Writing as I go:
1) I agree with

DeinFreund I didn't know what to click at first, consider also putting the first planet in the top of the screen rather than the bottom
2) First mission was nice, when I did an attack move, my commander started reclaiming crap, which can confuse a new player.
3) There's a small lag whenever an objective is met and a new one is presented. Do we know what the cause is? Models and textures can be preloaded nowadays if that's needed.
4) Mission two starts, I'm looking in the objectives but I've already forgotten where and how I can build mexes. It's good that the map has visible mex spots, but you can count on the fact that the player doesn't read anything ever if they can get away with it.
5) Cool! I have new units, I have now built one of each. While doing so, an enemy glaive went by and was fired at by my lotus.
6) I have sent lots of units to attack. I also tried to send the conjurer and it assists my factory, that is cool! Enemy commander killed my first reaver, second reaver was killed by commander explosion, third reaver killed their base. My com and con were busy reclaiming trees instead of getting to the enemy base. I guess I shouldn't use attack move with my com.
7) While placing my factory, it rotated most unintuitively (this one is for real, I had no clue what was going on). I sent a ronin to attack the visible stardust and the stardust died.
8) I made some mexes (excessed like mad, I've built 0 solars) I should've lost my com to a stardust but couldn't be arsed to restart, imagine I have.
9) A few ronins and reavers on attack move did the job nicely. One glaive made my ronins entirely useless in attack move. When trying to manually target it I missed all the time and they were butchered.
10) It's a shame I don't know about rally points.
11) I have won by ~8:14 but one stardust (the one which should've killed my com) stayed standing. I also haven't built a single radar.
12) What are all these servos that I've unlocked? Oh, there's a commander button which is green. I chose 2 damage boosters and 1 armour.
13) I chose EMP bombs because it sounds cooler than slings.
14) This map is horrible, even the mexes are not on the mex spots.
15) I've suicided all my ticks. killed the impaler with a glaive when it was no longer shocked. Continues to attack move random units.
16) I accidentally shocked 5 enemy cars! OMG, this is awesome. (AI is pretty generous, I should've been socrched to death ages ago)
17) I won by attack moving (or just moving with my com, because it just stupidly reclaims otherwise) to the enemy base.
18) Sling mission - I've immediately sent my reaver attack-waltzing to the enemy base. The conjurer moving to the right spot on mission start is brilliant, I hope people get it.
19) Holy laser! My reaver is dead. An enemy bot attacked me, my slings were mostly useless but when it fired on solars they killed it. Disaster averted.
20) My slings fired and missed on a dot I can't see, I've moved my con and they killed everything.
21) OMG, there's another holy laser! And another! but they die fast.
22) Damn! I've lost a mex while attacking. I've brought my units back, but anything that wasn't a sling or a com was killed by the holy laser so I didn't get there on time. OMG, while looking for it, it came behind my lines and killed more stuff, but this time I built some new reavers and glaives so I sent them there. Another bot killed my spotter :(
23) Those slings can't hit any units amirite?
24) All my units trying to climb died (because I didn't build a new spotter) until I sent my com which killed the enemy base.
General notes:
25) I didn't build any radars or solars after the first mission.
26) Attack move directly to the enemy base worked every time.
27) I may have used my com too much.
28) I've payed zero attention to economy beyond the bonus objectives.
29) The console's "Good fun have luck" and "player has joined game" shouldn't be there and slightly obstruct the "Continue" button. Btw, can we rename Continue into something more poetic? even a greenish "Go!" may be better. God bless you if you make one for each mission: "Rockets away!", "Let's shock some bots!", "Sling-along!"
30) I want to see in the campaign screen where I did the bonus objectives and where I didn't. Rewarding the player by drawing stars around a planet or on a planet according to whether they 100%ed it could be very nice.
31) Real good job guys! :)