This thread is for feedback for the following campaign missions, initially released Sunday 31 December 2017 (ish):
Chatka: Unlocks Merlin, Strider Hub
Tempest: Unlocks Ultimatum
Sapphire: Unlocks Desolator, Lucifer, Artemis, Singularity Reactor
Hibiliha: Unlocks Funnelweb, Strider Hub
Useful feedback you can give us includes:
Did you experience any technical difficulties? (If so, it would be great to get infolog, screenshots if appropriate, etc.)
What difficulty level did you play the mission on? (The options are Easy, Normal, Hard and Brutal.)
How difficult did you find the mission? (On a scale of 1-10 or something.)
Were the optional objectives all too easy? Too hard? (The aim is for each mission to have some easier and some harder ones.)
What were your biggest challenges in completing the mission?
Were the main objectives, optional objectives, and hints clear? Were they useful?
How enjoyable was the mission? (On a scale of 1-10 or something.)
Any other specific feedback about the mission.
Other Feedback Threads[Spoiler]
Known Technical IssuesThe starting Artemis starts with a maximum stockpile of zero. You can increase the maximum stockpile as normal (click on the stockpile button).
+1 / -0
finally something to get that Karuwal mission done... those Paladins are nearly unstoppable with the Merlin backup...
+0 / -0
Do let me know if any of these missions are wildly impossible or too easy, I haven't had a ton of time to test this week. Tempest and Hibiliha should be beatable at least.
+0 / -0
is chatka only meant to have one ai or two? As everytime i play i'm only facing 1 with near total map control and only having one merlin is just too hard to even do
+0 / -0
The two AIs were allied but should have been opposed. (I'm sure this worked at some point in development...) Thanks for the catch. Fixing now. EDIT: I've made a new stable version which should fix this.
+0 / -0
All missions are played on normal Chatka: If you do Sapphire first then this is easier as you can plop singus instead of fusion, after that make trinity. Didnt feel a particular need for catapult. Difficulty: 5 Tempest: Time bonus objective is quite easy but theres no way I can be arrsed to spend whatever amount of time is required to capture all the geothermals. Fleas and drones are an alternate way to easy victory here. Difficulty: 3 Hibiliha: I have no strong feelings one way or the other. Difficulty: 4 Sapphire: Fucking fun even though it took many attempts. Noticed only after like the 15th try that the screamer you start with dont have any queued missiles. Likhos, raven and berthas had to keep catapults in check, plus lihkos do crowd control and deal with those battleship thingies. Difficulty: 8
+0 / -0
I played Tempest on Hard. Take 1: i spammed domi, neglecting ultimatum completely, and my mind-wiped post-zombies took over the map. But i didn't notice the defeat timer, and though the time objective was optional. So suddenly everything just blew up. Takes 2,3,4: Various critical failures (first ultimatum failing to kill dante, ultimatum killing dante but burning to death then resurrecting and instagibbing commander, etc) Take 5 was the successful one. I barely missed the optional time objective, but i did get both others. Fun: 8, Difficulty: 5. Suggestion: a more visible timer to defeat, or maybe a warning when time starts really running out.
+1 / -0
Hello, Tempest (easy for most tries, never higher than normal). I cannot finish this missing because it takes me to much time to make progress to the artefact. When trying to go fast units just get killed and fighting an army of zombie ultimatum is difficult. I am so bad that the game decided to make me win even if I was miles away from the artefact (three times ... maybe every time now ; this looks like a recent bug). I am probably missing something. Reclaiming the metal is never fast enough and the AI keeps feeding the zombies.
+0 / -0
Some ideas, tips and tricks that may or may not be helpful to you: - You can tell other units, not just the Ultimatum, to shoot wreckage and prevent its resurrection - Using Dominatrix prevents the zombies from dying, so you don't have to reclaim them at all. You can add mobile shields so that the domi ball is less fragile, and Racketeers so that you don't have to take too much fire from defenses. - Obtaining a cloak module for your commander is a massive benefit in the campaign because you often can just sneak where you would otherwise have to fight - A decent-sized swarm of air constructors can vacuum wreckage on demand pretty fast - You can also equip nanolathe modules on your commander to reclaim the wrecks faster than they rez
+0 / -0
Hibiliha (Easy): [Spoiler]This was yet another hectic battle, where striders can and will die frequently, leaving behind lots of wreckage that's begging to be reclaimed (which I tried to do). For these last few missions that introduce striders and superweapons, I should probably expect that to happen.
Anyways, because my team was under threat from enemy Scorpions, I decided to prioritize the construction of Scorpions of my own, so that I can quickly immobilize the enemy Scorpions should they decide to reveal themselves for an attack. At the time, I didn't trust my Funnelwebs to be able to handle the enemy Scorpions, since the Funnelwebs' drones don't stand up well against anti-swarm units or structures (which the Scorpion was), but after seeing the Funnelwebs in action, I changed my mind about them, and how I deploy my striders in the future. So long as I provide escorts for my striders, they shouldn't be easy pickings for ambushes by lone enemy Scorpions.
