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Campaign Feedback - Paladin, Detriment and Superweapons

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This thread is for feedback for the following campaign missions, initially released Sunday 7 January 2018:
  • Intrepid: Unlocks Paladin
  • Mannia: Unlocks Detriment
  • Caderical: Unlocks Zenith
  • Zhurou: Unlocks Disco Rave Party
  • Cipher: Unlocks Starlight

Useful feedback you can give us includes:
  • Did you experience any technical difficulties? (If so, it would be great to get infolog, screenshots if appropriate, etc.)
  • What difficulty level did you play the mission on? (The options are Easy, Normal, Hard and Brutal.)
  • How difficult did you find the mission? (On a scale of 1-10 or something.)
  • Were the optional objectives all too easy? Too hard? (The aim is for each mission to have some easier and some harder ones.)
  • What were your biggest challenges in completing the mission?
  • Were the main objectives, optional objectives, and hints clear? Were they useful?
  • How enjoyable was the mission? (On a scale of 1-10 or something.)
  • Any other specific feedback about the mission.

Other Feedback Threads

+2 / -0
7 years ago
The rocks in the water in the Mannia mission (Detriment) are not reclaimable.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Aren't they? Huh.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
well my constructors don't follow the reclaim order
+0 / -0

7 years ago
I'm not sure if that's a bug or feature of the map, but I'll take out the relevant hint sometime.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
Also, that mission has some serious performance issues. I understand this is a game of the future, where everyona has at least Ryzen, but the whole mission runs like 3-8 FPS for me, CPU melting down... :-/
That is next to unplayable.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
I will do something about that. I'm not sure what yet.
+0 / -0
I couldn't find what thread should have sapphire, so i'll write my experience here:

I don't have anti, and the AI has nuke (and Nebulas!).

The nebulas are okay, but it would have been better if i knew i needed an antinuke before starting a mission that takes no less than 30 minutes.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
A fix for the Detriment mission is in the works. The mission has been simplified a bit which is a partial fix. It's also possible that Circuit performance is disproportionately bad on the map in question for some reason, which is a much harder fix.
+0 / -0
All mission played on Brutal!
In general with these massive missions I tend to have to go for attrition effective things like berthas etc. and abusing the AI by terraforming. Geos you start with cant morph in any missions

Intrepid: Demonstrated the paladin well but made some berthas as well.
Difficulty: 4

Mannia: Indeed cant reclaim the massive rocks but this is already the easiest mission anyway. Made one additional detri and a few paladins and they walked through all opposition with little support.
Difficulty: 3

Caderical: Last mission I did. I manage to send an early heavy taskforce to take out the enemy zenith but still can't win without terraforming my side, stopping 90% of the enemy units from attacking. The AI never stopped making tanks and paladins so by the end he had flooded his side utterly in heavy units he didnt know how to use. Won by combination of starlight and trinity..
Difficulty: 8

Zhurou: You might take out an enemy fac and a shogun or two in the beginning but your naval is doomed. hurry up and finish Disco, build protector and terraform your island. Scout enemy and annihilate their berthas with disco. Get AA, a trinity and win. Took a long time to find the singus in the island lakes though.
Difficulty: 6

Cipher: This is allll about memorizing from previous attempts where the enemy has got his valuables and snipe as much crap as you can once the starlight is done but often you'll need to take down the enemy detri once it comes close, which is often early. Your gollis and paladins can raid the enemy as soon as the starlight is done and can support. Even so I only won after SOME terraform and porcing. Starter nanolathes dont do anything until set to patrol. One singu and one mex isnt connected to grid.
Difficulty: 8

+1 / -0
Thanks a lot NOrankAdminKingstad for your feedback throughout the campaign, I'll fix the grid on Cipher and look into the geo issue. I'm guessing you played Mannia after the rework, I prioritised making it not lag over making it super difficult.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Happy to be of service!
+1 / -0

7 years ago
Did no one else complete the campaign?
+0 / -0
Its too hard :(
(on brutal atleast)

Especially that one mission where you have to defend the tech depot.

Also how is difficulty determined?
Does the ai just get an extra free singu on brutal and better strategy?
+0 / -0
On higher difficulties the AI is more clever, frequently can build a larger variety of units, and frequently gets additional units (not always a Singu).
+0 / -0
7 years ago
I was hoping for something special for completing every bonus and reaching level 7 but just 3 more module slots, oh well.
+3 / -0
Intrepid (Easy):
Mannia (Easy):
Zhurow (Easy):
+0 / -0
Caderical (Easy):
Cipher (Easy):
And with that, I've gone through every mission in the game, and unlocked every technology. However, I've yet to finish every bonus objective, and I'm not sure if I'll pursue them or not.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Here are some Videos how i played the Campaign

Intrepid: Unlocks Paladin
Was easy just defend a bit and after u got enough Paladins just destroy the Base.
Mannia: Unlocks Detriment
Its a little more Challenge then the Paladin, because the Artellery/Paladin of the AI got much Space to hit the Detriments so try to defend first on one Site, destroy the Berthas and then the Buildings for the Primary Objective.
Caderical: Unlocks Zenith
First defend + destroy the 2 Paladin and then build 3 Hercules+3Scorpions for Sneaky Attack and try to land after the Meteor of the AI has been used or sometimes he use it against the Scorpions. Use the Zenith more for Defense.
Zhurou: Unlocks Disco Rave Party
First Submarines for the Shogun and try to destroy the Factorys on the Water and keep much Units alive to block the Detriment a bit and build much Nimbus or Scout the AI Base with Swift for the Disco Rave Party.
Cipher: Unlocks Starlight
Draw all ur Units from the Front and Guard your Mexes, because the Disco Rave Party of the AI always destroy your Units.
Build much Caretaker to repair Paladin fast and build more of them fast. Use the Starlight to destroy the DRP and then try to get the Factorys or destroy Mexes untill you see the whole Map with Swifts or Owls. Never forget the Detriment come most times on the Top, best Way to kill him is mass Paladin or Starlight.

+1 / -0
4 years ago
(info might be outdated as it's from an old playthrough on another device. all on easy)
Intrepid: the emeny scared me hard at first but it turns out you just set up retreat zone, set your strider hub on paladins repeat, and line move to victory.
1. queue det
2. select det
3. right click in enemy base
4. repeat
Cipher: had to replay-cheat to find the location of the DRP, other than that not much troubles
Caderical: queue 25 scythess early and sneak them in to kill the enemy zenith. fend off the first paladin with your starting forces and the second one with zenith. build athena ball, rez paladins, win. didn't get the paladin achiement due to save bug. got superweapon objective via zenith rez.
Zhurou: monospam seawolf and athena, use drp.
+0 / -0
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