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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.11.6.6
Engine version: 105.1.1-1774-g5e966db
Battle ID: 1664883
Started: 21 months ago
Duration: 42 minutes
Players: 32
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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21 months ago
Again, I resigned early here after I lost my com. How is that a bannable offense?
+0 / -0

21 months ago
You did something stupid and resigned when it didn't work out. Losing a comm early doesn't mean you have to resign, you still had a fac and could do things. Though maybe if you made a land fac instead of ships you might not have lost your comm as you could have protected it better.
+0 / -0
21 months ago
My fac was destroyed soon after my com died, so I would've had to resign anyway. My aggressive base placement was high risk-high reward but not ban-worthy. Plenty of players do com rushes and other risky moves without getting banned.
+0 / -0
You could of asked a teammate for a con, it is a team game, though you sure are acting like it isn't. As a gold when you do high-risk strats it's more or less a requirement to ask your team if it's okay instead of just doing it and hoping your team supports you. Higher ranks have a bit more lee-way, though it's still good to ask before attempting.
Perhaps you should read the code of conduct again, it seems you need a refresher.
+1 / -0
When you got kicked by the community through a kick vote and not just once, you should very well know that what you are doing have crossed many lines. I must have you know that the community is crazily tolerable to many trollish behaviors but in your case, you chose a playstyle which involve deliberately setting yourself up for failure while very much feeding metals to the opponents.

What deliberate failures are we talking about?
In Multiplayer B1664810 32 on TheRockFinal, you built a frontline geo, you already got an history of building frontline geo. There is also this one time you morph the geo when the enemy is at your face. I remember it because I reclaim the geo (because you went afk after building) before enemy blows it up which can destroy south fortifications.

Other than that, you build shipyard in a non-sea map, then dug a path forward. Sure, you might not be the first one who do that but the people who did don't do it almost every time like you. They have the self awareness of it doesn't work while inciting hate from the community. You on other hand insist to continue inciting hate from the community like a spoilt brat.

While I can and I am sure many can tell you like the game because you immediately returns after the ban is lifted. You also not incapable because I have seen replays of what you can do when you plays normally. However, despite your interest in the game and capability to do well, you insist on a team griefing playstyle.

If it is up to me, I would just pban you.
+5 / -1

21 months ago
USrankJee had just returned from a month ban for the same thing, which he got just after returning from a week ban. He now has a three month ban, so will get the opportunity to show he can not grief then. After that we might just give up, or give him one last chance in late 2024.
+4 / -1
21 months ago
I am appealing by ban because I didn't do anything wrong yesterday besides (supposedly) not communicating with my team before making risky moves (although higher ranked players can apparently get away with not communicating?) and resigning too early when I failed.
+0 / -0

21 months ago
high risk reward stuff id say,is stuff like trollcoms or cloaked puppies, bombing using charons etc. All those can backfire hillariously but also have a good chance of working out.

People have a higher tolerance for higher skill troll/cheese atempts, because theres a good chance they know what theyre doing, or can maybe work themselves out of the hole they dug.
However people notice faster if higher skill players fail their cheese, since they carry more responsibility for their team, repeats will definetly make people upset.
Often the cheese isnt the entire strategy, but just an additional tool to the standard play toolbox

Ploping ships on land is pretty final, the only usecase i can see is maybe lobbed envoy. Every inch of terraform for ships actively hinders your (non amph/hover) allies and is less units built overall.

From what ive seen people have tried to get you to not use (unintentionally) griefing strategies for a while with no success.
+5 / -0
21 months ago
One player failing a high-risk strategy in a 32-player battle doesn't hurt the team that much for people to be this annoyed. Besides, my history of failing often is already taken into account by my MMR.
+0 / -1

21 months ago
"Dear judge, I admit that I was exceeding the speed limit by 200%, but I don`t think thats dangerous and my opinion on that is clearly more relevant than yours."

"I already recieved a ban for the same behaviour and got kicked multiple times, so no, noone signaled me that my behaviour is going to have consequences again."

"I am totally aware that my comments imply that I am not going to change anything on my part the next time."

+3 / -1
What i think rightfully annoys people is that you choose to play a risky or even ineffective strategy, then when it fails, you dont even attempt to make up the deficit (through your share of apm) and instead resign, leaving your team to clean up the mess you made.

Especially if all that occurs within 5 min and on repeat, people take notice that you cant be relied on to stay, and might just resign out of seemingly nowhere.

If you dont support your team, you cannot expect them to be willing to support you, or in the long term, want to play with you.

Everyone wants to have fun playing zk, but it shouldnt come at the cost of hindering your team
+3 / -0
21 months ago
People here are overreacting and being too sensitive. This is just a game, but some are treating it like we're fighting a real-life war. Plus, I've only played in casual battles, not competitive battles.
+0 / -2
Have you tried not being too sensitive to being banned? It's just a game, go do something else
+2 / -1
This is just a game, but some are treating it like we're fighting a real-life war.

No, they are treating it like a game where they want to have fun, and your persistent callous disregard for their fun is intolerable.

Learn to conduct yourself with respect for other players' fun or don't bother coming back when your ban expires, we will just ban you again.
+5 / -1