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Shieldbot balance

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11 years ago
Delay on targetting sounds workaroundable. I like the delay before firing.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Wouldn't delay-on-target screw up its ability to pick-off crawling bombs?
+1 / -0
Delay on firing and delay on targeting seem to be different words for same thing in this discussion. Unless first is "what voidray has", which is workaroundable, especially in this game with its Liberal ground-attack laws.

I like the shorter range approach.

It would not significantly harm Felons anti-bomb utility but it will give bombs that modicum of a chance.

It will probably impact its ability to target air, which is nice because air seems to have this role of sniping things and felon is something that should be sniped.

It will transition the Felon-in-a-ball from antiheavy riot skirmisher quasi-assault to just an antiheavy riot quasi-assault, which is much manageable, especially as both riots and assaults share the significant weakness against skirmishers.

It also runs in accord with the idea that skirmishers' weakness is their inaccuracy or alpha. Felon is not inaccurate and doesn't suffer from alpha limitations, so it shouldn't have skirmisher range.

Perfect accuracy at high dps is a riot shtick, and riot weakness is typically low range.
+5 / -0

11 years ago
I like the range need. However, felon is not so op early game, its the snowball that makes them dangerous. Just nwrfing range with no other change will make them potentially nonviable in 1v1.

How about a simultaneous cost and range decrease - the loss of range will scale better in late game, where the cost is not the felon but the supporting battery, and for 1v1 it will not be overpriced
+5 / -0

11 years ago
I played a few game vs. shields now. If I see a "big" shieldball my 1. reaction is start Ultimatum.
1 shot= felon down and even if ulti gets killed from all the other stuff, ulti makes a nice boom to kill or do bad dmg on the things arround. Shieldball is a massiv cluster so even 1 shot of Ulti can kill 1/2 of the whole ball if it's not spreaded.
And I would say a good shieldball cost more m than 1 ulti. The only problem is, that you maybe don't have the time to build ulti in time but shieldball takes a long time to.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Hate reviving threads, but I was wondering what is the reason why small shields do not drain energy? In fact, why nothing really does? I remember in TA even an llt could do some serious drain to energy over time, while HLT was just a disaster. Why not bring it back? It would nerf shield ball by a lot as now felon will be eating overdrive to fire;).. ,
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Shieldballs are not OP. Convicts would drain E.anaging eco would be ridiculously more complicated for no added depth.
+0 / -0
I've been wondering too. Convict shields draining energy should be a thing just like Conjurers draining energy to cloak. To me Felons relying on shield drain for massive dps and shields relying on energy for a massive "autorepair" effect is what defines the shield concept. "Only some shields drain energy" is the same unnecessary special exception as "only some napalm on ground sets units on fire" (see Phoenix) and similar to those special rules CA always wanted to get rid of (damage resistances, etc).

Then again I'd also like to see Felon being a shield=hp unit similar to SC's Archon, but that's more neonstormy.
+4 / -0

10 years ago
I for one support the idea of limited uniform drain for small shields.
+0 / -0
Yay, make lazorz, tachions, and emp units drain energy too <3
Or give them energy cells taht needs to be recharged by nanos (simmilar to Archers water tank) which drains energy. Let the neonstorming begin.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
There are currently no weapons which drain energy, except stockpiling weapons.

Special abilities like cloak and shields, do. Except some shields don't.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Putting energy requirements on all shields would slow the shield fac down considerably. The transition from raider game to shield ball stuff would be substantially slower (a crucial key to the shield facs power). There may need to be changes made to prevent cons from damaging your economy.

As far as I'm aware shields aren't OP atm. Such a change would be in service to unifying game mechanics only. Perhaps it'd be easier to remove energy costs altogether and increase metal costs to maintain balance? A sum equal to approximately half the metal cost of the energy requirement measured in solars? (To account for them not always needing to be on charge currently).
+0 / -0
Since you are rezzing this thread I will rez my response (and my response is more rezzed!).

