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Zero-K 1v1 Tournament 4th of June 2016

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1v1 Tournament to be held on Saturday 4th June 2016 at 10AM UTC.

Supreme Champion: AUrankAdminGoogleFrog
Worthy Adversary: AUrankSnuggleBass
3rd place: PLrankOrfelius
4th place: AUrankAdminAquanim

Lucky pick from participants: USrankSpaceTuna and USrankultimatefirestar

Tournament rule.

Swiss match to determine top 4 teams. Swiss starts with a random match-up, then players with similar scores play against each other. Depending on the number of players, it could be 4-5 rounds. Each match is on a random map in the map pool. After that, it's double elimination.

We have a 15-30 mins break in between format.

Double elimination games are best of 3 matches and the final game is best of 5 matches. The first map is a designated map in the map pool, then the defeated team chooses a map from the map pool.

Tournament Reward:

1st Prize will be first pick of 1 steam key from a selection + 100 kudo.
2nd Prize will be 2nd pick of afore mentioned selection + 90 kudo.
3rd Prize will be last pick of afore mentioned selection + 80 kudo.

Prize courtesy of FIranksprang
Each would have a trophy in profile page as well if I can convince CZrankAdminLicho or EErankAdminAnarchid

Steam keys list:
Hitman Absolution: Elite Edition
The Last Remnant
The Walking Dead: Season 1 + Season 2 + 400 days
FTL: Faster Than Light

Participation award:

As suggested by FIranksprang a random pick of players who is not in the top 3 but participated in all the swiss matches would be given either 50 kudos or steam key for this game CounterAttack courtesy of CArankGleaKoak

Match Rules:

Each Swiss match will last 25 min or 1 team resign whichever come first. At the 25th min, which team have twice the opponent units in metal win [in building units don't count, nuke in silo don't count, metal count base on spec widget (unless someone make a better widget)]. If no team had this advantage, the game continues for another 5 mins, in which time whoever get the twice units winning condition win. If at the half hour mark, none has the advantage, it's a draw.

The Double elimination matches have a time limit of 30 min [with 5 mins extra]. Similar rules as above. If there is a draw, a time extension of 15 mins would be provided. If there is still a draw, a random coin toss would be used to determine the winner [or one side could accept defeat in a display of sportmantship]. In such case, we acknowledge that both participants are equal in skill and all this is just because the tournament must continue.

Match behaviour:

To foster a sense of sportsmanship [As requested by certain Devs], we ask that each official game start with both teams say a polite greeting to acknowledge a fight between equal.

[ The same system happen in all sport/game match e.g. MMA fight have opponents touch gloves before fight, taekwondo Olympic match have opponents shake hand before match, Shogi have opponents bow to each other before each match,…]

No name calling or disruptive behavior is allowed in the match. The team that violated this rule, forfeit the match.

About players who have to leave due to justifiable reasons or was unintentionally disconnected, the game can be paused for a small amount of time [<3 mins]. Any longer pause would need the consent of his opponent.

The teams, that are 10 minutes late or no-show, forfeit the match.
Post game analysis and congratulation are encouraged but not required.

Win or lost decision will be what both teams agree on.

If any member of any teams in the match disagrees, the decision will be on the Arbitrator.
Match replay link should be recorded for future complaints.

To join tournament's chat channel to arrange matches type “/j #zktourney” in lobby chat

Current Arbitrators include AUrankSortale , @_Shaman, DErankChesti . Backup Arbitrators are CArankAdminShadowfury333 . We may need more so others are encouraged to join, any Devs or community member with good standing will do. Arbitrators are not allowed to be participants.

Map list:

Living Lands
Iced Coffee




Map list for Swiss round:

Bracket Link

Swiss round:


Double elimination round:


Participants list

Unfortunate unable to continued Participants list


Live stream:

https://www.hitbox.tv/Shadowfury333 or https://www.twitch.tv/shadowfury333

Swiss Round Replays

Round 1 - Archers Valley

Round 2 - Tartarus

Round 3 - Avalanche

Round 4 - Iced Coffee

Round 5 - Living Lands

Top 4 Double Elimination Replays

Match 1
Match 2

Losers Round 1
Winners Finals
Losers Finals
Grand Finals

List made by USrankCapricis [I have no patience to make such detailed list]


Since this tournament uses a new format, participants are encouraged to exploit the time limit to their advantage.
Overpowered strategies are also tolerated. This is to encourage players to find counters to these tactics.
If these tactics are uncounterable, this will send a strong signal to the Devs to re-balance.

Since this is the 2nd time I ever hold a tournament, there will be mistakes. I hope everyone can tolerate my lack of experience and willing to give me feedback so I can improve for the next one.

Last tournament lasted roughly 8 hr from start to finnished, I expect the same for this one.

Join by posting comment below.

Good luck and have fun.
+10 / -0

8 years ago
+2 / -0

8 years ago
I interested, and also a bit confused. You say 'team' throughout the post but the tournament in 1v1. Does that mean each team entering the tournament has size one?

