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1v1 Tournament May 27th 2017

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The time has come for a 1v1 tournament. AUrankAdminAquanim is coordinating this tournament - direct any questions/requests there.

The tournament is planned to take place at 10AM UTC, Saturday 27th May. Registration will be open up until 1 hour before the start time of the tournament.

Sign up and see more details in the thread!
+0 / -0


The tournament has finished! Thanks to everybody who played, casted, helped out or just watched.

The Swiss games and outcome can be found in this post.

The Finals games and outcome can be found in this post.

Date and Time

Start time is 10AM UTC, Saturday 27th May. Countdown: http://itsalmo.st/#zk1v1may2017


Swiss Round




Map pool

All maps chosen by tournament coordinator will be taken from List A.

When applicable, players may choose a map from List A or List B.

With the consent of both players and a tournament coordinator, players may choose a non-listed map as long as it is tagged as featured, 1v1 and non-special.

List A


List B


Player List




CArankAdminShadowfury333 (probably)
https://www.twitch.tv/shadowfury333 or
RUrankMikePestr https://www.twitch.tv/mikepestr or https://gaming.youtube.com/c/Mikepestr/live
+6 / -0

7 years ago
Aetherian Void is likely not suitable for 1vs1.

Please use Obsidian 1.4 instead, it fixes issues with tree hitspheres raised by DeinFreund.

Consider using Red Comet 1.3 and TitanDuel 2 instead. These only have aesthetic changes.
+0 / -0
I've removed Aetherian Void and decided to replace Obsidian entirely with Cold Snap 2.

I'll certainly allow play on Red Comet 1.3 and TitanDuel 2 but to avoid download issues the older versions are also permissible. This could change if the newer versions are featured.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
The map pool definitely asks for unexpected outcomes, but I suppose that is the meaning of "short and sweet".

Thanks for organizing this tournament, I'd be glad to partake.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
I voulinteer as arbitrator
+0 / -0

7 years ago
I volunteer as arbitrator

If I wanted to help organising a tourney, I wouldn't post in the thread, but talk to the organiser in private.
It's entirely possible that AUrankAdminAquanim would like you to arbitrate, but it's also possible that he wouldn't, or that he'd prefer using your volunteered time for something else.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
When is the 4v4 tourney coming? :C
+0 / -0

7 years ago
CHrankAdminDeinFreund The map pool definitely asks for unexpected outcomes, but I suppose that is the meaning of "short and sweet".

Thanks for organizing this tournament, I'd be glad to partake.

Particularly in List A I tried to select at least some maps which have seen less 1v1 play recently because they weren't included in the MM pool, but which I wouldn't mind seeing some 1v1 played on.

Adding you to the list now.

USrankQrow I voulinteer as arbitrator

I can use somebody to host rooms and keep another eye on things. Welcome aboard.

If I wanted to help organising a tourney, I wouldn't post in the thread, but talk to the organiser in private.

As far as I know, posting in the thread has been the most common procedure in the past. I don't really mind either way.

When is the 4v4 tourney coming? :C

As far as I recall the last few tournaments have all been 1v1, that's true. I wouldn't mind seeing another 2v2 tournament but I'd prefer to play in it than to organise it :p

If you're after competitive 3v3 or 4v4 I think the best option is to get Clanwars going again.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
I'm unavailable for casting, as I will be away over that weekend.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
That's a shame. I'll see about putting together a list of the most interesting games if you're looking for material later.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
+0 / -0
I got a decent internet connection and a mic, so I'll stream matches.

Yey, burn in a fire 5mbps internet (I think i had like .25mbps up lol)

+0 / -0

7 years ago
I'll volunteer a prize of 1 Humble bundle key for

Humble Bundle intergalactic bundle package
+0 / -0
7 years ago
You got 5mbps internet USrankQrow? Where do you live, wtf?
Even in Eastern Poland, the 4th world country, 50mbps is a standard for $15 a month.
+0 / -0
7 years ago
5 mbps and 15 mbps of what PLrankFailer and USrankQrow ? Its the upload speed that matters, not the download speed which is usually way higher than the download. To stream games in any decent quality (720p) one needs around 5-6 mbps (stable) but even that quality would still be kind of meh hence why 8mbps is usually recommended.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
In Finland, cheapest broadband is currently 10 Mbps Down / 1 Up, which is painful when uploading anything...
+0 / -0

7 years ago
I was hoping to at least be able to watch the cast since i'll be absent on 20th, but not even that, sigh!
+0 / -0

7 years ago
We might wanna move the tournament if that'd allow CArankAdminShadowfury333 to cast it (and EErankAdminAnarchid to play). What do you think?
+0 / -0

7 years ago
I have some concerns about retaining momentum, but if the following weekend suits both Shadowfury and Anarchid better then I am amenable to changing it, and it would be better done sooner rather than later.
+0 / -0
Page of 6 (111 records)