From here, with edits: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/whats-the-point-of-energy.52377/page-3#post-800543

Energy is Food

"It costs 75m to make a Mex (say it has +2 metal income) and 70m to make a Solar with an income of +2 energy. Mobile buildpower can be bought for about 28m for 1 buildpower but you start the game 'excesing buildpower' so this is not relevant.

When expanding at the start of the game all you have to do is build 1 Solar for every Mex you capture if you want to actually use the metal income. Effectively it costs 145m to increase your income by +2 because if you only make a Mex or a Solar you will stall on one resource and effectively excess the other. Solars are effectively a Farm unit from a *craft game, they set the supply cap on how many Mexes you can use.

So now the question is this; "Why not make mexes cost 145m and remove energy?". The answer is raiding. Your opponent will raid your mexes but the solars are safely tucked away in your base. This almost halves the cost of your next Mex. If you have excess energy due to the loss of a Mex it only cost 75m to make and use another Mex. So each Mex your opponent kills reduces your income by 2 but also gives you a 70m discount on your next +2 income increase because you have already paid 70m for the Solar to run that Mex.

Here the purpose of energy is to make a player's expansion speed slower than their re-expansion speed. It slows down the early game 'land grab' without slowing down the rate at which they can expand after being raided.

There are a few things which come out of this.

Energy drain is (almost always) better than equivalent cost.

Say you have two units A and B with equal parameters except one costs 200m and the other costs 100m and must drain 100e/s otherwise it dies. Your power plants cost 100m and produces 100 energy. So A and B have the same cost if you build a powerplant every time you build a B. But if you lose 10 Bs then you are able to rebuild those 10 Bs for half the price.

This is energy acting like supply. In Starcraft you have to build a farm for every 8-supply-units of army size you make but if the army dies that supply cost is waived when you rebuild.

The assumption here is that energy structures will be safer than whatever it is that you are using them to run. This is almost always true and creates an interesting target for your opponent.

Lastly, energy drain is a kind of tech barrier when you are able to unlock higher efficiency generators. If your energy generation becomes more efficient then the cost of everything which drains energy effectively decreases."

The last bit is the most important part for the thread but on its own the sentence is unconvincing. Energy drain is both a soft form of supply and tech barrier. I do not think that this was considered when things in OTA were given energy drain. Energy drain sounds a lot like one of those things to throw in with the hope of gaining some 'cool physicsy emergence'. Come up with reasons beyond this one.

Skasi where are all the exceptions you are worried about? There are two classes of shield and nobody cares about the non-identical attributes within each class. Large shields have 3600 charge, charge faster (all at 50hp/s but the exact values are not too important) and drain energy. Small shields charge slower, have less change (from 900 to 1350) and do not drain energy.

@Flaccid large shields are supposed to drain energy. It is a soft tech barrier. Look at the things that drain energy:
  • Construction (for cheaper re-expansion).
  • Overdrive (for investment in the future).
  • Repair (for making heavy units better late in the game).
  • Cloak (to counterbalance its power at the early, low density, phase of the game).
  • Large shields.
+6 / -0
To address what GoogleFrog mentioned, I fully agree with how the energy works right now, with the notable exception that shield bots can get FREE shield recharge. I am not suggesting to make recharge rate ridiculous or damaging to economy, just not free! Right now a group of 4-5 thugs nullifies effects of 2 wolverines completely, was that intentional? I mean, if at least they would drain like 1 energy per thug for recharge, -5 energy is quite costly to keep them just standing in the artillery. Right now they can just stand there and give literally zero fucks.

Similarly, having >1 aspis in Felon ball is counter-productive, since all it does is eat energy, while thugs give you free recharge => that sounds natural to you? I would imagine that the proper way is bigger shield => more capacity, smaller shiled => less capacity, but regen cost should be roughly the same for all of them.

If you do not think that small shileds should drain => make personal cloak free!