Each Swiss match will last 25 min or 1 team resign whichever come first. At the 25th min, which team have twice the opponent units in metal win [in building units don't count, nuke in silo don't count, metal count base on spec widget (unless someone make a better widget)]. If no team had this advantage, the game continues for another 5 mins, in which time whoever get the twice units winning condition win. If at the half hour mark, none has the advantage, it's a draw.
I'm not a fan of the time limit but I also think the delux player list method is really dodgy. So I made a widget. https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/c361b84a2cca095c3bbe272929b76be3ffc08e28

The Double elimination matches have a time limit of 30 min [with 5 mins extra]. Similar rules as above. If there is a draw, a tie breaker on TinySkirmishRedux1 will be played with time limit of 15 mins [with 5 mins extra]. If there is still a draw, a random coin toss would be used to determine the winner [or one side could accept defeat in a display of sportmantship]. In such case we acknowledge that both participants are equal in skill and all this is just because the tournament must continue.
Doesn't the tiebreaker negate all the benefits of running games on a timer? Also, a 20 minute game is likely to take half an hour to get going due to messing about, loading and so forth. Why not set a 45 minute timer for the elimination games or even just remove the timer for them.

Win or lost decision will be what both teams agree on.

If any member of any teams in the match disagrees, the decision will be on the Arbitrator.
Match replay link should be recorded for future complaints.
I don't understand what you mean by this. Surely the rules of the tournament (as implemented by adjudicators) decide whether a team wins or loses. Even if players were supposed to implement the rules themselves:
  • players cannot see how much metal their opponent has so cannot judge without their opponents input.
  • players should not be distracted by thinking about such things anyway.

+5 / -0
8 years ago
Whatever the case, I think I can make this one so please sign me up!
+1 / -0
I'm in. You'll need some cannon fodder.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Sign me in and my team.
+3 / -0

8 years ago
This looks good, and I will be commentating as always.

Also, just fyi, with Loser's bracket also being Bo3 it will take ~1.5x as long as Winner's bracket. Running the Loser's bracket games as Bo1 does fix this, though it does mean fewer matches in Loser's. Either way should work, but it's something to keep in mind.
+1 / -0
Were there ever any problems with games taking too long? From what I remember atleast 20-30% of the time was spent getting people to go where they needed to be (ie people watching games while they should have been playing).

Overpowered strategies are also tolerated. This is to encourage players to find counters to these tactics.
If these tactics are uncounterable, this will send a strong signal to the Devs to re-balance.

??wut The game doesn't have a time limit, why would devs re-balance around that?

Is the map pool set or still open to discussion?

I'd remove aquatic divide and replace it with something else. I will continue to maintain that maps giving you a significant portion of their mexes very safely and easily defensible make for stupid porcy games.

Altair crossing is allways some sort of cheese rush making shields mandatory because they are the most cheese resistant.

Calayo2 is wierd, and im not sure if anyone likes it.

Some suggestions:
hide and seek
lonely oasis
into battle
tombstone desert
eye of horus

Other than that the pool is pretty solid; has a lack of larger maps but oh well.

I'm hesitant to say sign me up, but it will probably happen(finally).

Building on @googlefrog s point, is it really a good idea to have tiebreakers on a troll map? and yes, it does defeat the point of the time saving measures.
+3 / -0
8 years ago
Sounds fun. I'd sign up but, I'm OK as far as games and my schedule changes often.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
I would like to sign up for the tourney.

+2 / -0
8 years ago
unfortunately, I will be gone that day. And thus I cannot be an arbitrator. I will try to spec from shadows point of view with hitbox tho.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I like the idea of time limits in Swiss because each round depends on the previous one being fully completed, so everyone is waiting on the longest-running game. Brackets have less time dependency between rounds, so it's less likely to be bottlenecked by a single long match prior to the various finals.
+0 / -0
I second that Aquatic Divide is not the best choice for a tournament, especially one where attention is being paid to time constraints.

ZK tournies have seen this (at least) once, and it was once too often.

I do not have a strong negative opinion about any of the other maps. My preference is for time limits/tiebreakers/etc. in the bracket stage to only be applied in extreme cases (see: above link). Limiting the length of Swiss games seems reasonable.

I might join the tournament but I do not yet know if I will be able to do so.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
I'll Sign up
might i suggest streaming on twich with the commenting.?
and making a poster would be good
+1 / -0

Yes, I consider it as team of one.

I would also fix the tie breaker to a time extension of 15 mins

Win or lost decision will be what both teams agree on.

It means that in the event that both teams agree on something, they can overrule matches' outcome. It aims to promote autonomy and sportsmanlike behavior [i.e. a player on team A got disconnect by accident. Team B won the match but may choose to forfeit or call a draw, which we will accept]. Mind, even if one player disagrees, the arbitrator would step in and decide.I don't think it would be used much

I will change the map list as suggested. Further recommendations are welcome.

Current players list:


Maybe participating list:
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Put me on that list, I'm interested. Also, disconnection is not an automatic loss but there is a button called "Win" so you might want to make some rules about it.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Please put me on the list.
+0 / -0
CHrankAdminDeinFreund resigned and is now spectating.

+2 / -0
USrank[DK]Krudor: http://www.twitch.tv/Shadowfury333 (also http://www.hitbox.tv/Shadowfury333 )

I guess the people doing the news don't want to assume I'm commentating and streaming before I say I will, but the news post can be updated now.
+0 / -0
Rapids is an amph only porc map(15 mexes total, 4 secure per player, 8 > 15/2 -> majority mexes are safe = bad). I don't think anyone likes this map. !map is the most common occurrence.

Battle for planet XVII is asymmetrical, not sure if this is good for a tournament. I feel south has a big metal/positioning advantage.

Some more suggestions I feel most people like:
Dune Patrol
Tandem Craters
Trojan Hills

Skasi suggested Heartbreaker
If this gets put in it must be the map for finals obviously.
+4 / -0
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