   DeinFreund The map pool definitely asks for unexpected outcomes, but I suppose that is the meaning of "short and sweet".
Thanks for organizing this tournament, I'd be glad to partake. |
Particularly in List A I tried to select at least some maps which have seen less 1v1 play recently because they weren't included in the MM pool, but which I wouldn't mind seeing some 1v1 played on.
Adding you to the list now.
  Qrow I voulinteer as arbitrator |
I can use somebody to host rooms and keep another eye on things. Welcome aboard.
quote: If I wanted to help organising a tourney, I wouldn't post in the thread, but talk to the organiser in private. |
As far as I know, posting in the thread has been the most common procedure in the past. I don't really mind either way.
quote: When is the 4v4 tourney coming? :C |
As far as I recall the last few tournaments have all been 1v1, that's true. I wouldn't mind seeing another 2v2 tournament but I'd prefer to play in it than to organise it :p
If you're after competitive 3v3 or 4v4 I think the best option is to get Clanwars going again.