As for how I beat the mission, in addition to building mostly Scorpions, along with the occasional Funnelweb, I also built the occasional Merlin to bombard high-value targets (such as Desolators or Fusion Power Plants) from a safe distance, along with masses of Phantoms to clean up the front lines with little worry about them being attacked in retribution. (The Phantoms were especially useful in taking out the enemy Cerberus to the north.) Of particular note is that I escorted my Funnelwebs and Merlins with an Iris, so that the enemy wouldn't easily retaliate against them.
While my ally was busy drawing the enemy's attention, and trying to survive the enemy's attempts at pushing them back, my forces were busily weathering down the enemy's bases and economy from the back, starting with the northwest, then crossing over to the northeast. I ended up finishing the mission in less than 30 minutes, with none of the 5 Funnelwebs that I built lost in battle. Having a mixed force of striders protected under an Iris's cloak, along with at least 1 Funnelweb's shields, makes for a fighting force that seems quite difficult to deal with. (If only I could've learned that before or during my previous unsuccessful attempts...)
+0 / -0
Tempest (Easy): [Spoiler]Since I previously didn't do so well on Estann All (which is another mission where wrecks are resurrected as zombies), I dreaded to think what this mission would be like. Turns out it wasn't as bad as I had feared, since the Ultimatums could easily overkill most enemies (2 Ultimatums can kill a Dante in a single volley), since I had decided to supplement the Ultimatums with equally hard-hitting Phantoms, and since my ally, which I had feared would do more harm than good by needlessly-sacrificing units to the zombie horde, actually helped out immensely by not only expanding our economy, but also providing support with heavier units like Grizzlies and Lances, which not only hit hard, but are difficult enough to kill that either they stay a safe distance away, or, in the event they're badly damaged, they're durable enough where they have a much better chance of successfully returning for repairs.
Sadly, the Ultimatums demanded a high level of micromanagement, since they tend to kill themselves when bunched up. Near the end, when my Ultimatums chain-exploded while trying to destroy the Desolator wrecks, and with the 15-minute timer almost running out, I opted to skip out on claiming 4 Geothermal Generators, and rush my commander, whom had shields and cloak to help survive the trip, to the Artifact to end the mission. Sapphire (Easy): [Spoiler]Because the enemy launches such massive attacks on you from early in the game (including sending a Dante in the 1st or 2nd wave), I've decided that the best form of defense is to terraform a ditch that can't be crossed easily by most enemy land units, and use mostly Funnelwebs and Scorpions to deal with any enemies that do manage to cross (which would usually be weak spiders and jumpjet-capable units that usually can't deal with striders well). Meanwhile, Badgers and Firewalkers would create extra layers of defense that would pick off any weak units trying to cross, including cloaked units like Scythes. As for covering air attacks, while I'm confident in the Funnelwebs' ability to weather aerial assaults, I had thought that a single Artemis near this defensive line would've been sufficient to really keep them at bay, but I was wrong. Finally, in order to improve my units' survivability, I opted to try to create a line of Aegis shield generators and Cornea area cloakers.
1st problem that I encountered with my plan is that, without lesser anti-air structures like Razors, Threshers, or Chainsaws to quickly pick off weaker flyers like Pigeons and drones, the Artemis tended to waste its stockpile of missiles, which meant that it could find itself without any missiles to shoot.
2nd problem that I had was that I was caught off-guard when the enemy sent Nebula motherships towards my base by hugging the north side. (Note that they might instead hug the south side.) Since the Nebula was such a formidable unit, and since 3 of them were attacking the northern side of my base, and threatening one of my Singularity Reactors, I had to pull all my striders back to shoot them down, which left my defensive line open to an enemy push that destroyed the Artemis that I had built there, plus several Aegises and Corneas. (This surprise attack also costed me one of the bonus objectives where I needed to hold onto at least 12 mexes from 10 minutes to the end of the mission.) Thankfully, my Funnelwebs and Scorpions were able to push the enemy back to the other side.
During the mission, I had encountered a White Dragon (which my Scorpions took care of without a problem), which made me wonder if I'll have to fight the Chicken Queen herself. SPOILERS: Yes indeed. Near the end of the mission with only a couple minutes left, I had to throw everything I had at the Chicken Queen to hopefully fend her off long enough for me to win. (I ended up taking her down instead, albeit at the cost of most of my striders.)
Other enemies that I encountered during this mission included Merlins, Scorpions, and even Paladins, though thankfully, I was well-equipped to deal with them without any problems (though I lacked any means to take out the Merlins from afar, though my Funnelwebs' shields could weather their assaults fine).
As for the buildings that were introduced, I didn't feel any need to build Desolators or Lucifers, since I had more faith in my Funnelwebs and Scorpions (especially when they're hidden by Corneas), and besides, I couldn't afford to risk building any Lucifers near the front line due to the bonus objective requiring me to not lose any (which I don't think is as exciting a bonus objective as, say, defeating the Chicken Queen). Meanwhile, my 2 starting Singularity Reactors meant that I could focus on building up my defenses, and save building additional reactors for later. In fact, I only started building the additional reactors late in the mission, and barely managed to finish the final reactor before the mission ended.
