sanyc: How about the delayed bomb then: raiders and skirms that are well managed would be able to get away with minimal casulties,while killing massed assaults and providing new tactical opertunities.
Good for anti-static bombers, but I would use plasma for more Sci-Fi look&feel :)

Pxtl@Lyth: You could use impulse to draw enemey arty in range of your defenses or push assaults back.

somekid: you can use [*img]http://img-url.jpg[*/img] without "*" for some file formats and small pictures.
Fun-Mode unit idea ( At least fun for neonstorms and neonfans (:
"Hailstorm" is a slow 4k metal gunship and the counterpart to Krow (Air|Ground), circle-shaped with a gun-tower in middle.
It can build and launch up to 9 fast fighter-drones against air, 3 light double-plasma cannons on bottom (at the edge, to work also vs gunships), radar+sonar_OR_stealth-switch, a Fast Single Plasma Gun on top in a tower.
Has it's own "energy" bar: reloads with 15e/s stores 450e, flying -2e/s, moving -3e/s, single plasma gun, double plasma guns (max 14e/s for plasma, 2e each projectile) ..(min 50 storage).. radar+sonar -2e/s, refuel+repair drone: -30e ..(min 110 storage).. build drone: -75e. (Sorted by priority)
Fast Dual Plasma Guns: burnblow, (dual-shot, 0.5s, dual-shot, 0.5s, dual-shot, wait 2s, repeat) -> 34+16aoe dps in total.
Fighter drones: costs 65m, 200hp (1/2 Avenger, 1-shot by chainsaw), agile and fast, low turn radius. Fast Single Plasma Gun (similar to dual plasma guns), 10s to refuel, have 12 shots, 17+8aoe dps for 12..25s combat (Avenger has about 60 dps vs air)