the actions available to any players (it just changes which actions are good). Spending metal on a commander isn't as visible (perhaps "visceral"?) as making more units - entities that add abilities and complication at the behaviour level. Things like range and speed modules technically change behaviour, but the change is pretty weak compared to units.
+1 / -0
Commanders aren't just numbers, the chassis are visually different and they can access different weapons and such. They also sort of work as an avatar for the player, a "hero" unit, which is attractive for many. Flavor matters. The weapons themselves also have physics/mechanics differences other than range and dps numbers.

I like the changes somewhat. Much better than a focused nerf to range mods only. Despite the lower range cap, there's an attempt to make the chassis stand out in different ways.


  • Reload 2s -> 1.8s
  • Range 264 -> 275

Imo it'll still suck. I vaguely remember it having 200 dps and 300 range and being barely usable back in the day, even when the high caliber barrel was a thing (which doubled the burst, increased reload and gave it +33% dps on paper). Shotgun not only overkills small targets, it also wastes dps on them due to the spread and low aoe.


Damage Booster
  • Damage +10% -> +15%
  • Speed reduction 1 -> 2% of total speed

2% of total speed may still be too much, how about 1% or no penalty. People will likely go for range nearly every time.
Is there any special reason why range has to have the same limit as the other modules? you could reduce the cap to 4 and increase the base ranges of the various weapons. Going from 330 range for the basic beamlaser to a 270 range weapon, even if the dps goes up 50%, seems like a step back as the commander is even kited by relatively cheap riots which outspeed it.


Concussion Shell
  • Damage 750 -> 850

Max dmg concussion shell may have a niche in pushing crabs out of spikes, other than that, the impulse is barely felt for most ground units that are tough enough to not be 1 shot by it. It'll still suck relative cluster bomb (sacrifices 25% range but has like 3-4x burst damage).

HDP buff may allow the recon chassis to "dodge" its weakness a bit too easily.

Other suggestions:
- buff heatray range and dps by 10%. I think it had 350 range at some point and a module which further increased its range by like 20-30% when the levels were capped to 6, was still barely used then.
- buff missile damage by 5% and rocket damage by 10%
- increase range of commander drones by 25%. They often die without even shooting once against most stuff that can shoot back, even raiders
+2 / -0

2 years ago
Perhaps damage booster could have less penalty, but it already has a pretty large buff. The penalty is somewhat counteracted by the high powered servos buff. I'd like to leave it for now and see what happens.

Recon could receive a nerfed version of high density plating if it is a problem. I would like to wait on the specialised long ranged modules now that they have less competition. Heatray seems like it will always be a bit of a specialised option. More drone range could easily make them a pain in the early game vs raiders. Perhaps there is an argument for making them scale with range and damage modules.

Is there any special reason why range has to have the same limit as the other modules? you could reduce the cap to 4 and increase the base ranges of the various weapons.

No, just a general reason: the design version of Occam's Razor. All repeat modules having the same limit is significantly simpler then the limit being on a per-module basis. It would take a very compelling case to make me drop this invariant.

Shotgun seems like it is meant to kill other commanders. Remember it has a disruptor version. I'll buff it to 280 range, then the only shorter ranged weapon is flamethrower. This seems like a decently tight range.
+1 / -0

2 years ago
Hey AUrankAdminGoogleFrog I like what you've decided to do.

I wonder if you have the historical perspective on a comm issue that strikes me as odd: the lack of underwater weapons. Why are there no torpedoes or gauss?
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Two reasons:
  • Shooting into water would shift commander damage from none to some in that domain, which is too extreme.
  • Shooting from underwater is very "expensive" in balance sense.

On the extremeness of commander abilities, a commander with torpedo would be specialised to being underwater. Morphing torpedo on land would be a massive noob trap, to an extent that shouldn't happen at level 2. It also puts too much strategic weight on morphing for my liking. What if you blind morph torpedo for a water lane, only to have the enemy pull out and leave you with assaulting the coast? Such a commander is then very obviously useless, which feels bad. A gauss weapon would be basically optimal on mixed maps, which wouldn't be very interesting.

There are solutions to the above issues. Perhaps torpedo could be a level 4 weapon on strike and assault only, so that every commander has a land-capable weapon. Perhaps fleshing out the commander weapons with gauss and sonic would make sea have enough variety. The more dire problem is where underwater weapons fit in ZK.

There are currently only three relevant units that shoot while submerged: Duck, Seawolf and Scallop (I count striders as irrelevant). The longest range among these is Scallop, at 270, but its weapon is a sidearm rather than its main purpose. Duck and Seawolf are fairly flimsy raiders with only 235 range underwater. Essentially, the to shoot while submerged a unit has to be the underwater equivalent of Scythe. Sea works this way for very good reasons, and fitting an armed underwater commander in under these constraints seems impossible.

Sea used to have more underwater weaponary. There was a heavy artillery/sniper sub and Scallop used to have skirmisher range on its torpedoes. Grizzly even had a torpedo shoot out its nose briefly. This issue that we discovered was that any sort of complete underwater army is extremely powerful. The sniper sub was the only form of long ranged attrition for Scallop, as they dodged all surface-only forms (Lance, Bertha, Envoy, Shogun etc...). So mono-Scallop was quite viable, and pretty boring. We could have either diversified underwater combat with a lot more units, which would make all the surface units obsolete (since they are vulnerable to so many more counters), or simply cut down the abilities of underwater-firing units until any reasonable fleshed out army had to contain surface units, and thus interacted with a lot more of the game.
+0 / -0
Scallop bomb sounds like the most reasonable, tbh. Shorter range, like 60-70% though. 4th level weapon sounds reasonable.
+0 / -0
Ignoring all upgrades except for cluster bombs and shotgun might be a little OP: https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1520737
+0 / -0
This update seems targeted towards lobpots and aggressive frontline tactics. Who complained about speed and range? This seems like a particular gripe. This stunts early pushes and makes no sense since its a high risk/ high reward playstyle with a commander. Particularly guardian and strike. Sounds like someone was salty and/or doesn't like the idea of offensive commanders which is what strike is. This is a deterrence for commander pushes unless you spend a disproportionate amount of metal to build such a commander that way. Anything besides health and damage is going to hinder you in time, metal, and speed, especially speed. Nerfing Strike and then trying to 'buff' it is crazy. You have to spend more metal/module and time to get to where strike was previously while other commanders get a direct buff. I understand this is a user friendly update :). I guess bulky kamikaze damage com or d-com is the way of zero-k now.
+1 / -1
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