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What air units would you like to have?

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This thread is not about what existing units should be in planes or gunships.
Neither it is about which unit should get replaced.

Just show us a design, a definition (what) it is good for, why you like it more than current planes and gunships - like I do:

EDIT: Please only refer to 1-3 units per post.
Don't suggest a complete Factory or units which just WTF-PWN everything ;)
[color=grey]When I opened the thread I though more about look&feel or what feels good-playable[/color]

Design: I like Stargate Goa'uld Todesgleiter

Definition: It would have awfull accelleration/brake compared to max speed - only fast on long distances.
You can use it more like gunships (low turn radius, low velocity while attacking), but it has some fixed wing properties and higher weight than avenger.

Why: It looks cool, interacts with ground, don't need to reload - only damaged ones for repair.
If used in the same way as in the movie, it punishes you for deathballing by increased hit chance, not AOE and is very different from current Avenger (mostly a fighter), other bombers (1 target) and gunships (movement, mobility).
I think we miss such a unit currently.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I think the mass transport aircraft would be fun to have. It would add some of the cinematic awesomeness I want in ZK. It would not land and the units would be dropped out of the plane in pods. It could fire a load of flares as the pods were dropped.

It would be used to ferry troops to and from battle and would only really show up in 10v10, which makes it kind of pointless. It may have some use in missions, I don't know.
+6 / -0

11 years ago
I want a flying brick gunship with a lightning gun. Almost immaneuverable, limited fire-arc, no banking, ages-slow turn rate, slow acceleration, but high max speed and thick armor.

Being a gunship, it can apply its acceleration wherever it wants, but it can only fire where it faces.

You use it by figuring out where enemy juicy tall things are (because it sucks shooting at low things due to limited fire arc and being in air) and then accelerating to that location from afar.
+1 / -0
Construction bomber - drops bombs that automatically morph (so you have to pay for them) into nanotowers that can build.
- Pro:Useful for cases when you want more nanopower than expensive and fragile Cranes can give you.
- Con: doesn't actually replace crane because it's micro-intensive for any large area work.

Air-to-air missile plane with bomber-like mechanics. Why do all air-to-ground planes have to rearm but none of the air-to-air planes do it?
- Pro: allows us to have the extreme-alpha behavior of bombers in AA.
- Con: AA fighter is already so powerful, who needs another AA plane?

Outlaw plane - sweep areas for cloaked units with outlaw-field loving. Also useful in large battles.
- Pro: extremely useful. Could even be fun in AA-combat.
- Con: Outlaw stuff is super-hard to balance, as are planes. This would be the double-whammy of impossible-to-balance crap.

Also, something with shields. Because there are no flying units with shields.

Also, I like 1vory K1ng's idea of an anti-static kamikaze bomber for cases when there's too much AA cover.
+1 / -0
I want a strategic bomber that drops NORMAL BOMBS. Like a Phoenix, only instead of dropping a bunch of napalm bombs, it drops bombs which simply explode and deal damage. The result is a large area covered with immediate splash damage.

WHY: Seriously. Why do we not have a plane that just drops a bunch of good old explosive bombs? And a big, heavy bomber would be able to fly through anti-air, deliver bombs behind enemy lines, and possibly even survive.

I also want a cheap ground strike bird that drops a small payload of splash bombs.

WHY: A smaller, cheaper bomber allows more interaction between a player going air and the rest of the map. Easily taken down by fighters or anti-air, and easily replaced. Perfect for bombing mexes and other light targets or clusters of light units, and it can take a hit for a more important plane if needed.

And I want a bird that fires missiles at ground targets which has the range to evade anti-air. Much cheaper and less powerful than the Licho, but with great range and more expendable.

WHY: Because an air player should be able to operate at the fringes of anti-air, and it is shocking that there are no anti-ground missiles on aircraft.

And I also want a gunship that fires long-range missiles at ground targets. A slow, expensive gunship that fires just one missile at long range instead of the Blackdawns' huge salvo.

WHY: Because nothing else in the gunship factory has any range, and gunships also need a way to reach into an anti-air grid and inflict some pain. Hopefully the victim will invest in some flying anti-air, or perhaps some mobile AA to deal with the missile gunship(s).

Also, I am massively in favor of the idea of having fighters with a limited supply of fantastic air-to-air missiles which can use air pads to re-arm.
+2 / -0

11 years ago

... that stuff basically sounds like it would turn the whole game into pure air action. Also, lots of rioty planes means no skirmishers anywhere, which are already an endangered species.

The idea of an arty gunship was already discussed and rejected because it would mean a gunship that can only be countered by air if it was far-enough away.

You could possibly make an arty-gunship work if it launched some kind of destroyable weapon, or it had to land/deploy to fire (and thus was a sitting duck for return-fire artillery). But having a Zerg Guardian is right out.
+2 / -0
I don't know if I should -1 your post.
you suggest 4 units, I meant about 1-3 to keep it short - wanted some response what players think it is cool and awesome

EDIT> Quote> I also want a cheap ground strike bird that drops a small payload of splash bombs.
You mean a phönix balanced toward 120-150m, but pure-damage instantly?

Do you sugest a long range "throwing bomb like good old"-Licho and Carpet bomber-Licho for AOE?
What do you mean with "enough range to evade AA" - enough for chainsaw or enough for screamer? Enough to hit targets within 1/2 range or even (almost) hit the tower?

I would like to see your post edited to match the "new rules", which hopefully prevent others from making unwanted clones - for some time. But thanks that you show me what I should have written when I opened the topic.
+0 / -0
Perhaps I should rephrase my post to say air needs two new weapons from which multiple units might spring. The two weapons are regular explosive bombs, and air to ground missiles.

