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Campaign Feedback - Hovercraft and Amphbots

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This thread is for feedback for the following campaign missions, initially released Sunday 19 November 2017:
  • Blackmire: Unlocks Amphbot Factory, Conch, Archer, Limpet, Buoy, Urchin
  • Shabun: Unlocks Duck, Scallop
  • Sirlanna: Unlocks Grizzly, Gauss
  • Asjulohi: Unlocks Angler, Djinn, Lobster, Chainsaw
  • Kalyp: Unlocks Hovercraft Platform, Quill, Dagger, Mace, Scalpel, Urchin
  • Falloway: Unlocks Claymore, Flail
  • Lovaza Jira: Unlocks Halberd, Lance

Useful feedback you can give us includes:
  • Did you experience any technical difficulties? (If so, it would be great to get infolog, screenshots if appropriate, etc.)
  • What difficulty level did you play the mission on? (The options are Easy, Normal, Hard and Brutal.)
  • How difficult did you find the mission? (On a scale of 1-10 or something.)
  • Were the optional objectives all too easy? Too hard? (The aim is for each mission to have some easier and some harder ones.)
  • What were your biggest challenges in completing the mission?
  • Were the main objectives, optional objectives, and hints clear? Were they useful?
  • How enjoyable was the mission? (On a scale of 1-10 or something.)
  • Any other specific feedback about the mission.

Other Feedback Threads

+1 / -0

7 years ago
It would feel more satisfying to have that "protect your commander" objective ticked off after victory occurs.
+2 / -0

Straightforward mission. I was disappointed because it was as simple as "build 100 scalpels", then "use attack move". I'd move current Brutal config to Normal, if there even is a difference.

Diff 0/10: 15 minutes is enough time to kill the enemy twice over, no counters to scalpel besides subs.
Fun 2/5: Enemy had a trollcom, but he forgot to use napalm rockets.

(This mission might actually be harder than some early missions, but at this stage and difficulty I don't consider this fitting)
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Blackmire (Brutal):

I walked my com into the enemy base and won.

Diff: -1/1
Fun: meh
+0 / -0
Planet Jira (Brutal, no rushing):

At first I was a little overwhelmed. Two AIs with striders and the heaviest unit I have available is a felon? So it took some fighting for attrition in order to get up to par with the AIs. After that it was smooth sailing as Circuit can neither handle FFA nor micro striders. AIs were both a little low on eco, a singu or two would have been ok for brutal.

Diff: 4/5 AI has a considerable headstart, felt just right.
Fun: 5/5 FFA, striders, being the underdog!

Planet Jira (Brutal, rushing):

Take a fast commander and run to the artifact. Win.

Diff: 1/5 You need to run smartly.
Fun: 3/5 Commander party.

IMO I'd find Jira a great mission if it was something like: Secure a landing zone in the center of the map for reinforcements to arrive. On brutal the reinforcements get infiltrated by an enemy detriment.
+0 / -0
- Kalyp (Easy): [Spoiler]

- Blackmire (Easy): [Spoiler]

- Falloway (Easy): [Spoiler]

- Sirlanna (Easy): [Spoiler]
+0 / -0
Perhaps more could be done to make these water-based missions seem more fun and exciting, like so:

- Hovercraft Introduction: [Spoiler]

- Hovercraft vs Amphbots and Subs: [Spoiler]

- Hovercraft vs Defenses, and Gauss vs Amphbots: [Spoiler]

- Hovercraft and Lucifers vs Airplanes and Striders: [Spoiler]

- Amphbot Introduction: [Spoiler]

- Amphbots vs Amphbots and Subs: [Spoiler]

- Grizzlies and Amphbots (and Hovercraft) vs Lances, Lucifers, and Airplanes: [Spoiler]

- Djinn and Lobster vs Defenses: [Spoiler]

By the way, since terrain navigation is such an important aspect of Zero-K to master, could the hovercrafts be introduced at about the same time as, say, Rovers. Moreover, since Amphbots might require more skill to both handle and counter than hovercrafts, could they be unlocked at about the same time as ships, and could they likewise be as difficult to unlock as, say, tanks, spiders, and gunships?
+1 / -0
Lovaza Jira (Easy): [Spoiler]
+0 / -0
6 years ago
I feel like the indestructable submarines are super frustrating.
+0 / -0
In which mission? Submarines and other underwater units can be attacked by Urchin torpedo launchers and Gauss turrets, as well as:

Hovercraft: Dagger, Claymore
Amphbots: Duck, Scallop, Limpet (kind of)
Ships: Hunter, Siren, Seawolf
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Lovaza Jira (Hard):

The first time I beat this, I tried building a Cloakbot Factory on the NW peninsula and using Phantom + Scythe + Halberd + Lance combo to walk up the stream clearing porc. This went... less than optimally (including some friendly fire incidents with the Lances). Maybe I should have picked a better screening unit.
At the end, though, I realised my comm was halfway down the stream with an Iris cloaking it and could just walk the rest of the way to the objective. Success!

The next time, I just had a Hercules drop my comm close to the objective and walked up the ramp. Easy peasy.

