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2 years ago

The dirt from dirtbags ruins games. Literally no way whatsoever to effectively counter this.
+1 / -0
Dirtbags are countered by (at least some) riots. Your team overcommitted to artillery, had very few riots, and got punished.

The dirt drop didn't even look like it had much of an impact, you got run over by the Dirtbags themselves.
+2 / -0
2 years ago
+0 / -0

2 years ago


It seems something might need to be done about dirtbags. There are a few good suggestions in those other threads though, like DErankAdminmojjj's one about having the spike decay after a little bit.
+2 / -0

2 years ago
blue star players cant counter dirtbag? LOL come on
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Today we played a small team game where Lance spam ripped our guts out. Only thing that helped was Dirtbag.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
could put a con on repeat restore terrain area? but thats going to upset teams terra sometimes
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Tremor exists.
Goliath exists.
+1 / -1
I did some measurements of the cost of restoring the dirt of 100 dirtbags (3000 metal) on flat terrain on Inculta:

* Dirtbags spread out thinly (no hill overlap): 1395, 1719, 1774
* Closer together (but no spires): 790, 882, 968
* Spire (jumped to point): 606, 643

(Numbers do not include the reclaim)

This indicates that simply restoring the terrain is a cost-effective counter (I find this somewhat surprising; I perceived restoring as roughly equally expensive as dbags).
+5 / -0
ill add a note here that tremor will also area denial your own units to some extent.. but some types of tank can shrug it off
+1 / -0
When you add the metal in units required to counter the Dirtbags themselves to the metal required to restore the ground, the math will work out better for the Dirtbags than that.

That being said, under normal circumstances you are not obliged to restore every hill the Dirtbags make.

I think that the existence of a counter to escalating artillery spam is healthy for Zero-K. Given that context, it is possible that Dirtbag is too strong, but I am yet to see a replay or play a game that convinces me of that. (I probably haven't watched every single replay that has been linked on the topic, but the ones I have watched were pretty underwhelming.)
+3 / -0
Dirtbags does battlefield shaping, an actually STRATEGIC part of a strategy game! (instead of i micro raiders better gg~)

Dirtbags does not only block units on a tactical level, but strategically makes some kind of terrain difficult to hold for many army types and make attacking through it difficult. IMO the key to fighting dirtbags is to actually commit significant firepower to deny certain parts of the terrain to dirtbags (generally keep mexes you "should be able to keep"), while "roll with the punches" and transition into dirtbag-terrain friendly armies like jump/spider/emissary, as well as transition into defense -> porc -> impaler mex denial into fighting another lane or superweapons.

The goal should not be to push through a dirtbag lane, it goal should be to hold mexes and deny mexes in a dirtbag lane in a economic manner and win with other forms of aggro. Try to get +200 metal per minute out of the lane and eventually your starlight wins the game.
+4 / -0
2 years ago

I don't think they are op but on narrow small maps they can really make the game unpleasant.
When they shit all over the map and you can't move your units you get into a situation where you have to frantically spam lotus turrets everywhere and try to smooth out the bumps so your units can move. It's not that it's costly to counter in metal, instead it's costly in the time it takes to clean up the mess.

In the match above I probably could've countered them better by building outlaws and bandits but even so, the time and effort required to counter the dirtbags outweighs the time and effort required to spam a 100 of the same unit and kamikaze into the enemy base.

The other issue is the lag they cause when spammed.

Spike decay would be a good solution. Perhaps double the stats and cost, so they can't be spammed in such large quantities?
It would be best to just get rid of its dirt ability and increase health imo.
+4 / -0

2 years ago
Again, Lance spam is far more frustrating and deadly than Dirtbags. And dirtbag helps control Lance spam through making territory un-navigable for the clunky Lances. Dirtbag is also basically the only counter for that other stupid meta, team Paladin rush. The knobbly terrain helps confine the Paladin so that the non-rush team has some time to exploit their map expansion. This might not be so bad if Ultimatum didn't suck so badly, but, alas it does. It usually gets one shot off against Paladin and then dies. So much for the anti-heavy.
+1 / -0
2 years ago
no nerfing anything before lance!
+2 / -0
its not the dirtbag unit that we want to complain , its easy to counter dirtbag , the problem is they spam it too much causing lag to the game , we are unable to respond , if you notice how many ppl lagged/afk/dropped in the game during dirtbag spam.

i do not know if this is connection to server , dirtbag design or my cpu issue
but im sure there is some sort of problem with it

to some ppl they dont lag when dirtbag was spammed , this is not a strategy counter but a technical counter, they make it so people get disconnected. certain few people always do that

i can spam fleas but i dont get lags , perhaps something has to do with dirtbag design?


try watch this replay with 1k dirtbag spam see if you lag
my cpu is only running 40-50% , ram at 50% im 100% sure this has nothing to do with my cpu.
+2 / -0
2 years ago
test lag 100 flea vs 100 dirt fps
+0 / -0

2 years ago
Yo, over a year ago I saw this dirtbag meta creeping in the lob pots, with some players maining it. While it does belong in the game as noise, deterrent, scouting and area denial... it's too amazing at all of these.
No jumping, or speed nerf to the extent of 75%.
Like all these stans spamming a single raider unit in 1v1 - we're here to play zero K and build crazy fights, not minmax because you're salty about your starcraft II league placement. Nobody wants to main dirtbags, but since they're so good, players will choose it over their own dignity, and I hate to see it.
+0 / -1

2 years ago
outlaws counter dirtbags
+0 / -0
2 years ago
do they though
+3 / -0
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