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3v3 Tournament - June 17th [Saturday]

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3v3 Tournament - June 17th [Saturday] | 1 PM EST | 7 PM CET | 3 AM AEST


You can register here by simply adding a post to this thread, or on Challonge, and you'll be added to the Challonge bracket, with your team.

Challonge Registration

Although registration is mostly unlimited, you must sign up with your team, which must include at least one new player(which is to be detailed below). If possible, please also provide your team name here or on Challonge, to ensure it's not missed.

Regarding the need to play with a new player, what constitutes a new player, is someone who is new to Zero-K in a variety of ways. Specifically, as of the time of registration, either playing Zero-K for less than 10 days since account creation, or having played less than 30 games, campaign not included in that amount. Only one of these has to be fulfilled to qualify, and they only have to be accurate at the time of registration.

Alternatively, if they fit neither qualification but you believe they should still qualify, please contact me separately from this thread(on the Discord or in-game, preferably).

Tournament Rules

Keep games under an hour as well as possible. This will hopefully ensure everyone gets to experience the entire tourney, and that it doesn't drag too late. If games do go over an hour without looking like stopping, they'll be exited, and the winner will be determined base off of the endgame graph.

Please make sure to be on time to the tourney to ensure it starts on time, and for the tournament channel, you'll want to go to the "Chat" tab of the Zero-K Lobby, and click the '+', then typing in zktourney. This will take you to the zktourney channel, where most later discussion will go.


Although still under consideration, and open to map suggestions, generally one can expect them to be on the larger side, ranging from small yet significant 10x10 maps to massive 20x16 maps.

As for how they'll be treated, per match, one team will ban a map, and the other will pick from the remaining options. The available options for maps will increase proportional to the teams signed up, so the more sign ups, the more options to choose from!

As well, after a map is played thrice total, it will be unselectable for the remainder of the tournament.

All the map choices will also be finalized at 11 AM EST, in just under 2 hours from now.

Cold Snap 2 Cull Archers Valley v6 Jurassic Sands v1.00
Desert Needle Small 3.2 Highway 95 v5 Bluebend v01 Theta Crystals 1.0
Tandem Craters Iceland v1 Sima v1 Rosetta 1.3
Small Divide-Remake-v04 MoonQ10x Tricy_Run_v6.1 Obsidian_1.5
IncultaV2 SnakeIslandV2 Small Supreme Battlefield Dry White Rabbit v2.1
Badlands 2.1 Skulduggery 1.6 Hide_And_Seek_v03 FrozenFortress_v2


Raven Rock (TBD) RC3 3H30 RIP My First Entry
The Flabbergasters Ducktor Quackington Men of Iron
MAS the monkeys 3H30
The Bumbling Battalion We Have Crabs The Visitors' Visitors
ChaosLords TBD Singularity Surge A Bad Rash
RIP My First Entry

Looking For Additions

Sicke92 - Looking for two players, one new
AO - Looking for two players, one new
n0ddz and tiziangriger - Looking for new player

Available Stand-Ins

+22 / -0
22 months ago
Could a new player be someone whom I showed zk like half a year ago, but he played only a dozen matches, or is it rigidly someone downloading zk this or the last week? Eg. https://zero-k.info/Users/Detail/567874 (played 17 matches in total, half of which were chicken or Zero Wars).
I can get some other new players, but was thinking about this guy.
+1 / -0
22 months ago
I do not see the image below the title (link gives 404).

Isn't the new player requirement a bit too short?
+0 / -0

22 months ago
Under level 5 (single cheveron) might be a good indicator of a new player, but that might be a bit hard to verify. I guess one could archive said player's page (using something like the internet archive or archive.is) if they show interest and link to that snapshot if they actually decide to join in. This would of course include players who joined recently, though no archive would be needed for those.
+0 / -0

22 months ago
After consideration, and the advice given, I think that is a good idea. GoogleFrog has also provided some very helpful input on this, so the specifics on what constitutes a new player will be changed in the original post. I'll fix the image, malric :D
+3 / -0

22 months ago
Signing up myself, USrankTakenforGranite, and USrankSnickles, team name TBD
+2 / -0
22 months ago
I'm looking to join a team for this tournament, not a new player, but I'd love to be a part of anyone's team who'll have me. Message me on Discord if you are in need of a 2nd or a third for the tourney USrankChoniclerVI#7361
+0 / -0
I'm bullying a friend into taking up ZK with me as we speak (Nuoen). Ima go hassle GBC for a third.
+4 / -0

21 months ago
Id be up for it, but i have no team heh
+0 / -0

21 months ago
Perhaps maintain a list of people who are looking for a team?
+1 / -0

21 months ago
ZArankAstran and I are in. However, we are missing a third player
+0 / -0
Team Registration:

Team Name: RC3

Player: Yama(25.Rounds)/Frutz(24.Rounds)/Faervan

Substitute Player: Sepat(10.Rounds)

Best regards Red-Circle

Casshern (12.Rounds)
Sepat (10.Rounds)
+2 / -0

21 months ago
I'm bringing a new player on, but still need a third player. Any takers?
+0 / -0

21 months ago
Superintendent, id be up for grabs, if ye want me
+1 / -0

21 months ago
Hell yeah DErankStiofanKingofAwoo

Team Registration:

Team Name:

+3 / -0

21 months ago
NOrankClearing made is account recently and wants to play a lot to learn the game. Will it be okay if he goes over the level limit since he's only just started after this thread was created?
+2 / -0
21 months ago
Hello there !

We would like to signup but atm i'm at 36 games played (dispatched during 3 years) and its, most of them, custom games with friends.
May i still sign up for the tournament ?

I give you all the needed informations anyway:
Shadows97438 - https://zero-k.info/Users/Detail/504100
quentinmail974 - https://zero-k.info/Users/Detail/504101
lil_pouce - https://zero-k.info/Users/Detail/549653

The team name would be "3H30".

Feel free to contact me for any furhter informations.
Best regards,
+4 / -0

21 months ago
Yes- that is entirely permissible. Good luck in the tournament, Shadow!
+1 / -0

21 months ago
Yes, Snuggle, that is allowed. As he did indeed start the game 10 days ago(possibly less and rounded up?)
+0 / -0

21 months ago
I also find it necessary to ask, considering the date. In the Challonge registration, could the teams currently registered and named Gawr, Midases100, and Napalm of Fire please post your team members here?
+0 / -0
Page of 5 (89 records)