Sirlanna (Hard):

Making headway against the number of units the enemy can put out, in time to meet the 25:00 time limit, was pretty difficult. Don't count on being able to hold a beachhead. (It may be more effective to retreat all the way to the water for the regen, anyway)

This is another of those missions where the economy imbalance between the player and enemy could stand to be toned down.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Blackmire (Hard) - Enemies pushed underwater seem to affect the attack-move of my amphbots (which can't attack underwater targets). Is it intentional that they hold their distance from them while in the "skirmisher" setting? I had to build urchins to destroy the underwater targets, and then didn't build any more archers as they were actively detrimental. A less-than-enjoyable introduction to amphbots for that reason.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
No matter what I try I simply cannot beat this mission. Feel like I have played it a million times now. Just keep getting outbuilt.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
+0 / -0
5 years ago
Here are some Videos how i played the Campaign

Blackmire: Unlocks Amphbot Factory, Conch, Archer, Limpet, Buoy, Urchin
Cool Idea of using Archer, just spam them and kick the Enemys into the Water, then build Buoy and kill the Enemy Base.
Shabun: Unlocks Duck, Scallop
This is a harder Mission like kill or be killed and lucky too because the Enemy got more Ressources and spam much more. Luck because the Commando of the AI can be everywhere. Scallop are very good for destroy buildings fast.
Sirlanna: Unlocks Grizzly, Gauss
Easy Mission if the Enemy dont care about your Grizzly, destroy 1 of the Buildings with Raiders and the other with the Grizzlys and build fast the Gauss.
Asjulohi: Unlocks Angler, Djinn, Lobster, Chainsaw
Build some Scallops to destroy the Factorys fast and many Ducks to destroy the Air Plane and keep your Base alive.
Kalyp: Unlocks Hovercraft Platform, Quill, Dagger, Mace, Scalpel, Urchin
Spam much Dagger and raid the Enemy, dont care about the Enemy Units u are faster.
Falloway: Unlocks Claymore, Flail
Build some Flail and Claymore, try to defend and Attack with some Towerspam+Flail.
Lovaza Jira: Unlocks Halberd, Lance
Easy Mission u need Halberd on Holdfire for scouting Information and Lance to destroy from behind.
+2 / -0
5 years ago
KALYP \ Hassex (G9V) campaign mission
seems like there is a hilly area directly south of your starting left position accessible through the water. it can't be reached with the hoverbot builders, and there is no terrain landscaping in campaign as far as i've progressed. since the map is a mirror image, i assume its unaccessible on the right side of the map too.
+1 / -0
Hello for some reason the enemy Amphbot Factory on Falloway to the lower left was invulnerable for me? I could not destroy it, takes no damage.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
All on easy, also might not be up-to-date since this is my mermory of a playthrough long ago on a different device.

Lovaza Jira
difficulty: 4/10 (AI didn't attack my base at all)
fun: 0/10 (friendly fire)
Lances friendly fire'd my comm, while it was on the ramp to the artefact. fuck them. warn the player of friendly fire during the briefing

Sir Lanna
difficulty: 6/10 (0/10 with silo)
fun: 8/10
M-Move to victory.
when i came back for bonus objective i had the missile silo unlocked. the end.

difficulty: 0/10 (had trinity)
fun: 0/10 (^)
kinda left this planet behind and only went to it for the chinsaw... after i had trinity.

difficulty: 3/10
fun: 4/10
monospaming daggers = victory
+0 / -0
3 years ago
With the chang of Archer (not pushing anymore) all the hints went obsolet.
Against hard AI is quite more difficult now...
+0 / -0
3 years ago
Blackmire Normal:

I saw some MP zero-k videos and knows buoy spam is safe, so did that and it worked.

Difficulty 2
Learn game mechanics 5

Shabun Normal:

Add ducks. Didn't really learn how Scallops work and was surprised to see shotgun much later into the campagin.

Difficulty 2
Learn game mechanics 4

Sirlanna Normal:

Pretty fun mission microing cool units hitting left and right. Not hard though

Difficulty 3
Learn game mechanics 5

Asjulohi Normal:

Another easy mission that is also pretty fun. Its neat that there are many design features to make the highlighted units useful.

Difficulty 2
Learn game mechanics 8

Kalyp Normal:

What, how do you deal with submarines!? Factory rallyed nimbuses cleared the mission before I found all factories.

Difficulty 2
Learn game mechanics 2 (other tech branch seem to do the job much better, doesn't show how units should be used)

Falloway Normal:

Had lance unlocked. Lance kill all except amphbot factory, and allies killed that before building enough bolas.....

Difficulty 2 (with lance)
Learn game mechanics 2 (stinger is the biggest problem and lance from the other branch is the solution.... should have a skirmish expand map to show off bolas)

Lovaza Jira Normal:

First run involved landing on the center "circle" location, and got held up in a longgggg stalemate as lances kill everything over the hills but pushing though the hills gets lances killed due to LOS limits. Ultimately pushed though after many expansive engagements that is pretty memorable and fun.

Second series of runs after clearing more of the campaign had me pushing down the southern river directly with lance amphib bots, this run was smoother with lance stinger lightshow securing all objective. I was worried about hill artillery indirect firing on my riverine force but aside from one ogre that kill two lances it wasn't too bad. I wonder if terraforming a landing zone is ultimately the best offensive way. (who need ampib bots when you got constructors~)

Difficulty 5
Learn game mechanics 6

Ultimately I think amph bots are shown off much better than hover.
+2 / -0
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