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Title: [A] Teams All Welcome #3
Host: Nobody
Game version: Zero-K v1.12.1.2
Engine version: 105.1.1-1821-gaca6f20
Battle ID: 1813805
Started: 13 months ago
Duration: 61 minutes
Players: 26
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Casual
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The attrition is this game is really quite something... Past 16 mins in, over 3/4s of value built was destroyed.


This game also makes the fact that zk lacks an effective counter to area shields rather obvious. Yes, in theory shields can't indefinitely resist their cost in arti, but in practice non-tremor mobile arti only barely outdamages shields (static arti can't do so at all) while arti-clusters (and particularly Tremor) are juicy targets for shield-penetrating Eos. Eos itself is too expensive to work against spread out shields (ditto Shockley), leaving no cost effective ways of depleting shields.
+0 / -0
Perhaps... depth charge bomber? It could be really slow and its depth charge could just completely ignore shields. I'm just throwing ideas out there, but it could be an interesting solution.

Or someone else just gave me another idea. A stealth bomber that can choose what bombs to carry. It would be cloaked, and who knows what else it could be. Strike fast and leave? Slow but effective?
These are some pretty crazy ideas, but honestly an air strider would be really cool.
+0 / -0

13 months ago
I used to dislike shields but I've come to realize that they are a noob trap.

At 600 a pop, you're choosing not to spend on offensive a rather signicant amount that, spent on the offense of choice, will counter any amount of aegis by either going around it or going straight through it.

The problem in team games is that the team doesn't work as one cohesive mind. We work as individuals doing our own thing, each trying to pitch in but mostly doing what we want. I prefer to build what I think counters a specific part of the map and help the team capitalize on that advantage. If a part of the enemy team wants to porc to high heaven, let them. It's not mobile and therefore that part of the map is not likely to push.

For isntance, in this game, there is nothing but impalers and AA for a good part of the game on the northeast and northwest is just spamming aegis and static. Nothing happens on that front until WAY late into the game when there is a funnel + merlin combo creeping, and it's so late that it gets taken out by zenith of all things.

The problem wasn't porc IMO. It was that as soon as east gained ground south while north was going nowhere, east overextended and lost the push, then got pushed back because the team was investing in a super instead of escalating the push.

That's why, even on maps that could work in 1v1, you never see singus, striders and supers in 1v1 while you see them all the time in teams. Most players just don't know how to end games. They manage to gain some ground and think: hey, what I'm doing works! I'm going to keep doing it... until they're too far into enemy land and end up losing it all.

Experienced players inch their way to victory. Inexperienced players try for a killing blow as soon as they gain a foot of land.
+3 / -0
Perhaps... depth charge bomber? It could be really slow and its depth charge could just completely ignore shields. I'm just throwing ideas out there, but it could be an interesting solution.

Ignoring shields seems bad. Arbitrary. Why does the weapon get to ignore them? Does it deal enough damage to overwhelm them? Is it piercing like Dgun?

But also, is there actually a problem? At minute 40 both top fronts have about 5k in directly relevant shields with an extra 3k or so behind, providing some charge support. Both sides have spent a while throwing missiles at each other, whittling away at the shields. The artillery on each side varies, but very rarely crosses 5k cost, with a Tremor and a Merlin sometimes firing at the same time.

East loses a lot of shields and artillery shortly afterwards, to Shockley and Inferno. So it looks like area shields were countered. But I guess you mean that West's shields were not countered? I claim that East never made counters. Firing Shockley into the shields with no followup is not a counter. Making 5k in artillery against more than 5k in shields, with no followup, is not a counter.
  • East was suppressing the shields for the first half the the game but only ever moved towards them with a single Minotaur.
  • East made better use of shields early, but regularly lost their entire artillery force to Eos.
  • East attacks with a Paladin around 28:00, with no support, which ends up in the lava. It did something, but Paladin has terrible damage for its cost.
  • East keeps sending individual Minotaurs at the enemy defenses. Sometimes it switches to sending a handful of Ravagers and Rippers.

West ends up winning the top front, but doesn't have any army to make this victory worth anything. East just loses a little ground while West keeps pouring metal into shielded defenses. It feels like East did one of the counters to shields, which is to put resources into doing something else.

If shields were so bad that it is impossible to win a front by both overspending on shields and hoping that your opponent never attacks, then wouldn't shields just be universally bad? That seems like a worse game.
+2 / -0

13 months ago
Making 5k in artillery against more than 5k in shields, with no followup, is not a counter.

I think this could need a bit of elaboration, depending on how much more in shields. I would assume that 5k in riots should counter 7k in raiders. I thought the whole point of counters was that they were cost effective against what they are counters to.
+1 / -0
13 months ago
Now that Odin has a thermite bomb, I think including thermite on some more units would do pretty well to counter shields and foster more assault driven gameplay. For instance, what if there was some kind of assault arty hybrid, the opposite of juggle pretty much, that was a heavily armored tank that would use a pair of mortars to lob smaller thermite shells. Or perhaps change paladin missiles from being EMP, to producing small thermite payloads on hit. Or, my favorite option, is giving Detri a constant stream of thermite bombs that fire from the gun on its back, much the same as the previous terraform missile. However, leave the dgun, its too cool to get rid of.
+0 / -0

13 months ago
I think this could need a bit of elaboration, depending on how much more in shields. I would assume that 5k in riots should counter 7k in raiders. I thought the whole point of counters was that they were cost effective against what they are counters to.

It depends on the artillery and how the shields are arranged. But that was not my point. There was no followup. A Tremor can drain some shields and a Merlin can slowly kill a few. But the artillery doesn't actually do anything else by itself.
+0 / -0

13 months ago
East loses a lot of shields and artillery shortly afterwards, to Shockley and Inferno. So it looks like area shields were countered

Part of the reason this happens to East and not West is that West has spread out shields in the north. Spread out shields with a decent spacing (200-300 seems pretty good, allowing good transfer and mutual protection) cannot be cost effectively killed with Shockley and Inferno.

I'm also wondering what sort of follow-up you're thinking of, even 90% drained shields can hugely increase survivability of defenders living in them, making assault extremely difficult in a low-coordination lob-pot setting.
+0 / -0

13 months ago
Any followup. I'm not getting into the theorycrafting. Figure it out.

See: https://zero-k.info/Battles/Detail/1815118
+0 / -0