As far as laser weapon drain is concerned it is just a fun element of the game, and again the drain does not have to be huge, just would be fun if e.g. razors would stop firing when you e-stall after someone has blown up your singu farm=) That would also be nice touch on returning bombers=) This already works on radars AFAIK and is quite nice, so why not do it on lazors too? This could be done for static units only initially to see how it goes.
+0 / -0
Cloak (to counterbalance its power at the early, low density, phase of the game).

that would rather be an argument to move cloak to non-drain and shield to drain no? because cloak is running nearly 100% of the time, thus could be translated into a strict metal cost increase of the unit that has it. whereas shield recharge only happens when the shield gets damaged, and might not get used at all.

lastly it is also a balance issue, con ball + felon is quite a good combo and possibly a bit too good considering that the cons are also doing con-stuff while contributing their shield recharge to the felon for free. compare it to say repairing cons which cost some 5 e per second to give a unit hp back.

also where do you see a fundamental difference between small and large shields that mandate large shields to drain and small shields not to drain? are small shields balanced with an imaginary solar in mind to power them, such that shield cons and thugs would actually be substantially cheaper in their metal cost, if they were to drain e? it doesnt appear to be that way.
+2 / -0
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog, the exception is in the "energy cost per shield-hp recharged" for a shieldball. Turning off energy-eating shields and having free regeneration is more efficient than leaving energy-eaters on (provided you are not actively fighting).

In ZK the comment "Energy is Food" doesn't cover energy completely, simple as that. In ZK, like you mentioned, energy is also "Tech" or "Tier" unlocks/upgrades - it makes striders more cost efficient because they can be repaired cheaper (Singu makes cheaper E than Solar); the same applies to high-E-cost cloakers, shield units with high E drain and resurrection, they all become more cost efficient.

Energy drain is (almost always) better than equivalent cost.

This is a good example for how energy is game-state-dependent-ish. More energy is available in later stages of the game - energy drain becomes more efficient compared to pure unit cost when overdrive starts becoming inefficient (orange, red grids) and when energy production becomes cheaper-per-energy-produced (Fusion, Singu, Moho geo).

Beside that I think initially my argument was "Shieldbots don't really rely on shields in the early game. Shields are good for assaulting and that's usually a mid-late-game thing.". Yes many people seem to be using Bandits to increase their sometimes early game pre-felon-shieldball dps, but that would still be a viable option if all shields drain energy.

To clarify, the "equal energy drain per shield hp" concept is not so much about game balance, but about the game being slightly more consistent and perhaps predictable. The reason for this is the same reason I want all "armored unit" states to use the same damage multiplier and not some using 1/3 while others use 1/4.
+2 / -0

10 years ago

2 Halberds, 1 constructor nearby for repairs and 2 Solars in the back nullify 2 Wolverines completely.

5 of your draining Thugs and 2.5 Solars in the back nullify 2 Wolverines completely. For free. All you have to do is buy 5 Thugs and 2.5 Solars. Even better, this composition makes 5 energy when not being hit by Wolverines.

I don't think we agree with how energy works because you are hung up on things being free. How much is a good drain for Thugs? 0.1? 0.001? As long as it is not free? These costs can actually be evaluated in terms of their infrastructure requirement. Compare Thug and Aspislike this:

Thug costs 180 and recharges at 16 hp/s. So it has an efficiency of 11.25 metal/(hp/s). Consider running Aspiswith Fusions. It costs 550, drains 13.5 energy and recharges at 50 hp/s. So it has an efficiency of:

(550 metal + 1000 metal * (13.5 energy/second)/(35 energy/second))/(50 hp/s)
= 18.7 metal/(hp/s).

So Thug is a bit more efficient but not immeasurably so by virtue of being free. Thug also gets a little gun but for the Aspis Fusion combination you get:
  • More protected area.
  • Protection against higher damage weapons.
  • Much better projection from AoE.
  • Faster charge transfer (just from the battery size).
  • A discount on replacements.
  • Free energy generation when the shield is not charging.
  • An even lower cost with good Wind, Singu or Geos.

Is the choice between the units trivial? Are both used? I see both units used, even at the same place and time. So there doesn't seem to be a balance issue there. The free charge is not all-powerful.

