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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.12.6.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-2511-g747f18b
Battle ID: 1938484
Started: 9 months ago
Duration: 18 minutes
Players: 27
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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9 months ago
This is a game linked as a "Revenant OP" game. Both sides had a player spamming Revenant, and I was literally sent only the link, so all I can do is look for the bit where it is OP.

The Revenant players don't do much for the first 2:30 minutes. Both sides scouted Revenants under construction, yet only West made early AA. Both sides also have planes.

The East Revenants get a lot more done early than the West ones. The main thing is killing two Ogres over the course of a minute or two.

Not making AA early turns out not to be much of a problem, because the turrets and generic army units above seem to be enough to scare the Revenants away. The Revenants of both sides spend a lot of time repairing and not getting much done.

A West commander dies to 5 Ravens around minute 5. The two Revenants didn't seem to be able to do this.

More starts happening around minute six. West gets two Revenants to fire at a Strike commander, then retreat. This only deals 2200 damage though. The commander dies shortly afterwards to a Lance, which was coordinated into position. This does raise the question: If you can get one Lance into position, why not two? The two Revenants cost more, but are a bit more flexible, so the extra cost over a Lance could be justified.

A commander at the bottom of the screenshot is about to be killed by three Revenants. The map is then mostly free for Revenants for the next minute, as they repair.

The next action has a group of four Revenants trade one of their number away to 2-shot a Grizzly.

Five Revenants 1-shot a moderately morphed commander, at the cost of two, against 1700 in AA (although one Toad was blocked. The Revenants on South West keep bringing a Grizzly to low health then getting pushed back by 900 metal in Angler. They are also managing to pick off the occasional vehicle or Scallop that extends too far.

Some Angler do quite poorly here. They lose about 1400 in Angler for a single Revenant. But they also could have spread out. At this point the East Revenants have not dealt damage for the last three minutes.

They then find a commander walking through a shallow bit of the terrain. Six Revenants from West trade one for an overextended half health Grizzly, against 720 in Angler.

Around 16:30 nine East Revenants stop a push from two Jugglenauts in the North. Seven West Revenants put the nail in the coffin north around 18:00, and the game ends a minute later.

Overall the game had a lot of examples of Revenant. It didn't seem that powerful early as it could be chased away by generic turrets and army. Groups of four or five were fairly impactful later, but rarely did something without losses. But at this point you've got over 4k in Revenant, so the question isn't whether Revenant is good, but whether it is better than two Likhos, a Strider, or two Cyclops.

The Revenant players had middling-to-low value lost for the game, and got 2nd and 3rd place in damage dealt. They ended the game with the largest army value. The West Revenant user was a blue star while the East was a three-stripe orange, so in this sense the East player played above their rank. But the stats are not quite everything, since the Revenant armies were not really holding ground for most of the game, as they often retreated to repair. They did manage to turn the south plain into a bit of a no-mans-land though. Also, while the stats were the same, I felt like the West Revenants got a bit more done where it mattered.

I was impressed that generic army forces could fight off Revenants, and that burst AA (such as Angler and Tarantula) struggled a bit against larger forces. Burst AA could easily absolutely delete Revenant with the right numbers, so it was good to see that the low DPS of burst AA was giving Revenant a chance.
+2 / -0
9 months ago
As the west revenant player I can state that I didn't feel any superior by using revs. The only good thing I did was right at the end when it was already almost done. The other cases when I could kill someone without huge losses happened only because of big mistakes of the east.
+0 / -0