Strider Hub

From Zero-K
Revision as of 13:20, 12 January 2021 by Inde Irae (talk | contribs) (Cost drop 800->700 bp as of Zero-K v1.8.12.0)
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The Strider Hub is a factory that constructs striders.

Strider Hub
Constructs Striders, Builds at 10 m/s
Cost 700
Hit Points 2000
Vision Radius (elmo) 380
Build Power 10


The Strider Hub deploys striders, the "humongous mecha" that inspire awe and fear on the battlefield. Unlike a normal factory, the hub is only required to start a project, not to finish it.

The Strider Hub builds:

  • athena.png Athena   Airborne SpecOps Engineer
  • striderantiheavy.png Ultimatum   Cloaked Anti-Heavy/Anti-Strider Walker
  • striderscorpion.png Scorpion   Cloaked Infiltration Strider
  • striderdante.png Dante   Assault/Riot Strider
  • striderarty.png Merlin   Heavy Saturation Artillery Strider
  • striderfunnelweb.png Funnelweb   Shield Support Strider
  • striderbantha.png Paladin   Ranged Support Strider
  • striderdetriment.png Detriment   Ultimate Assault Strider
  • shipheavyarty.png Shogun   Battleship (Heavy Artillery)
  • shipcarrier.png Reef   Aircraft Carrier (Bombardment)
  • subtacmissile.png Scylla   Tactical Nuke Missile Sub