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New Factory Suggestion: Heavy Walkers

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We need something between large bots like the crab and the strider hub. We need to revitalize this game propose we do that by adding a new factory. This factory is built around slow heigh health bots with multiple weapons hard points.
As a naming convention, I suggest we name it after trees as the legs of these walkers would be like giant tree trunks.

Unit Suggestions

Pine Expendable Scout. mats:200 health:16 move: very fast

Armed with 2 lotus lasers this bot trades armor for speed and range. Often neglected by commanders as they have almost no survivability. Despite their size, this unit can burrow to stay alive and makes an ideal spotter for artillery.

Oak Geographically Flexible Bunker Mats:400 Health:3100 move: slightly faster than stationary has to set up to fire

Armed with a machine gun and a single medium-range cannon this unit is great for holding ground. It tends to catch artillery fire but is able to slowly heal while stationery. Good for early game base defense.

Willow Assualt Bot Mats:2100 Health:1800 Shields:1500 Move: slow

Armed with 2 auto-cannons, 2 lotus lasers, 1 pulsed laser anti-air, and 2 repair drone bays. This machine is designed to break the enemy lines and to skirmish with enemy forces. vulnerable to emp.

Maple Aircraft Carrier bot Mats:4000 Health:21000 Move: Slightly faster than stationary with a setup

This bot has no cannons but has a build repair beam that allows it to build Willow's. It has 12 helper drone bays and 32 combat drone bays and 4 repair drone bays. It is able to repair and rearm aircraft in the field. It has 1 bay that builds trinitys very slowly. It is amphibious.

I'm willing to do the models and any suggestions to tweak for balance would be appreciated.
+5 / -0
3 years ago
Lot to pick apart here.... Nice initial idea but these are the most extremally OP units ever.

I don't really know what to say- I will make a new thread of my own to bAlAnCe these a little...
+0 / -0
A find pine to be a cute name, neat idea but two lotus(es?) are a little too. . . how shall I say... OP.
Spamming these 16?!?! health -things- would kill anything. Also burrowing is a little odd for something so heavy.

CHANGES- Lotus(es?) are for lotuses, more interesting would be to give a lighter gauss, make it about 300 metal 400 health and the most interesting thing would be a it would have the speed of a GNAT,
Should look like a tiny AT-ST lol.

I don't really have any issues with the "Oak Geographically Flexible Bunker" (The name though, make it just oak?)
I just think it should only have a machine gun, sort of like a movable stardust- neat idea though.

Willow... where do I start... Geez 2 auto-cannons, 2 lotus lasers, 1 pulsed laser anti-air, and 2 repair drone bays. Omg, too much. Don't use it- also the materials to make it are more then it's health- why. (Phantoms I know)

"Maple Aircraft Carrier bot" Coooooool, we need a drone thing- health and mats need massive tweaking but I love the concept
What the hell would it look like though, a carrier . . . but a walker? Strange but I like it.

Cheers for some of the weirdest stuff I ever heard of other the "Train factory" (Don't get me started) Model away; I back you up on these.
+0 / -0
Time to resurrect this after I randomly found it and suggest some balance changes to the concept...
Theme: Large expensive "demi" striders focused on being the bot version of tanks (slower, turn better, less hp more dps and gimmicks ;) ). They focus more on kinetic and aoe weapons with burst fire.


Con: sapling (roughly around welder)
Bp: 10
Speed: 48-54
gimmick: armored form 80% damage reduction

Scout: None

Raider: Pine (bolas + raider riot hybrid that is slower but riots better)
cost: 270-320
Hp: 1100-1250
Weapon: 3/5 round burst light plasma cannon/heavy emg
damage: 25-35 per shot x3/5
reload: 0.4-0.6 per shot, 3-5s between burst
range: 230
projectile speed: 350-450 accurate but not guarantied to hit fast air units/dodging raiders
gimmick: armored form 20% damage reduction

Riot: Fir (AOE riot similar to outlaw used for area control)
cost: 440-480
Weapon: heavy emg burst
Damage: 15-25x6-8
Reload:0.2s per shot, 2-2.5s between burst
aoe: 20-30
range: 280-300 elo
projectile speed: 500+
gimmick(s): ;)
D-gun: pinecone field deployment <- shorter range burst version of badger claws
deploys 8-12 pinecones around the fir in a range of 200.
pinecone is just like a claw, except stay 2x longer and deal half damage
armored form: 60% damage reduction

hmmm I ran out of brain power so I will prob fill the rest out in another post...

Skirm: TBA
Assault: TBA
Arty: TBA
Special 1: TBA
Special 2: TBA
+1 / -0
I find ground units with multiple different weapon systems tend to not work very well.

The cyclops' slow beam tends to outrange its main cannon and it often gets stuck against a target it could destroy in one hit, but stubbonly stays at maximum slow beam range. This also happens a lot if the target is at slightly higher elevation than the cyclops.

Paladins tend to treat themselves as tall lances and will only use their lightning guns if a fast moving unit moves in or if they are manually instructed to walk close to a target.

Dets seem to be the only unit I can think of that actually prefer their mid range weapons (the rail cannons) over their tychon beam, which leads to the unit regularly using its full firepower even when not manually managed.

Most other units either have the same weapon system multiple times (like archer) or have an anti air weapon system, which tend to work well given that planes move into their range quite quickly.

That, or the second weapon has manual activation.
+2 / -0
17 months ago
In before this becomes a train thread 🚂.
+1 / -0
17 months ago
Yeah, we need some really heavy units between striders and shieldbots.
However rather Im thinking of heavy bots.

I would propose a heavy bot called "Executioner", or something remotely similar to this.
- As for health, i would propose 8000.
- As for speed, i would propose something generally slow, like a grizzly type-speed.
- As for weaponry, i would suggest 2 grizzly-type cannons, mounted at the sides of the arms (remotely similar to a Detriment), with more range (Im thinking of something between lance and grizzly), which deal small knockback to the enemy once shot at.
- As for design, Im thinking of something like a Guardian-Commander looking unit, with more heavier armor in a design standpoint.
- As for size, something like a small paladin.

It would be vulnerable to ultimatums due to the slow speed of the unit.

Of course this proposition of adding such a unit i mentioned would come with many problems, such as counters for one.
+0 / -0

17 months ago
I suggest some of you pick up he skills needed to do the models.
+0 / -0
I could make the model myself, why?
+0 / -0

17 months ago
because you need to implement them into the game if you want new units. The current dev-team is a)tiny b)unpaid c)already busy with a lot of other stuff.
Helping hands are always welcome.
+0 / -0
17 months ago
There's a problem though, i cannot do the animation for example walking. That's something im terrible at.
+0 / -0

17 months ago
Don't let the model or animation derail ambition, you can use existing models to test new gameplay via a mod.
+0 / -0
17 months ago
I could take a crack at the animations if I've got time and you've got the models ^w^
+0 / -0
17 months ago
Alright. I can try to make the models, and make them look good, what about textures?
- If i actually will do it.
+0 / -0