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1v1 Tournament Signup

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The format is double elimination, best of 3. Players are seeded by Elo. Players will have a week to play their games each round. You can still apply for the reserves, who will replace any players who do not compete their first round or their first losers bracket round.

Any of the featured maps can be played. Players get a random !map and then one veto each (a chance to hit !map again). They can also just agree on a map they both like and skip this process.

Round 3 matches:

RUrankYurGa vs @AnteLope

Round 2 matches:

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog vs SErankEmblis

GBrankDanteLorel vs USrankAnthem

AUrankAdminSaktoth vs CZrankAdminLicho

DErankAdminmojjj vs DErankSinKitty

Round 3 results:

@[cD]Godde 2-1 USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng
Multiplayer B97848 2 on Hide_and_Seek_v03
Multiplayer B97853 2 on Mini_DeltaSiegeDry_v04
Multiplayer B97862 2 on Avalanche

Round 2 results:

RUrankYurGa 2-0 USrankdetrino
Multiplayer B98367 2 on Battle for PlanetXVII-v01
Multiplayer B98372 2 on Hide_and_Seek_v03

@[GBC]sprang 2-0 DErank[2up]knorke
Multiplayer B93653 2 on Bandit_Plains_v1
Multiplayer B93657 2 on Trojan_Hills_v02

@[RD]Godde 2-0 USrankAntelope
Multiplayer B93857 2 on Coastal
Multiplayer B93859 2 on DesertCliffsV1

USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng 2-0 EErankAdminAnarchid
Multiplayer B94070 2 on Geyser_Plains_TNM04-V3
Multiplayer B94077 2 on Trojan_Hills_v02

Round 1 results:

USrankAntelope 2-0 @[GBC]sprang
Multiplayer B92689 2 on Adamantine_Mountian-V1
(Second battle did not show).

AUrankAdminGoogleFrog 2-0 GBrankDanteLorel
Multiplayer B92889 2 on Hide_and_Seek_v03
Multiplayer B92892 2 on Icy Run v2

SErankEmblis 2-0 USrankAnthem
Multiplayer B92934 2 on wanderlust_V01
Multiplayer B92935 2 on Barren

EErankAdminAnarchid 2-0 DErankSinKitty
Multiplayer B93395 2 on Forgotten_Crossing_v1
Multiplayer B93394 2 on Archers_Valley_v5

AUrankAdminSaktoth 2-0 USrankdetrino
Multiplayer B93466 2 on Cooper_Hill_TNM02-V1
Multiplayer B93468 2 on Red Comet

CZrankAdminLicho 2:1 RUrankYurGa
Multiplayer B93506 2 on Badlands
Multiplayer B93513 2 on Geyser_Plains_TNM04-V3
Multiplayer B93516 2 on Comet Catcher Redux

@[RD]Godde 2-0 DErank[2up]knorke
Multiplayer B93640 2 on Icy Run v2
Multiplayer B93643 2 on Hide_and_Seek_v03

USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng progresses, DErankAdminmojjj forfeits

Reserves: DErankKlon
+0 / -0

12 years ago
do want!

also, we definitely need godde on this
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I'm in.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
In. You know there are things on the internet to manage tournaments?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
im in.
+0 / -0
12 years ago

also, when?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
As soon as we get 16 players, or in a week if we don't.

Each bracket will have a week to play their games. Hopefully it'll be faster than that. Sound good?
+0 / -0
Will this be promoted in #ZK?

can you make something that dispplays a message in #ZK about the tourney and a link to this thread every 30 minutes? It will be nice to have some newer players in there as well.

I am not sure if i will be playing, i will let you know this week!
+0 / -0
I'm in as a spectator!
Tandstickor, it should be pinned and in the #zk topic until it's over. I'll do both right now.
We could even use a tourney page on zero-k.info. Similar to battle- and map specific pages. With unique awards and all this fun stuff.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I will play and die.
+0 / -0
(03:55:39 PM) Skasi: trololo all the way thru!

Oh, btw, how will maps be picked?
+0 / -0
12 years ago
That's the spirit!
Mess with the best and die like the rest!
+0 / -0
we need to know the format first BO3? BO5? fixed mappool or winnerspick?

good 1v1 maps (the ones with a * are my own favorites) :

*Red Comet, 12x8 (cant have spring without it, open lots of mexes to be made)
Comet catcher 12x16 (Red Comet but even better/worse, might be a comet overkill to have both)
*DunePatrol 12x8 (with a texture fix maybe?, plays a bit like RedComet but with some small ridges to play with)
WanderLust 10x8 (nice small botmap, allows for lots backstabbing attacks)
*TitanDual 10x10 (open veh map)
Intersection 10x10 (new saktoth map, nice combination of bots, veh and jumper)
Hide&Seek 14x14 (nightmarish low metal raidfest, has nice options for jumpers and spiders)
*Bandit Planes 16x16 (also good combination for bith vehicles, bots and air)
Alien Desert 12x8 (open vehicle map)
Avalanche 8x8 (small rush map, very close start positions)
Trojan Hills 12x12 (same as bandit planes but bigger)
*IntoBattle 12x12 (lots of flat areas and mexes are placed far from each other)
Vittra 10x10 (good bot map, lots of room for raids, radar placement is tricky)
Desert Cliffs 8x8 (small, high hills and valleys)

Altair Crossing (Small rush/reclaim map. Might be broken with puppies, as most maps with too much reclaimable features.)

GeyserPlanes ( very a-symmetrical map. Mex output is tricky. Lots of geysers that cant be taken )
Archers Valley (standard ZK map allows for all labs, plenty of metal)

I think it is best to stay away from maps with a lot of reclaim and watermaps. Reclaim maps because of puppies. Water maps because water seems to be too much a WIP area of ZK)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I vote for BO3. That's guaranteed to not take too long. (if ppl want, finals or something more epic like that can be BO5)

Also, I'd like predetermined maps. More variety in maps this way, probably.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Maybe we need an official 1v1 tourney map pool? Someone make a wiki. ;)
+0 / -0
that maplist contains most of the suitable 1v1 maps. I went through most of the maps that were tagged as 1v1 i think.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Titan Duel
if you want a flat open map, this is imo better than ccr, redcomet or aliendesert.
(which are all pretty ugly too)




The Oasis
+0 / -0

12 years ago
The Oasis has always flabberghasted me, it looks quite clunky in almost every way, I don't get why it's in official maps. (never played on it tho, so maybe I'm just prejudicious?) :)

Also, Ravaged is a great 1v1 map.

Perhaps Saktoth, as the tourney stager and a dev, would create the tourney mappool wiki? I can hastily patch one together too, unless anyone else makes it first.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I listed TitanDuel, it is one of my favorite maps.
The maps you mention are all pretty small and a absolute no-go for vehicles.

TheOasis is too gimicky with its trees, rocks and chokepoints, especially with the current engine. Maybe Desert Cliffs is worth looking into. Ill add that one to my list.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
It shouldn't mostly be 8x8 because they are a bit small.
+0 / -0
Page of 9 (172 records)