Blastwing plane? Where did you get that idea? An inexpensive bomber doesn't have to be a super cheap kamikaze plane like the 55m Blastwing. I was thinking about a 120 to 150 metal bomber which deals a bit of splash damage. Say, 450 damage in a small radius. It can gib mexes and light units. But it's fragile and dies to one hit from a Hacksaw, so one Hacksaw can stop two. Best used away from enemy AA when you have air superiority. It's basically a just plane raider.

I thought the rules were we couldn't change existing units. But splitting the Licho into a big, heavy splash bomber and a smaller single-target sniper plane using missiles would work.

I didn't mean the gunship's missiles would actually outrange anti-air. I was more thinking that the gunship would sit outside the range of the anti-air and shoot targets that would be covered by that anti-air, such as against gunships like Banshees or Blackdawns. The range doesn't let you snipe the anti-air, it lets you stay outside it and still deal damage. You just need to stay further away from a Screamer or Chainsaw.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
i'm with USrank[1uP]ledarsi why dont we have something that drops normal bombs?
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I want a fast aircraft with low HP and slow turning whose sole purpose is to ram things. It would normally be slower than an avenger, but have an avenger boost that lets it go twice as fast as the avenger's boost. It would have a tiny AoE, but would be useful for killing static or slow targets. It would basically be useless against things that the licho can kill because it costs so much per hit, but it would be good against big things, some AA, and defenses.

Pros: We finally have a way to deal with AA.
Cons: We finally have a way to deal with AA.
(That's air balance for you)
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I want an airplane with a strong gravity gun. I want planes that can repel fighters and gunships away from my bombers in flight, break enemy Vamps away from furballs, throw Avengers like rag dolls, and pull enemy gunships away from the fringe of their team's AA. Also, it'd be REALLY fun for messing with units on the ground; imagine intercepting Pyros in mid-jump, throwing them half a klick across the map to crash into their own solar collectors.

I've even come up with a name for it: Arrester.
+3 / -0
11 years ago
I would love a Bomber that just carpets and area with a crap-ton of claws or a new type of mine slash time delayed bomb (it would drop those bombs like a phoenix or a stiletto.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I want a fun-mode bomber that drops newton charges, possibly carpet bombing an area with small charges that push units around and cause general chaos.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
AUrankLyth There actually was a unit that dropped super-high-impulse mines back in the CA days. It didn't see a lot of usage.

CAranksanyc An important feature of the claw-type mines is that they're good at friend-or-foe detection so you could use such a bomber on your own units. Such a unit could bring back frustrations with how effective bombers are at shutting down penetration.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
+1 / -0
How about the delayed bomb then: raiders and skirms that are well managed would be able to get away with minimal casulties,while killing massed assaults and providing new tactical opertunities.

(imagine laying this infront of a approching S-bot ball, having the bombs take out the larger shields then attacking)

(I find there are no good planes vs any decent amount of assaults, and the air players usually ends up spamming shadows)

+0 / -0
CAranksanyc: How about the delayed bomb then: raiders and skirms that are well managed would be able to get away with minimal casulties,while killing massed assaults and providing new tactical opertunities.

Good for anti-static bombers, but I would use plasma for more Sci-Fi look&feel :)

CArankPxtl@Lyth: You could use impulse to draw enemey arty in range of your defenses or push assaults back.

USranksomekid: you can use [*img]http://img-url.jpg[*/img] without "*" for some file formats and small pictures.

Fun-Mode unit idea ( At least fun for neonstorms and neonfans (:
"Hailstorm" is a slow 4k metal gunship and the counterpart to Krow (Air|Ground), circle-shaped with a gun-tower in middle.
It can build and launch up to 9 fast fighter-drones against air, 3 light double-plasma cannons on bottom (at the edge, to work also vs gunships), radar+sonar_OR_stealth-switch, a Fast Single Plasma Gun on top in a tower.

Has it's own "energy" bar: reloads with 15e/s stores 450e, flying -2e/s, moving -3e/s, single plasma gun, double plasma guns (max 14e/s for plasma, 2e each projectile) ..(min 50 storage).. radar+sonar -2e/s, refuel+repair drone: -30e ..(min 110 storage).. build drone: -75e. (Sorted by priority)

Fast Dual Plasma Guns: burnblow, (dual-shot, 0.5s, dual-shot, 0.5s, dual-shot, wait 2s, repeat) -> 34+16aoe dps in total.
Fighter drones: costs 65m, 200hp (1/2 Avenger, 1-shot by chainsaw), agile and fast, low turn radius. Fast Single Plasma Gun (similar to dual plasma guns), 10s to refuel, have 12 shots, 17+8aoe dps for 12..25s combat (Avenger has about 60 dps vs air)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Actually a flying carrier in the strider fac would be kinda cool, though hard to balance.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
It could at least be some mission-unit (do we have a model for it or do you just want to let reef fly? ;)

If you mean my unit AUrankLyth, just the carrier-ability and 102+48aoe dps for a 4k m unit is not OP.
Maybe the drones, repair speed, etc are. But it needs a half fusion and use of primary weapons punishs you by restricting other abilites. The low weight units can get shot down by chainsaw in 18 shots (assuming every second is overkill and miss) it has more energy if not in flying+mobile mode.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
do we have a model for it or do you just want to let reef fly?

Model, script, and even a matching drone. Aesthetics are a bit outside of ZK norm though.
+0 / -0
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