Overall, that was quite a fun survival mission. Sure, I cheaply erected a ditch to keep most enemies at bay, but still, I found it challenging.
+0 / -0
Just reached Tempest, when I saw the layout I figured I could just build a nuke and clear most of the stuff between spawn and artifact with about 3 since the nuke smashes most stuff too small to rez. Then just shove the commander into a flying carrier, put a few revs around it to soak AA, and fly to the artifact. No need for ground walkers to even leave base. Plan was going well when my allies commander went down. Was rezzed by nanobots. And then promptly killed again by one of my allies Halberds. Which won me the match... I guess it saw the zombie commander go down and triggered a win condition off that?
+1 / -0
Chatka is bugged for me. Both teams commanders and factories (also constructors) dead - objective completed check. My commander still alive - check. What else do i need? The -protect your commander- is not checked but its alive. Screenshot https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1393729614 What am i doing wrong?
+0 / -0
Weird. Did you use save/reload during the mission?
+0 / -0
I did save and load when i had to stop.
+0 / -0
Same problem for me on Chatka. Saved/reloaded, possibly twice.
+0 / -0
Hibiliha: Unlocks Funnelweb, Strider Hub (Normal difficulty) [Spoiler]Were I to treat missions that introduce new units as demos of the units' abilities, say, a protagonist of that scenario, then this mission is very counter-intuitive. The map is mountainous, which is indeed a benefit for the strider, but the AI is bloated with anti-air, making funnelweb pushes very difficult. Numerous anti-air defenses, anti-swarm defenses, emp turrets, and air superiority fighters completely emasculate the striders. Even with 5 funnelwebs I was still unable to take the second small base hub, even when allowing the striders to hold fire and amass drones for maximum benefit.
If the funnelwebs are more intended to be used against enemy units rather than bases than perhaps the player's first significant objective should be winning a tog of war against an enemy push so the scenario can better demonstrate the units' worth, rather than their shortcomings.
As it stands, I picked other units that are better suited for offense, and kept a few funnelwebs for the bonus objective and defending the eastern ally side.
+0 / -0
 1210 You did notice nothing strange there because Funnelweb is not worth its metal atm. Funnelweb with its drone mechanic is hard to balance and is either too weak or op, hence it is weak and would make Zero-K a worse game if buffed.
+0 / -0
 1210: Personally, I like building and using Funnelwebs (and Reefs) regularly, and here's why: - 1. The Funnelweb's (and Reef's) drones can travel a fairly long distance away from the Funnelweb, so it can be used in a similar role as a Skirmisher (as opposed to the Dante and Scorpion, which are like riot units compared to the Funnelweb). - 2. When you've built up enough drones, they can overwhelm enemies (especially when you have many Funnelwebs). - 3. Even when the Funnelweb's (and Reef's) drones are being shot down, at least they can distract the enemy from your other units, including other, more dangerous striders like the Dante. Besides, the drones are totally expendable, while the Funnelweb is sitting at a safe distance away. (Amusingly enough, a single Funnelweb can cause an enemy's Artemis to waste its supply of insanely-powerful anti-air missiles on constantly-respawning drones, potentially allowing allied aircraft to take advantage of the situation.) - 4. Even if the Funnelweb is being attacked, it won't go down in a fight that easily, thanks not only to the high HP that comes with being a strider, but also to its pretty tough shield, which can regenerate fairly quickly (unlike its health). - 5. Speaking of the Funnelweb's shield, like the Aegis, it can protect nearby units, including Catapults, Dantes, Scorpions, Paladins, and other Funnelwebs, from harm, and can share shield energy with other shielded units. (Of course, unlike the Aegis, the Funnelweb has alot of health on top of the shield.) Admittedly, however, I do think the Funnelweb has some drawbacks: - 1. If you're thinking about which strider to build 1st, or possibly 2nd, or even 3rd, in a match, then I don't think the Funnelweb should be that choice. Rather, I believe a Dante would be a far better pick, and for good reason too. Sure, it's not as durable as a Funnelweb, nor does it have as long of a range as a Funnelweb, but it costs less than a Funnelweb, inflicts way more damage-per-second than a Funnelweb, and is just so good at dishing out the pain whilst being durable enough to retreat for repairs when its health starts to drop down. - 2. The Funnelweb is best used alongside other units, whether its lots of smaller units, other striders like the Dante, Merlin, Scorpion, or Paladin, or even other Funnelwebs, a lone Funnelweb isn't likely to get much accomplished in a given period of time. Remember that the Funnelweb is more of a support strider, where its abilities are geared more towards supporting allied units, whilst also relying on said allies for protection. Hopefully, my insight on the Funnelweb will help you respect it more. Edit: Oh, and if you see that your Funnelwebs' drones are insufficient at breaking through defenses, then it's probably time to send them back, let them, and their drone numbers, recover, and maybe either wait for reinforcements, or send some other units to break through those defenses instead.
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