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Delete my account

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3 years ago

I've sent a couple of requests via "contact administrators" - everything is being ignored(what a surprise)

I am not interested in coming back.
Please, delete my account.

By the way, I know that @Godde also wants his account deleted. He cannot create a post, as in the ban.

+3 / -0
Why are you leaving, RUrankizirayd?

This is so sad, all the good players going.
+1 / -0

3 years ago
april is some days ahead
+1 / -0
3 years ago
Look, at least tell us where are you all going, so we can follow! Maybe it will be a better place than "this".
+1 / -0

3 years ago
I think he intents smurfing.
Maybe Firepluk is smurfing too. That would not be a problem because the ban threshold is much lower towards new players and everyone can enjoy. :-)
+0 / -0

3 years ago
but why...?
why dont you want to come back?
what happend?
+2 / -0

3 years ago
I don't understand this grandstanding position of requesting "delete my account", it comes across as some drama fueled way of trying to turn yourself into a Martyr, you can easily never log on again if that is your wish.
+17 / -1
Merry Christmass ya all!
RUrankizirayd did not explain his reasons why he wants to quit, so I cannot comment on it.

However I missed the whole drama with @Godde it seems. Only now I noticed that he wrote some post that mods immediately isolated in a subthread Off topic / Assylum - so that nobody would find it. And they forum blocked him, so I understand his rage. Here is that thread: https://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/34654 . That post was written in a very angry tone (kinda understand why mods burried it then - tho I get why Godde has troubles taking Aquanim seriously), which I find untypical of @Godde, because he seems like a very peaceful guy (his forum karma is +1358 / -21, which is much better than anyone else's karma).
This post was preceded by an extensive conversation on Discord between @Godde and AUrankAdminAquanim and other mods (and players) about that FFA drama that most of us have seen. Both @Godde and mods had arguments that make sense. In short, mods think that your ultimate strategy in FFA should be to try to win - otherwise it may not be fun for other players (ie. DErankHoppili is not happy if he is targeted - regardless of anything else - by @hedkeaf). @Godde thinks that trying to codify even this "rule" is futile because FFA can be very chaotic. I mean, one can have a grudge from previous FFA on some players and thus he might want a revenge and just go after them. Moreover, everyone has players that he likes more and other players that he likes less and he is gonna attack those he likes less more likely. Also, regarding that DErankHoppili vs @hedkeaf drama - yeah, after he eliminated DErankHoppili, @hedkeaf wrote in chat smthing like "my work is done", but I spectated multiple other FFAs with @hedkeaf and he is usually extremely aggresive and just goes after one player until he is eliminated, he does little eco/porc, so I do not think him going purely after DErankHoppili was out of his character, except for that provocative message. That is just how he plays FFA. Plus, you have new players and players like DErankHeldenstein, who just makes geometrical structures out of porc in FFA - is Heldenstein trying to win too? Or are we gonna ignore his case because he is not specifically targeting a single player - so should we change the rule from "try to win" to "do not target a single player if it obviously lowers your chances of victory"? Where do we draw the line? FFA has "free" in its name and @Godde makes a sensible point too. It is definitely not a simple discussion.
+14 / -2

3 years ago
DErankHeldenstein, who just makes geometrical structures out of porc in FFA

Upvoted because this made me laugh out loud. :D
+2 / -0
CZrankSilent_AI's summary is missing important context but it is exhausting for me to discuss the context individually with everybody who hasn't necessarily been paying attention to all the related coversations in the last half a year (and why would you?) then wanders in to this thread, or some other thread, or a Discord channel with an opinion they feel the need to publicise. No matter how many times I explain things in an effort towards transparent moderation, there are only ever more people and more opinions. I have to draw the line somewhere.

I guess I will limit my response to:

tho I get why Godde has troubles taking Aquanim seriously

Was this really necessary?


If you want to discuss what FFA policy should be in general then go here:

edit: USrankSkrid would you like to explain that downvote to me?
+4 / -7

but why...?
why dont you want to come back?
what happend?

My discussion about the rules of zk and the conduct of moderation has been going on for a very long time, I still cannot forgive the zk administration - a stupid 100-year-old warning to Firepluk and the fact that they literally kicked him out of the project, why should I put up with it?

This is a direct continuation of this discussion https://zero-k.info/Forum/Post/237188#237188 and now we get the same thing again. This time Aquanium accidentally invents the time and excuse to block Lu5ck and the reason for the 2 week ban is because SGrankLu5ck ignores Aquanium.

Further, @Godde stood up for SGrankLu5ck and, in general, began to express his dissatisfaction with the fact that the zK administration prohibits speaking about the gameplay and conducting discussion. I support him in this. Godde was silenced pretty quickly, wtf? You can read the discord.

In any case, @Godde and I made the decision to leave the ZK, that's enough for us, we devoted enough time to this project and we had fun.
+5 / -0
We like to have some time, a week or more, between the initial request for deletion and a second confirmation request, people have in the past cooled down and regretted their decision shortly after deletion and we would like to avoid repetition of such a scenario.
You have previously asked for deletion but soon after come back to play for a long time, so this is a safety net for yourself.

Firepluks recent ask for deletion functioned as his second confirmation request.
+2 / -0

3 years ago
But wouldn't it be worth listening to how much players demand?
Why bring them to leave the game?
I am always of the opinion that a game like ZK has to lose without Firepluk RUrankizirayd and @Godde.
Many software houses listen to the players, making the required improvements, why do the moderators Zk not?
+4 / -1
Please don't leave!
There is so much fun to be had!

