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Torpedo/antisub hover?

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13 years ago
Has a hover unit with torpedo or other antisub weapon been explored in ca/zk? Because it would add an interesting countermeasure to subs in hover fac, and a way to regain a sub-infested sea. Ships would still be the superior sea factory, but this would open up new strategies.
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13 years ago
Torpedoes would need to hit hovers, which i've personally campaigned for, otherwise hovers would simply have the best anti-sub in the game (They already softcounter them).
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13 years ago
If the torps didn't hit hovers, sure, they would be epic as antisubs. But coultn't the unit compensate with other things, like low speed, range, HP, high cost, etc?

The sub vs hover dynamic feels strange currently, since there's no interaction except subs pwning all hover player's structures, and only hover player's urchins being able to hit subs.
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13 years ago
Subs cant hit hovers thus you can do the same to them and a smart hover player doesnt place his fac on the water but on land

Through the sea combat in zero k needs alot of changes. Serpents can be really op and they are really hard to kill since you dont see them most of the time. Some aa boats and you are screwed so hard.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Precision bombers 1-shot Serpents, Antero.
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13 years ago
Yeah Skasi, but I'm talking about hover here now, and why that fac imo deserves an antisub! :)
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13 years ago
I think adding another counter to serpent would be one more good reason to add antisub hovers.
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13 years ago
Hovers float over water / land on a cushion of air and thus cannot be hit by torpedoes. If hover factory would gain an antisub measure, such as the crusader depth charge (it makes no sense to let a unit that can fire torpedoes not be able to be hit by torpedoes), then hover factory will be become de-facto OP for sea.

You can gain sea back, even in the presence of serpents, by using a combination of hovers and land based urchins, not to mention the vulture (can see under water)/ shadow combo (can 1 hit subs).

Serpents have no place to shoot at when they have no sonar / radar unless a unit is in their of their allies LOS. But in that case, the serpent is not OP, it is a sitting duck.
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13 years ago
Addendum: if hovers gain a counter to subs, then subs should gain a counter to hover!
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13 years ago
Gretchen, sea is superior to hovers in so many ways, that it doesn't need to use subs to win against them. Typhoon and Crusader, and later in the game Enforcer and Warlord make sure hovers are constant underdogs.

But in the ship+hover vs ship+hover game, antisub hover would play an interesting role.
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13 years ago
If there was an antisub hover, sea would sure be easier to get back than now, but it'd still be quite hard. This would be good imo.
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13 years ago
Takes 2 prec bombers to kill 1 serpent if they both hit (and they miss quite often..). 1 prec will only damage it. You also need sonar to spot it and if he has aa boats your sonar plane will die very fast. For a sniper/artilery unit the serpent has a crazy amount of hp, accuracy and dps and i seen quite some ppl just spamming that unit.

Hovers are supposed to be alot weaker than boats because hovers can go on land too and boats cant.
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13 years ago
Serpent is the arty sub. Snake is the regular sub. This is the cause of all the confusion. They 1-shot snakes, not serpents.
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13 years ago
Really, the whole "torps don't hit hovers" thing has always been annoying to me. I totally agree with Saktoth on that one. Hovers should be functionally the same as boats in the water and vehicles on land.

But even if torps don't hit hovers, I'd still like to see a hover with very limited anti-underwater capabilities. Something you can use for demolitions just to take out undefended underwater units... I mean, you can do it either way using constructors, but constructors are a tedious proposition.
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13 years ago
Ah.. yesh.. Serpents are the arti subs. You gotta say that, I rarely go subs! Well yeah I don't like any of the current sub units tbh. They're all boring.

Anyway, in future there will probably be amphib units other than hovers. These will surely be target able by hovers. It'll be nice when there's two different amphibs - one that can be shot by torpedoes and one that can't! Don't you think?

Likewise it will be nice when both use different ways to fight subs or when one of them can't fight them at all. I'd like to see minelaying hovers. You know, underwater mines, or similar! Or a hover that can somehow go underwater and fight subs. You know, something special, not just a torpedo hover.
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13 years ago
Problem with serpents that its artilery with pretty much 100% accuracy against moving and very good dps and on top of that its cloaked.... Midgame-endgame alot of ppl just spam these and escort them with some aa boats.
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13 years ago
Serpents should move deeper if the seabed allow this ( Disallow hovers to hover over them and see them ).

Your anti-sub hover could be a slow low-fire-rate unit with a low-range launcher or could fire targetable deepcharges.

Targetable deepcharges means, that you need more of them to effectively damage snakes - they can have low DPS because of a low fire rate too.

Because Snakes and Serpents move at a deeper altitude, they have time to fire the slow moving mines ( compare it with a bandit which is running away from a glaive )

because hovers aren't targetable for subs, we can also add a water-mine sub, which spams mines like volverine, but on the surface.
-> Sure they can also have a really low dps and can be used to counter penetrators or other low-HP targets, but should be very very inefficient.

At least they have to come close to your anti sub hovers and run into torp launcher things, but they can be used against all things on water.

Another option would be to make cloakable sub-pupies, which cost 200 metal each, and can't 'goo'.

It would also be nice to have dropable buildings - see the teleporter thread.

You have one sender and one receiver -> get the cheaper receiver to the target and let it "build/receive" the unit while the other part is "reclaiming/sending" this unit.

( to avoid abuse, it has to be fast, destroy both parts if unfinished, finish the building and the reclaiming at some percent before it would be finished anyway without need of the other part and block the teleported things for normal constructor interaction - damage while transport can be lethal )
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13 years ago
I think the Wolverine should become amphibious and also build able in the hovercraft and ship factory. (Amphibious: Able to operate both on land and in water, i.e. floats in the water not on a cushion of air above the water.) while we are at it lets give the wolverine a sniper rifle and allow it to cloak! :o)
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13 years ago
Fleas should have a newton strength gravity gun and 100k HP, but have normal cost, size, and speed!
+0 / -0
13 years ago
> Fleas should have a newton strength gravity gun and 100k HP, but have normal cost, size, and speed!

One eye could be the newton and the other it's laser!
Also breath fire from it's mouth? O is this now too much?
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