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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.11.11.6
Engine version: 105.1.1-1821-gaca6f20
Battle ID: 1769152
Started: 15 months ago
Duration: 41 minutes
Players: 32
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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Team 1 Lost
Chance of victory: 49.9%
XP gained: 42
unknownrankaioeieoiao died in 41 minutes
AUrankSmokeDragon died in 33 minutes
unknownrankFaynthasyn died in 40 minutes
CArankTarkin died in 41 minutes
DErankzini died in 41 minutes
BErankSaber died in 40 minutes
FRrankruru died in 41 minutes
USrankMadWaffles died in 40 minutes
USrankgohanblanco4009 died in 41 minutes
UAranksteelmor died in 39 minutes
DErankBastelork died in 41 minutes
USrankBrah died in 41 minutes
NLrankNewDaddyThelolipriest died in 41 minutes
PLrankGoldDeNas died in 41 minutes
RUrankPisun died in 40 minutes
NLrankGaryOak died in 41 minutes

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15 months ago
Can I get an explanation on this??? We lost because of this bug.

+7 / -0

15 months ago
+5 / -0
Honorable mention to BErankSaber for repairing my jack with his lvl3, 28 bp engi com. Not sure I could have killed that singu without you buddy. Much appreciated.

Also TIL, you can repair enemy units.
+1 / -0
15 months ago
Oh lol, in the video the odin shot went into space XD
+0 / -0
It looks like the projectile got smacked on the crashing Odin.

+0 / -0
It looks like the projectile got smacked on the crashing Odin.

if that is true, throwing or jumping stuff in the projectile path causes it to transform from bomb to d-gun ?

and, @Kosynthary , i dont believe this action did cost you the game. it would just dragged the game longer. there were many more errors, but most of them in your team.
+0 / -0

15 months ago
unknownrankShaman even if it did get stuck on the other Odin, aren't disintegrators supposed to go through everything before hitting the ground? The projectile is not even there and when the Odin launched it he was already pretty far off the dying one.

Don't think it can be that simple because this strategy happens in multiple games with many more Odins dying clumped together.
+0 / -0

15 months ago
This is a downside of how Odin currently works. Basically, the disintegrator activates when it hits something. It can't work otherwise because the distance between Odin and its target can vary a lot based on terrain, so a purely distance-based disintegrator would sometimes fail to hit, and other times make massive lines of destruction.

There is a rework in dev that should solve the problem. Rather than shoot a disintegrator, the idea for the new weapon is a burning projectile that stops and constantly damages whatever it touches. Once the thing it is touching dies or moves, it flies on until it hits the next obstacle on its trajectory.
+0 / -0