I don't understand why TerraFrom Marks can't be handled like structures ...
But I would really apprecate a more simple way to place a 2x2, 3x3 or a 4x4 block - because the isometric it's really hard to get the right size in one of both direction.
It's also hard to decide, witch height we need to protect a Stardust from different units like a Glaive only - or even Bandits...
Then ppls would change the altitude of LLTs and Defenders more often, so that they can't be destroyed by early raids.
A 2x2 or 3x3 Glaive/Bandit protector TerraMark would be nice to solve this problem ;)
I think the most ppls dislike walls due to laggs and because nobody knows how large it have to be to disallow specific units to pass.
Even with our tutorial too much ppls doesn't even know about the different pathing of vehicles or that hovers are vehicles.
Also TerraForm DON'T block Spiders - walls do block them.
I think that's the main reason to re-add "Spider blockers".