If you do not think that small shileds should drain => make personal cloak free!

* Cloak (to counterbalance its power at the early, low density, phase of the game).

As far as laser weapon drain is concerned it is just a fun element of the game, and again the drain does not have to be huge, just would be fun if e.g. razors would stop firing when you e-stall after someone has blown up your singu farm=) That would also be nice touch on returning bombers=) This already works on radars AFAIK and is quite nice, so why not do it on lazors too? This could be done for static units only initially to see how it goes.

Energy drain sounds a lot like one of those things to throw in with the hope of gaining some 'cool physicsy emergence'. Come up with reasons beyond this one.

  • E-stall to disable stuff and priority are incompatible. Has this ever worked for radars?
  • Energy to fire for certain weapon types actually just pushes those weapons later into the game. Justify doing this.


To expand
Cloak (to counterbalance its power at the early, low density, phase of the game).

When is cloaking really powerful? When there is not much about and your opponent is spread thin.
When does that happen? At the start of the game.
What does energy drain do? Make things more powerful towards the end of the game.
Why is that? Because you pay less for energy when you can make larger power plants.

lastly it is also a balance issue, con ball + felon is quite a good combo and possibly a bit too good considering that the cons are also doing con-stuff while contributing their shield recharge to the felon for free. compare it to say repairing cons which cost some 5 e per second to give a unit hp back.
Energy drain for shields is not a balance issue in this sense. That is like saying that Scorcher turnrate is a balance issue. Balance issues tend to have more scope than that. Perhaps Vehicles vs some particular factory is a balance issue and the issue seems to be with Scorcher and turnrate has been identified as a particular problem.

Of course energy drain is a balance issue in the sense that changing it changes balance.

The Con+Felon push strategy could be a balance issue. I have noticed it occurring but it does not seem particularly problematic. If it is an issue it should be explored and discussed by itself, not picked out as a justification for a change decided upon for other reasons.

also where do you see a fundamental difference between small and large shields that mandate large shields to drain and small shields not to drain?
Everything above. When they should appear in a game. Replacability etc...

the exception is in the "energy cost per shield-hp recharged" for a shieldball.
Doesn't matter. There is no general rule for this to be an exception to and a rule is unlikely to affect intuition. The same can be said of energy/health when repairing.

Turning off energy-eating shields and having free regeneration is more efficient than leaving energy-eaters on (provided you are not actively fighting).
Partially correct. Except that:
  • Regeneration will be a lot slower.
  • You cannot use free charge to fill a shield higher than 1350.
This is how to implement a solution: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/issues/287#issuecomment-58468515

Your main point seems to be the that the rule "Shields charge at X energy/hp" is easier to remember and apply than "Large shields drain about 10, small shields are free". This seems to be at the core of your argument from predictability and consistency. I think you are wrong here. An equation to apply across the two types of shields would be harder to use than no cost for one group and similar costs for the other.
+7 / -0

When is cloaking really powerful? When there is not much about and your opponent is spread thin.
When does that happen? At the start of the game.
What does energy drain do? Make things more powerful towards the end of the game.
Why is that? Because you pay less for energy when you can make larger power plants.

thats well understood. it applies to shields as well, not because things are thinly spread but because autorepairing units are stronger when there are few/weak units. insofar it is a balance issue.

the math you did on the thug&aspis shows that thugs are more efficient when looking purely at the regen rates already, but the unit does more things than that. the shield also isnt clearly worse than an aspis shield, it has some pros like you cant walk under it as easily, harder to hit, ...

what would make more sense in my opinion is to look at the primary function of a unit and then look at the shield and what it costs. thugs without their shield or more precicely without shield regen would only be a slightly underpowered unit for cost (also shields that cant be repaired in any way would be shitty) - for convicts it is an even bigger bonus, without their shield or without regen they still would still be ok con units.

