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Krow is now useless

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12 years ago
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The role of Krow should be to snipe single long range or hardened static AA targets, fast AA units or important single targets like fusions in order to allow the rest of your gunships to harass this area.
[color=grey]EDIT: DDM+Anni are AA (at least vs gunships) and to take out the fusion is an important task.
A special ability of Krow could be a high damage projectile which does enough overkill to prevent wreckages (Independence beam laser +deploy?) which would make Krow unique.[/color]

It should be afraid of 2400(Screamer) to 3500m in AA including fighters, towers, AA units and semi-AA.
Then it might be time to switch your factories.

EDIT2: If you get a mega unit which has only a few counters, you are not going to get more possibilities, but limiting your other strategies if this fails due to less efficient strengths.
* If you have a specialised Air unit, the enemy make specialised def. If you have an alrounder-air-unit, the enemy prepair anti-every-air-unit things and you limit yourself to ground units
* The only problem is that AA units haven't roles either (Maybe except Hacksaw, but it is anti-Vamp /anti-Rapier too)
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12 years ago
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12 years ago
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completely untrue? It can still force twice its cost in AA and instakill most heavies, and still has ~600 DPS of laser and greater speed than most land units.
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12 years ago
LOL jasper LOL. Its okay now we see dante's, that 4km rocket artillery thing and still krows. Before it was badly OP and we saw only krows.
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12 years ago
Kitty, Krow's main objective is to destroy single high value targets, eg. Fusionfarms, Singularities, etc. deep inside the enemy base where Bombers would fail. At least that's my point of view. :)
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12 years ago
wolas is right. Krow used to be only Strider unit made because it was so much better than the others. Now it is still good at bombing targets with light AA. As is true with all other air units: it is good at forcing a ton of resources to be spent on AA. If you can force enemy to make cost with AA (5k metal spent on AA) then it's done a good job, even if it doesn't kill any enemy units. If it kills some units, even better.

Jasper, I saw your game last night when your Krow failed. You didn't retreat it early enough, which seems to be the most common reason Krow dies. Let me ask you this: if you used to win the majority of your games using nothing but Krows, doesn't that seem OP? You did it so often that every time I played against you I made Screamer because I could predict with about 80% accuracy that you'd have a Krow coming.
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12 years ago
Antelope has point look at his elo nerf krow = nerf Jasper.
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antelope, wolas: HUGH!
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12 years ago
Nah my elo has gone down the same as SaktothIVL's its cyclical.

Plus now I know never to build krow its bombs are so weak. Its better to never bomb. When you bomb you lose speed.

2 brawlers + a golly + AA is so much better then krow.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Slower cant cross hills, water still much better?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Krow can 1-shot Dante, Sumo, Warlord, Goli, etc.

Seriously, it's like a flying Ultimatum. It gets to move quickly over any terrain and 1-shot everything. The bigger the unit is, the more damage it does.
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12 years ago
It's nice how they turned the dgun from a nasty "You have to keep hitting D all the time! Moar apm!" to a real tactical decision. :]
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Antelope I dont think you can one shot any of those anymore. Warlord for sure you cannot. You can move out of the way. Maybe sumo can be dgunned.
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Sure, they are all 1-shot-capable if you can get the Krow there. So many ways to do this:

Trap them against terrain
Catch them moving forward (Warlord cannot do a 180 quickly, you can totally catch it that way)
Single EMP Bombers
Dirtbag Spam
Gnats (after all, you already have gunship lab)
Moderator to slow all mobile units by 50%
Sneaky Pete to follow Krow and cloak.

Basically what you're saying is that by itself Krow cannot do what it used to. Good! It could already do everything!

It was anti-swarm, anti-heavy, anti-air, and anti-porc, and faster than all land units, all on its own with basically zero support. ZK is a game of mixed unit tactics. Krow was a unit of single-unit tactics.

Now it requires support units to help it slow/stun/block the enemy. It now has to use mixed unit tactics again. Perfect. If you use mixed units (unlike "Classic Jasper" play that relies on only Krow spam) the Krow is still extremely powerful. You just need to use more teamplay with mixed units and less "Sit in back and rush Krow, then save the day with only Krow".
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I strongly disagree that it is useless.
+0 / -0
Well I will never build it again. If I stun something I dont need krow to kill it.
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12 years ago
you know besides it's ability to tank AA and one shot a comm along with any nearby unit... ya its useless
+0 / -0
12 years ago
we have exactly one Air unit with 2000m cost and 1 air units with about 900m cost.
And all three of it do the same as Krow does!

We need more heavy units which are different from Krow.
* A stiletto/gnat/flyingModerator for 2km
* A fighter for 2km
* A flying outlaw for 2km
* Air arty for 2km
And we could use mixed unit tactics.

The speed was nerfed because it should be used with ground support - which is slower.
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