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Fight Club '24

15 posts, 1987 views
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This is a continuation of Recurring 1v1 Event thread but with a more up to date top post.

Fight Club is a weekly 1v1 event aiming at getting you playing against a variety of players. Come to the fightclub chat channel(fc) and enter the queue of players. You will be matched as quickly as possible against other players in the event. This event is attempting to overcome the situation where two players play many games in a row and end up in a slightly stale meta.

The first and third Saturdays of the month to the end of the year, 1900 UTC

Sept 7
Sept 21
Oct 5
Oct 19
Nov 2
Nov 16
Dec 7

Dec 21 Rescheduled for 1v1 Tournament
Dec 22
Dec 28

Join info-graphic:

Players will earn points based on how much they play. The current scoring system is 1 point per game, 1 point per win, and points equal to win streaks you interrupt.

The season is now concluded! Thank you for participating.

Final Scoreboard:
* SErankPLT_Godde: 165
* USrankStuart98: 96
* DErankSkel: 65
* ATrankPLT_Atosty: 36
* USrankfahx: 36
* USrankcooolcat1239: 33
* USrankSixi: 32
* FIrankFine: 24
* AUrankMach56: 23
* USrankPLT_skigear: 21
+6 / -0
There will be a fightclub this week at 21:00 UTC Saturday! There will be no fight club next week May 4 due to a Future Wars Tournament scheduled for that time, but we will be resuming weekly on saturdays after that. Fun stats: So far, there have been 34 unique participants in fightclubs in the first quarter of the year!

Additionally, due to recent advancements by AUrankAdminAquanim this fight club will feature a special modoption: no light defences! You cannot build llt or mt(Lotus or Picket) in the fightclub games! Best of luck. See you at fightclub!

Edit: Due to lack of attendance no games were played.
+4 / -0
10 months ago
+1 / -0

6 months ago
Fight club is returning for an end-of-the-year circuit! I plan to run fightclub on the first and third saturdays of the month at 1900 UTC from September to December. I hope to scratch your itches for 1v1. The first games will be Sept. 7 at 1900UTC.
+2 / -0
Explosive return to Fight Club today! This post was made extra late, because I hacked together a scoring system of some kind. Playing a game gains you a point, winning a game gets you a point, and if end someone's winstreak for the day you gain a point bounty equal to the winstreak. I'll be keeping tally on the scoreboard as we move on in this thing resembling a 'season'.

It seems like there is a slight chance that I don't record a battle, like Multiplayer B1993935 2 on Red Comet Remake 1.7, I don't know what's up with that. It's too much of a hassle for me to deal with, so I'm not going to force-add it. (Godde has enough points anyway)

Current Scoreboard:
* SErankPLT_Godde: 18
* FIrankFine: 9
* USrankSixi: 7
* ATrankPLT_Atosty: 7
* USrankStuart98: 6
* USrankVorpalkitty: 6
* FRrankHelwor: 6
* USrankAdminSteel_Blue: 5
* USrankBuckymancer: 3
* FRrankT8001: 1

Battle Links
21 games:
+3 / -0

6 months ago
I think you might be able to modify the bot to keep track of the score on its end, shouldn't be that difficult.
+0 / -0

6 months ago
I've got a 2nd script that takes the data the bot has collected and spits out the score, but the bot just didn't catch this replay.
+0 / -0

6 months ago
There's one game between me and Atosty that didn't get recorded at all; the replay is missing from both our pages (Atosty won it).
+1 / -0

5 months ago
Fight Club has stormed back with the second session of eight to close out the year! The total number of participants has increased to 17, 12 of which have played today.

Battle Links
31 games:

Current Scoreboard:
* SErankPLT_Godde: 44
* FIrankFine: 24
* USrankStuart98: 17
* USrankSixi: 15
* USrankfahx: 13
* ATrankPLT_Atosty: 11
* TWrankKitty116065: 11
* DErankSkel: 10
* USrankcooolcat1239: 9
* FRrankHelwor: 6
+0 / -0

5 months ago
We've added 4 new players to the scoreboard! A little light attendance today, but the ladder updates anyway.

Battle Links
10 games:

Current Scoreboard:
* SErankPLT_Godde: 44
* USrankStuart98: 31
* FIrankFine: 24
* USrankSixi: 15
* USrankfahx: 13
* ATrankPLT_Atosty: 11
* TWrankKitty116065: 11
* DErankSkel: 10
* USrankcooolcat1239: 9
* USrankBuckymancer: 8
+2 / -0

4 months ago
Lovely games today! Scoreboard update and whatnot.

Battle Links
25 games:

Current Scoreboard:
* SErankPLT_Godde: 76
* USrankStuart98: 41
* DErankSkel: 30
* FIrankFine: 24
* USrankSixi: 22
* USrankcooolcat1239: 17
* ATrankPLT_Atosty: 13
* USrankfahx: 13
* TWrankKitty116065: 11
* USrankBuckymancer: 8
+1 / -0

4 months ago
Games and score update

Battle Links
26 games:

Current Scoreboard:
* SErankPLT_Godde: 102
* USrankStuart98: 51
* DErankSkel: 44
* USrankcooolcat1239: 33
* FIrankFine: 24
* USrankfahx: 23
* USrankSixi: 22
* USrankPLT_skigear: 14
* AUrankMach56: 14
* ATrankPLT_Atosty: 13
+4 / -0

3 months ago
Games and score update. Additionally, next fight club is in 3 weeks, as we have a 5th Saturday this month.

Battle Links
27 games:

Week 6 scoreboard:
* SErankPLT_Godde: 138
* DErankSkel: 59
* USrankStuart98: 55
* USrankcooolcat1239: 33
* FIrankFine: 24
* ATrankPLT_Atosty: 24
* USrankfahx: 23
* AUrankMach56: 23
* USrankSixi: 22
* USrankPLT_skigear: 21
+0 / -0

3 months ago
Fightclub started early and ended late, appologies for the inconvienience.

Next fightclub (the last fightclub) is now scheduled a day later on the Sunday at the same time to make space for the 1v1 Tournament scheduled by Qrow.

Battle Links
33 games:

Week 7 Scoreboard:
* SErankPLT_Godde: 160
* USrankStuart98: 75
* DErankSkel: 59
* ATrankPLT_Atosty: 36
* USrankfahx: 36
* USrankcooolcat1239: 33
* USrankSixi: 32
* FIrankFine: 24
* AUrankMach56: 23
* USrankPLT_skigear: 21
+0 / -0

2 months ago
Last fight club of a year has concluded! Thanks to everyone for your participation. I hope you have enjoyed the games this 'season'!

Final Scoreboard:
* SErankPLT_Godde: 165
* USrankStuart98: 96
* DErankSkel: 65
* ATrankPLT_Atosty: 36
* USrankfahx: 36
* USrankcooolcat1239: 33
* USrankSixi: 32
* FIrankFine: 24
* AUrankMach56: 23
* USrankPLT_skigear: 21

Battle Links
15 games:
+3 / -0