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Violet Rampart Generator v1.3

By Rafal[ZK]

Procedurally generates map for 3-11 way FFA. Water is acidic. Terrain based on Violet Rampart by qray and Azure Rampart by zwzsg. Skybox from Smoth. Texture generation scripts based on Random Crags by GoogleFrog.
Size: 24 x 24


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Hello :)
I was quite dissatisfied with how FFA host requires map change almost every time a player joins or leaves, so after several days of work I created this - a map that adjusts itself to the number of players :)

Example with 5 teams:

Example with 6 teams:

Example with 7 teams:

Example with 9 teams:

+16 / -0
Could I ask some nice person with map tagging powers to tag this map as supported, please? :)
Also please set it as FFA map for up to 11 players. Would be best if it could be tagged as map for any number of players between 3 and 11. Thanks in advance :)
+3 / -0
All your images are 403.

Tagged supported with up to 11 players FFA.

The minimap is so dark that it appears black.

I assume the textures and having an actual void is WIP? Or is terraforming islands into acid an intended feature etc?

Overall this seems much closer to Azure than to Violet. No forking main with a dedicated "drop jack here" spot, impassable middle, etc.
+1 / -0
All your images are 403.

Oh, strange. They show for me, I will try better hosting. Edit: Hopefully fixed now.

Tagged supported with up to 11 players FFA.


The minimap seems perfectly black.

The minimap is ok, just the map becomes very dark with LOS view on, I suggest playing without LOS view for now. I need to figure out how to make it not so invisibly dark in LOS view.

I assume the textures and having an actual void is WIP? Or is terraforming islands into acid an intended feature etc?

Textures are planned yes, but I need to learn some shader stuff before I can do this efficiently.
Terraforming is intented. It is Acid with -150 depth, so the building there is intentionally expensive. If it becomes too abused I may change it to deeper bottom or to void.

Overall this seems much closer to Azure than to Violet. No forking main with a dedicated "drop jack here" spot etc.

Actually it is mostly Azure shape with Violet color scheme. I took the things I liked the most from both. :P
+0 / -0
Terraforming is intented. It is Acid with -150 depth, so the building there is intentionally expensive. If it becomes too abused I may change it to deeper bottom or to void.

A thing to consider here is to use that new-fanged "make map circular" thing to make corners access less unbalanced if it can be used to place singus.

As to whether it will be abused, the one normal-ZK FFA game i see so far on this map includes you making a terra singu :)
+2 / -0
Hopefully fixed the images in the first post.

A thing to consider here is to use that new-fanged "make map circular" thing to make corners access less unbalanced if it can be used to place singus.

Yeah it would be nice for balance. I need to look at it.
+0 / -0
Ya the pictures work for me now, I don't know about anyone else, but they seem to be mixed up? or is it just me? for instance: the one that says "5 teams:" has 6 spots, the one that says "6 teams:" has 7 spots, the one that says "7 teams:" has 9 spots, and the one that says "9 teams:" has 5 spots.

Really cool map though!
+0 / -0

3 years ago
Yeah got them mixed while re-pasting links, fixed now :P
+1 / -0
A suggestion for a version of this map that doesn't have a "hole" in the middle and has a 2x better mex in the exactly center of the map. That way you can interact with another players beside yours immediately neighbors.
+0 / -0
A suggestion for a version of this map that doesn't have a "hole" in the middle and has a 2x better mex in the exactly center of the map. That way you can interact with another players beside yours immediately neighbors.

I made a similar comment to Rafalpluk in a game yesterday, and I'm sure we're not the only ones to have suggested this.

There was an agreement that the main path being a circle and the center being hollow will most likely lead to neighbors only attacking each other. The conclusion was that the center could have slightly lower ground and therefore be similar to violet ramparts in that regard.

I am just now thinking that it might be more insteresting if the center was a plateau +20-50 higher than the start bases and the outer circle. Typically, high ground is contested because nobody wants to have an opponent fortify uphill from your base. Violet's center is lower, and from what I've seen, players almost only use it as a midly concealed path. Delta Siege 8way also has a slightly lower center. Maybe it's time to try the opposite and raise the middle? Something like Blackstar?

Our game ended mid way through the discussion, so I just want to say that while I don't like the "Ramparts" style maps, I do think a map that scales to the number of players is a pretty cool implementation, so go Rafalpluk!
+3 / -0
Thanks for feedback CArankGalamesh :)

After yesterday's games I am convinced that indeed there need to be paths through middle. I am already working on a middle that is lower ground with ramps. Next version will have it.

I chose lower ground because I precisely want it to be used as "mildly concealed path".

If middle was higher ground it would turn into porc hill, with crabes, arty etc, which is what I want to avoid. I don't want the control of middle to be mandatory. Nice that you mention Blackstar because it is a good example how middle that is higher becomes porced eventually.

I have plans for more maps using the code btw :)
This came first because I could generate it from simple shapes - rotated rectangles and circles.
+3 / -0
New version just released! :)

Tagging requested!
+0 / -0
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