
From Zero-K
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  • AA — Anti Air.
  • Alpha — Average single-shot damage amount.
  • Anti — Antinuke.
  • Anni — Lucifer (anni is from Annihilator, the old name) — heavy tachyon tower.
  • AoE — Area of Effect (splash damage).
  • Avenger — old name for Swift — multirole fighter.
  • Amph — Amphibious bots.
  • Air — typically indicates plane factory units; rarely gunships.
  • Arty — short for Artillery, a class of long-range units.


  • Bantha — old name for Paladin.
  • BB — Big Bertha — the long range cannon.
  • BD — Revenant, comes from old name Black Dawn — heavy raider/assault gunship.
  • Behe — Cerberus, from old name Behemoth.
  • BP — buildpower — the speed at which constructors/factories convert resources to units.
  • BW — BlastWing — flying bomb unit.


  • CA — Complete Annihilation — ZK's direct ancestor game. Also the Complete Annihilation award (for dealing the most damage).
  • Cata — Merlin. From the old name, Catapult — artillery strider.
  • CCR — Comet Catcher Redux — the flat vehicle map.
  • Chix — Chicken Defense, a Tower Defense style game mode.
  • Com(m) — Commander — the starting unit.
  • Con — Constructor — any mobile unit with ability to build stuff.
  • Cooked — destroyed, usually about players (but sometimes also individual units). See also: lobster.
  • CS — ChainSaw — long range anti-air.
  • Crow — mistyped Krow.


  • Det — also detriDetriment — the largest strider.
  • DDM — Desolator, formerly known as the Doomsday Machine — heavy defensive structure.
  • DF — DeinFreund — one of the developers.
  • Dgun — Disintegrator Gun — class of special weapons that need manual activation using "D" key — for example Dante's missile volley or special commander weapons.
  • Domi — Dominatrix — capture vehicle.
  • DPS — Damage Per Second.
  • DRP — Disco Rave Party — the superweapon.
  • Drop — a "drop" happens when units are loaded into transports and then "dropped" somewhere, like the enemy base.
  • DSD — Delta Siege Dry — a popular teams map.


  • E — Energy — the resource.
  • Eco — Economy — all resource-producing units and buildings.
  • Elo — a rating system used for balancing games basing on estimated players skill (on which ZK's ladder ratings used to be based).
  • EMP — ElectroMagnetic Pulse — paralyzer weapons, can also be used to mean an air player using Thunderbird.


  • FFA — Free for All — a match with 3 or more teams.
  • Fac — Factory — building that produces mobile units.
  • FW — Firewalker — artillery bot.
  • Fus — Fusion Reactor.
  • Firepluk award — named after the player Firepluk; When a player resigns very early into the game but ends up winning anyways.


  • Gaetor — Scorcher, formerly known as Instigator.
  • Geo — Geothermal Powerplant or the spot where it can be built (also geospot).
  • GF — GoogleFrog — one of the lead developers.
  • GS — Gunships.
  • Golly or Goli — Cyclops, formerly known as Goliath — heavy tank.
  • Grid — energy grid — system of connected energy sources, part of overdrive. Structures are in the same grid if their "circles" touch.


  • HLT — Heavy Laser Tower — Stinger.
  • Hawk — old name for Raptor — air superiority fighter.




  • KR — KingRaptor — one of the core developers (currently known as Histidine).


  • Licho — old name for Likho — heavy bomber plane. Also one of the core developers.
  • Link — to link disconnected parts of energy grid together OR to link shields together.
  • LLT — Light Laser Tower — the Lotus turret.
  • Lobster — a taunt for a player who hasn't performed well in ongoing or previous battle(s).
  • LoS — line of sight.
  • LV — Light Vehicles (Factory) — LV got renamed to Rover Assembly.
  • Leveler — old name for Ripper.



  • Nano — Caretaker nanolathe tower — static constructor.
  • Nap — to kidnap — usually "comnap" — capture enemy commander with air transport.
  • NullAI — a "sandbox" skirmish opponent which does nothing, sometimes used as an insult.


  • OD — OverDrive — overdrive pumps spare energy to metal extractors to improve their output, see economic section of the manual.
  • OP — OverPowered — something is considered too good for its cost (e.g. a unit/module/ability). Also forum abbreviation for original poster, the person who started the current thread.
  • OTA — (Original) Total Annihilation — a 1997 RTS game which ZK started out as a mod of (where "original" is to refer to the retail game as opposed to the collection of the various other mods it spawned).
  • Owled — weak enough that it might as well not be in the game.


  • Pene — Lance. From old name "Penetrator".
  • Porc — from porcupine — heavy defenses, usually useless.
  • Porcing — playing too defensively, not taking enough land.
  • PW — PlanetWars — the online multiplayer campaign.
  • Plop (fac) — deploying your first factory, which is free and builds instantly.


  • Rec — Reclaim — command to recycle units, wreckages and map features.
  • Ress/rez — Ressurection (common misspelled version of resurrection) — ability to recreate a unit from its wreckage.
  • Reaper — old name for Minotaur.


  • SD — Stardust.
  • Singu — Singularity Reactor — most powerful, and most dangerous energy-producing structure.
  • Shadow — old name for Raven — bomber plane.
  • Shiny — huge explosion caused either by nuke, advanced geothermal or destruction of Singularity Reactor. Can also be used when a lot of bombs chain explode.
  • Skydust — Stardust on a terraformed spire.
  • Starlulz — Starlight.
  • Stiletto — old name for Thunderbird.
  • Sumo — old name for Jugglenaut.
  • SSB — Small Supreme Battlefield — a remake of Seton's Clutch, the iconic map from Supreme Commander.
  • Selfd — Self Destruct — usually meant as an encouragement to self destruct all your things using CTRL+A, CTRL+D keys to end the game; sometimes to self destruct a single unit for its powerful death explosion.
  • Shield-ball — a group of units that have shields, usually containing Thugs, Felons, and possibly an Aspis.
  • Stealth — also 'stealth-ball' — a group of units with personal cloaks (like Scythes, or under cloaking field of Aspis.


  • TB — Thunderbird — area disable bomber plane.
  • Terra — Terraform — a way to modify map's landscape.
  • Tit d — Titan Duel, a popular map.
  • Trollcom — a frontline Commander with a lot of investment, typically a disintegrator gun commander with high movement speed and stealth cloak.
  • Tick — old name for Imp.


  • Ubermex — a Metal Extractor spot with much more yield than usual (4+ while typical mex is 2).
  • UP — UnderPowered — something is considered too weak for its cost (e.g. a unit/module/ability).
  • Ulti — Ultimatum — cloaked anti-heavy strider.


  • Vamp — old name for Raptor — air superiority fighter.
  • Vindi — Hercules. From the old name Vindicator.


  • Warrior — old name for Reaver.
  • WHR — Whole History Rating — the rating system used for the ZK ladder. See also: Elo.
  • Wubbernaut — a new player. Comes from wub (similar to nub) + naut (to explore).