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ZK Sound Redesign Thread

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Shotgun (Scallop)

Big picture:

mixed in a 12 gauge with original shotgun sound
added fast racking sound (reload)
Cleaned up original sg to remove artifacts

Changed impact sound
Added ricochet

+11 / -0

11 years ago
That is a promising start. Also, good on you for demonstrating it at various distances and directions.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Sounds good.
+0 / -0
Brawler Update v2

Previous Ver(s):


This one was fun.


Added case ejection noises during fire, and 1 sec after
Mechanical whirring during fire (but no spin down as I noted these aren't rotatory)
Pitch shifted/Time Manipulated gunfire + lots of bass beefing.

I'll change the impact noise later to reflect something like a .50 cal rather than 30/40mm cannons... unless they are... then I need a design rethink.


Reduced volume via unit LUA
Reduced Bass via file change
+1 / -0
Stardust Update (V2_

Previous Ver(s):


Added barrel rotatory noises
Added barrel wind down after firing (very coooool!)
Added casing ejection noises
Modified M16A4 w/ Pitch/Time shift
Beefed da bass


Reduced volume via unit file change.
+3 / -0

11 years ago
I'm not so sure Brawler and Stardust. They aren't firing real bullets and a lot of that sound could be grating on the ears. I don't want us to sound like a WWII simulator.
+1 / -0
well, it's your game more than anyones, so its up to you. But the shell casings coming out of both of those models tell me they're real bullets... This is true for all 3 units I want to update.

I always found the sounds in zk to be too soft so it's being loud to compensate. I would actually prefer to turn down the volume to create more headroom for louder shit like nooks, or more effects to play at once.

As for the direction of "gratiness", not all sounds will be this gritty. Lasers will have more a grown up pew-pew feel, and cannons will have more rumble and a deep bite.

I'm separating sounds into categories of Light/Particle, Conventional Small-Arms Projectile, Cannons, Missiles, Bombs, etc

And exactly who do I need to impress to get approval anyways? You? Dev team? or community?
+2 / -0

11 years ago
I would lower the volume of the sounds, and Brawler sounds a little too boomy (wall of sound, really). Consider these sounds going on constantly with 16 players having these units, that's the point where it needs to still not be too annoying.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Noted, I had that reservation too, I'll tone it done a bit in the unit file.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I like new sounds, would be nice to try in real game
+0 / -0
Sounds are cool.
But, I think Bralwer should be a little more heavy.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
The sounds are good. I personally like the shotgun one.. the current shotgun sounds so... not shotgunny.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Maybe the impact sounds are a bit high pitched or loud.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I liked the original brawler sounds, they were amongst the best in ZK, both fire and impact. Most surely they could be adjusted (volume, clipping) for thegreater good, but not outright replaced!

I just hate the fact that every unit name is messed up and has never been updated since their creation in 1999 or whatever

The topic of mass infliction of naming schemes on unit names has been raised multiple times, each time to be shot down by the Gatekeeper.

Maybe whatever-current-iteration-is is a charm?

If we're not able to update the graphics anytime soon due to engine constraints, at least let the sound make the game sound more mature and shiny.

There aren't many engine constraints on graphics. Spring still lacks skeletal mesh deforms, but even that one is bound to fall. Now, sounds? You are only allowed to use 16-bit mono wav pcm without metadata for ingame effects. You might have found what happens if you disobey by now.


In artistic terms, i don't think the issue with ZK sounds is that they are unrealistic. It's that they lack depth; quite a few are very "simple" from the sound-engineering standpoint. A few notable exceptions exist (large beam lasers like Stinger, Pene), but most pew-pew could be made "grittier" without getting tainted by "realism".

If anything, quite a few sounds and visuals could be adjusted to be less "realistic" while more "sci-fi" and "deeper". I'm looking at you, weapon-category Plasma Cannon!
+0 / -0
I have to agree with anarchid here. I love that you're taking the time to redesign these sounds, making them sound gritty and punchy is great! However, it needs to keep a sci-fi feel to it.

On that note, please keep in mind that the bullets are pretty much all plasma, so using "conventional" bullet impact noises won't work and feels out of place (at least for me). Especially for those with aoe, the current "splat" noises (on e.g. brawler bullet impacts) convey the right feeling for me.

And on yet another note, the shell ejection noise is, in the long run, pretty straining on the ears, due to its high pitched nature. I'd rather have it combined as some sort of "clack" to the actual shots being released, but my ideas needn't be the guideline here.

I'm sorry for having to criticize as much, but i hope you understand.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
I don't think we need much of an ejection noise at all. Also from the point of view of usability it is important to be able to tell what is firing even when you cannot see it.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
While they are plasma projectiles, remember that they are still encased in metal. Wouldn't they make noises similar to rounds used today while they have their metal casing on?
+0 / -0
While they are plasma projectiles, remember that they are still encased in metal

1) It's plastic, and not metal! Read the technobabble.
2) It's just technobabble! They are still magical glowing fireballs.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
You can also add random variation to the sounds through sounds.lua.
+0 / -0
Variation it is!

As for casing, I can make them quieter. I just wish I can make them scale differently using the engine, but it doesnt' support combining multiple layers of sound with different rules.

Anyways, I'll make a note on the shell casing being too loud, but I think it's an important detail to hear it. If your'e gonna see it, might as well hear it. Also, the casing is definitely one of the most notable sound on a very heavy MG/minigun.

Also, in the demo, most of those are zoomed in so you can hear the detail, they actually go away for the most part when you play at the usual zoomed out level.

Also, "more sci-fi" is a vague description. I'm modelling the sound more to the style of Battlestar Galactica (which is still very sci-fi), rather than say Star Wars.

MauranKilom, I aappreciate you have more inputs. but I think you're speculating and brining up an issue without even trying it yet. As for iconic, I think the HLT and ICBM sounds are very iconic and required very little work besides removing the clipping in the sound file itself. Maybe add some bass and call it done.

I disagree with the Brawler as I actually tried to keep it in the design process but it just didn't seem dangerous enough. Anyways, these will probably be the most realistic sounding weapons I design, as they seemed most like conventional firearms to me.
+1 / -0
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