Good day & thanks for all those feedback.

Skrid: I don't think the community is so
[Spoiler]1v1 and small teams is mostly really friendly. I experienced a lot of support, when I was beaten up by someone. Lots of tips, hints etc. afterwards.
Big teams is for sure different. But I guess this is only caused, because there is most of the time just 1 active big teams with players, while other team-rooms are empty and it's quite hart to get them filled. It's quite a huge loss of time, if you have subjectively a bad/unfunny big team games. IMO this is the cause of all the resign spams & other unpleasant/impolite behavior. Once the game is screwed in your mind, you cannot just start a new game.

Teejayx6: Don't know if TikTok is the right target group. To have a viral ZK-challenge might be the way.

mojjj: Thx, updated.

PRO_Dregs: Thx, updated.

malric: Thx for the idea with those steam statistics.

GoogleFrog: Thx for the ZK statistics. Yeah. lots of queries would be kind of DDoS.
I mentioned other statistics, which mostly likely are not existing. The initial idea behind
my post was:
This is a small community, for an RTS niche. Plus it's open source and build up on people contributing to it by the means of private free time, donated money & volunteer activities. This means in any case it'll be hard to expand this community, even with an more professional approach.
But, if there are lots of players playing single player or now and then with their buddies, it might be possible to direct their attention to playing online (1v1, teams and maybe even tournaments). This would lift an already available target group more into the community. I honestly have no idea how to do it. Besides I'm maybe wrong with this.
Until now I haven't donated to ZK yet. But give the how great the game is, I'll do it any ways sooner or later. ATM I'm playing a lot with the thought to redirect my donation to
Google ads or
Youtube ads and have some low budget targeting running in the background. Like for X €/$ per month that all user interessted in certain other RTS games will get unter the right circumstances get ads for ZK.
Like 10,00 - 15,00 € per month for a year could have an effect.
Per group would be AFAIK:
Total Annihilation
Balance Annihilation
Age of Empires
Rise of Nations
League of Legends
Not Original Total Annihilation
The Cursed
Kernel Panic
eXtended Total Annihilation
Evolution RTS
+ others
So something simple would run alongside. The beginning of the pandemic, for example, can be easily seen by new players and old ones who became active again. If necessary, this can also be measured by a trend or a later survey.