the felon example i mentioned because it shows how your cons can be used as a source of extra damage, and how big that bonus really is. @[kf3in]C21 uses cons + naked felon a lot, he can basically do whatever with his cons while the felon deals the damage (and has a lot of battery power to do so). in the start of game scenario, you get extra firepower from cons that you already have, while extra firepower for people with regular cons is unavailable.
+0 / -0
Well there does not seem to be any consensus here... however just to clarify what AUrankAdminGoogleFrog is suggesting for more noobish players like myself: Volverine nullification with hovers requires:
* 2 halberds micro'd such that they are on hold fire, switched back normal when attacked.
* 1 hover con to repair, + active micro to bring back the damaged halberd for repairs
* does not protect anything except the area (e.g if there is a few defenders they will still get hit)
* do you REALLY see that happening at <2200 ELO???

Same thing with thugs/convicts:
* build and forget, give 0 fucks when attacked
* requires 1500 ELO to figure out that shields block damage.
* A more dps'ish artillery like 2 hammers will not do anything to 4 thugs at all, for free.

Same thing with aspis:
* Will drain at 8/50 * 12 = 2 energy/second to regen
* will totally block 2 volverines
* sounds cheap enough, but also reasonable (i.e. non-free)
* A more dps'ish unit like hammers will pay for themselves in 26 seconds (!) per hammer used. Thus, if enemy uses aspis - build hammers and win, because if they live 26 seconds each they pay for themselves (at least in energy), with denied OD energy they will pay for themselves in metal as well, maybe in a minute or so.

But if GoogleFrog wishes to find a balance issue here - there it is:
what would be a vehicle counter to the shield ball in 1v1??? Like, really, in a wall vs wall situation, ravagers can kind-of tank felon damage, but you need an overwhelming number of them, which is just not feasible due to roach hazard. Wolverines with their joke DPS need like 4 minutes to pay off vs aspis, and never really break shields. Thugs can tank even solid slasher walls quite comfortable with 1500 HP to spare. So, my counter as vehicles for the shield factory - raid the shit out of your enemy, if not successful resign or facswitch depending on eco and territory available. Great plan huh? And do not suggest domi is a counter to felon - it barely has the range to capture even thugs from ball edge, not mentioning felons in the back.

Let us run some more numbers: take the fattest assault in veh factory - ravager. It has 1850 hp, just the same as thug's shield 1200 + HP(!). At 250 metal/ravager, shield player gets 1850 * 160 / 250 = 1184 shield per same metal cost... jees! so thugs actually happen to have same shields/cost as ravagers have HP/cost... o_O so countering thugs with ravagers is hopeless, you are losing units, he is losing free shield charge, units die, shield recharges in 60 seconds...
Let us look at reapers: 6800hp / 850metal = 8 hp/metal, thugs come at 7.8 shield/metal, so suiciding reapers into felons to drain shields is also a joke. What's left? Halberds? Well, that is if you are playing hovers on land of course...

My suggestion - make shield charge non-free!!!
* Make felons shorter-ranged OR
* Reduce the DPS (i.e. drain-rate) OR
* Give impaler tracking to enable sniping of felons.

The idea of shields that do not regen on their own is actually quite fun... Maybe if free shields would regen TERRIBLY slowly they would be fine? Make Thug regen at 2-3 HP/sec and it will be just as good as assault meatshield but totally useless as static shield generator. Then big shield ball would REQUIRE aspis to reload, but that would not be free. Further, felons could be given somewhat fast 20 hp/sec reload at 6 energy/second, to enable them reasonable solo reload without aspis.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
So, my counter as vehicles for the shield factory - raid the shit out of your enemy

That's more or less how the game is played, no?

Your calculations are widely wrong. The Aspis calculation assumes that Hammers can be permanently acquired for a one-time price while energy generation cannot.

The Ravager vs Thug calculations only look at health for cost and completely disregard things such as DPS and regeneration rates so how you
arrived at the conclusion that touching regeneration would help is a mystery.

Perhaps showing replays where small shields are zomgOP due to their free regen would give more weight to the discussion than random theorycrafting.
+4 / -0
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