About the not allowing people to express their opinion, I can see what you mean, although there are some times when a forum thread just devolves into pointless rabble and it is better to close it than leave it open.

Most of the time I do agree with most of the moderators, but I have seen a few times where it didn't make any sense to quiet the people talking, so I see what you mean here. But, how do they know when to stop someone and when to not? I think that it is hard to tell when you should stop someone (obviously if their hacking, or just insulting everyone, stop them), but other than that it is very hard to tell. Maybe they should come up with a system? like with developing the game there is all those sayings, there should be one for moderation, and then maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Also CZrankSilent_AI, I agree with your post a lot, FFA is one of those modes where you can NEVER TELL, like, I thought this one person was going to win, turned out not even close, I won an FFA once and I don't even know how. You can win with the weirdest strategies ever, or with the absolute worst strategies ever but the other person wasn't prepared, etc. In FFA, nothing goes according to plan, and as you said, I don't think there is an easy way to moderate it, in fact it is very hard.

Actually look at this post, by GBrankPRO_rANDY, which very accurately explains the way FFA is and should be:

+1 / -0

3 years ago
somehow i see this tantrum as a way to express displeasure for how mods did some things and said some shit,everyone talks shit,everyone has opinions and everyone makes mistakes.

On the topic of Firepluk,he has been toxic for years and years with a long long history of smurfing and troling and probably has more reports than any other player ever,i think he was given enough time to learn to conduct himself with respect for other players.

The 100 year warning was the final straw and it was what made firepluk realise he cant troll zk anymore so if he cant do that he might as well leave since trolling is what is fun for him.

I do not belive the moderators are unreasonable,i actually think they are too lenient,given the length of time Firepluk was rampant in his disrespect and trolling.

How often do ppl get banned? how often have you seen someone perma banned? not often.

In regards to the rules,they are guidelines of conduct and how you should behave.Moderators as far as i have seen do not take action without someone else reporting an issue they have had.

I feel like the communication must be handeled with respect and a general desire to have civilised and constructive discussions, not calling names and pointing to a persons flaws or mishaps.we are all human and getting accused of beeing this or that will not make a person suddenly change theyre opinion,that will only make it personal attack and these never go well for anyone involved.

Now i dont know the whole situation or what transpired,but this choice to leave seems to me like a tantrum,thrown as a punishment in a fit of rage because lack of healthy communication.

So,stay in this community,play some games with us,have fun and eventually the rage wil dissapear and you may or may not find peacefull and constructive resolutions to your issues.As randy has pointed out,deleting your account is meaningless since you can also not long in,never clsoe doors on things you like,you might want to come back.
+7 / -2

3 years ago
after he eliminated DErankHoppili, @hedkeaf wrote in chat smthing like "my work here is done"

Lol I literally did this exact thing to a player in BAR recently. FFAs are totally luck based anyway, Id argue all the idiots who force a neverending stalemate war while everyone else ecos up are also not "seriously trying to win". Standard Aquanim with totally unecessary mod action. Inb4 post delete and forum ban for critcism.
+3 / -0
3 years ago
Reading these threads makes me think this game would be better if it had no chat, and no moderators.

What goal are these bans accomplishing but making more and more players leave the community.

Let's not insult each other, and let's please try to let everyone have fun their own way.
+3 / -2

3 years ago
Standard Aquanim with totally unecessary mod action.

I appreciate a lot of people seem to have forgotten this, but @hedkeaf hasn't been modactioned.

About all we have considered doing is having a chat with them, and as of this time we haven't even done that.
+4 / -0

I guess I will limit my response to:

tho I get why Godde has troubles taking Aquanim seriously

Was this really necessary?

It is hard for me to take seriously someone, who after that FFA discussion with Godde writes him, and I quote again

And as Godde looked up the definition

Yeah, Godde is "wrong at every concievable scale of resolution" just because he disagrees with your opinion about a mod in a game. If not dumb or funny, I find it unnecessary at least. But of course, we all write stupid things in a heated debate.

Also, I would like to point out that it seems that both RUrankizirayd and @Godde have a problem with you specifically, not necessarily the whole mod team. And I feel like that those two players are not the only two cases.


I have to draw the line somewhere.

Perhaps you draw it too high.

Maybe moderation should be only about temporarily banning trolls and people who kill allied units, not about standardizing how various mods of this game should be played. It seems that you are gonna inflict more harm while trying to do it then by letting it develop naturally. I do not think that there were many complains about the current state of FFA. Also your silencing of SGrankLu5ck in https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1259101 was completely wrong. SGrankLu5ck was not aggresive or anything, he was just expressing his opinion. You disagreed with his opinion and because you did not want to invest more energy into refuting his arguments, you just forum blocked him for two weeks. End of the story. I would like to see the results of a pool, where players would vote whether they think if you, specifically, should continue to be a moderator. I mean, @Godde, the best player of this game, who played this game for many years, and generally a very non-conflict guy, wants to leave this game, mostly because of you. RUrankizirayd too (although I take him less seriously than Godde, because if anyone, it is izirayd who is the embodiment of rage). Is your moderation beneficial for this game?
+9 / -1
Did it ever occur to you that perhaps SGrankLu5ck could be right and you could be wrong? (Edit: was an unnecesary comment)

I just do not want to see other great players such as @Godde leave this game only because of their conflict with you.
+4 / -3
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