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Title: lobium
Host: CArankTarkin
Game version: Zero-K v1.13.1.0
Engine version: 105.1.1-2511-g747f18b
Battle ID: 2099418
Started: 36 days ago
Duration: 20 minutes
Players: 6
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: None
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36 days ago
why is this no elo?
it was a legit battle
+0 / -0

36 days ago
hooked is tagged as a silly map
+2 / -0
36 days ago
There was nothing silly about it... its a map with unique challenges (most mex in exposed locations).... seems fair for it to have elo?
+1 / -0
36 days ago
bro really wants his elo
+1 / -0
It's less than 3 stinger ranges end-to-end... missile silo in one base reaches the entire enemy base...

Like if either of you had really looked at this map you would have realized it's basically, first to inferno the other player's base wins.
+0 / -0
is hooked really that silly? i think it may be borderline

and aegis block inferno
+0 / -0
The more precise you want to be with definitions, the more you realize that it is impossible to actually say where the "edge" of edgecases resides.

Aka you cannot really define where "silly" starts and ends exactly.
You have to set an arbitrary boundary somewhere anyway.

And I would say, yes, this is a totally silly map IF Daybreak Canyon is as well.
If we say Daybreak Canyon is a viable map, then I see no reason to call it silly. That, or I simply misunderstand what "silly" means in the devs definiton.
+1 / -0
I think that Hooked is a lot sillier than Daybreak Canyon, for three reasons:
  • The mex layout of Hooked demands a very unusual approach to building economy and expanding onto the map. Daybreak Canyon is more or less standard in this respect, although the expansion phase is quite short.
  • The terrain of Hooked seriously hinders any factory which is not all-terrain. I think I have seen everything other than ships played on Daybreak Canyon with some success.
  • Daybreak Canyon is 8x4, Hooked is 6x4. The rush distance is shorter. (This is mitigated a bit by the terrain, though.)

If you play a game on Daybreak Canyon and play the same strategy you would play on (say) Altair Crossing you will not go too badly wrong. Hooked demands special tactics.

I think Hooked definitely should be a silly map and ineligible for rated games. I am ambivalent about Daybreak Canyon.
+5 / -0
sorry if its offtopic but this is the most silly map i ever played:

+0 / -0

34 days ago
what the fuck
+0 / -0
I see your point. Now, how does Hooked perform in comparison to DukeNukem and Duck? Because with them, there is not even the slightest doubt that they are "silly". You COULD say that maps with additional hazards or changed core game mechanics are silly, but as long as a map does not add or change the game in this regard, that there is no reason to call it silly, again.

I do not want to take a position here, because I simply do not care about that map. I just want to give my thoughts on why there are many opinions here that all seem legit.

Look for WinnieThePoo or Finnish Flag. There was also some weird thing with Ninja Turtles and commanders hopping around on platforms... I have not seen these maps in ages (probably for very good reasons) but 10 years ago, zero-k as a whole looked very, very different - I don't mean units an so on, but mostly that there were tons of side-gamemodes that together could rival the actual zk. Okay, I do not have stats, so someone with those can probably correct me if I am wrong.

+0 / -0
I agree that Duck and DukeNukem are qualitatively more silly than Hooked.

I think that it is fairly common opinion that Quicksilver/Mercurial, Banana Republic, and The Hole are not silly despite their acid/lava/void water mechanics. Certainly I would expect a game on any of those maps to play out in a far more "standard" manner than Hooked. So modified game mechanics (up to a point) are not inherently silly.

I aspire to make a map with Hotstepper-style tidal lava mechanics that is not silly.

I think that there is a not-totally-unreasonable definition of "maps that should be tagged as silly" that does not include Hooked. I just don't prefer that definition. I am biased by an incident a few months (?) back in which somebody was manipulating their rating by playing a bunch of games back-to-back on Hooked against a lower-rated opponent. Even without explicitly throwing, the Hooked games were a lot closer to a coin flip than if the two of them played on a "standard" map.
+2 / -0