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Resign powa!

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Quits are not recorded as resignation and thus are not taken into account in these statistics!

I'm not assuming responsibility for any bans incurring due to these statistics.

Fastest Resigner

Percentage represents the average time that the player spends playing before he resigns. 100% means he always resigns as last player. 0% means he insta-resigns every game. Minimum 200 Wins and 200 Losses.

1. USrank[fury]ofnightly : 79.4%
2. IErankhelltone : 84.4%
3. @[I]jussipe : 84.6%
4. CNranknfc : 85.0%
5. Firepluk : 86.5%
6. FRrankplatyhelminth : 87.8%
7. @Violaceus : 87.9%
8. GBrankNEShelltone : 89.2%
9. USrankHavocsquad : 89.3%
10. FIrankVarikonniemi : 89.7%

Game prolongers

Same as previous, just with inverse ordering.

1. DErankbamn1 : 100.0%

Wait, this is pointless. I have to exclude people who mistake Alt+F4 for the resign button.
Minimum 1000 Battles:

1. USrankShadybear18 : 99.9%
2. EErank[ISP]Lauri : 99.8%
3. DErankMooningForces : 99.6%
4. ESrankMULTIPLAYERS : 99.5%
5. DErankjummy : 99.5%
6. RUrankAdminikinz : 99.5%
7. BErankFlipstip : 99.5%
8. FRrankHelwor : 99.4%
9. EErankAdminAnarchid : 99.4%
10. CHrankConnetable : 99.4%

Well I tried..

Firepluk Award

How many games the player resigned but his team still managed to win. Minimum 200 Wins and 200 Losses.

1. Firepluk : 565
2. GBrankKyubey : 125
3. CZrankAdminLicho : 98
4. CNranknfc : 82
5. ESrankElTorero : 82
6. USrank[fury]ofnightly : 81
7. BRrankFortaleza : 74
8. PLrankFailer : 74
9. USrankRapheal : 69
10. @[I]jussipe : 65

If you normalize for the amount of games played, USrank[fury]ofnightly turns out to be a uber-sfireman.

Resign lobsters!

How many (actually lost) games the player resigned early. Minimum 200 Wins and 200 Losses.

1. Firepluk : 3726
2. GBrankKyubey : 747
3. UArankCorvus_Corax : 728
4. SKrankSvatopluk : 682
5. USrankpatrician : 651
6. PLrankRafalpluk : 633
7. DErankAdminmojjj : 628
8. FRrankSlaab : 583
9. CZrankAdminLicho : 582
10. PLrankFailer : 554

Resign powa

Ratio of early resigns that lead to loss vs early resigns where the games were still won. At least 50 early resigns.

1. AUrankAveragePlan : 9001.0 (100.0%)
2. RUrankYogzototh : 9001.0 (100.0%)
3. DErankSeisdrum : 9001.0 (100.0%)
4. USrankJasper : 159.0 (99.4%)
5. BRrank[V]sheep : 154.0 (99.4%)
6. USrank[I]burp : 118.7 (99.2%)
7. PErankatom2 : 85.7 (98.8%)
8. SErankThat80sJanitor : 81.0 (98.8%)
9. USrankhopefulll : 70.0 (98.6%)
10. PErankSATO_S : 68.5 (98.6%)

Duel of resigns

Average resign time in 1v1. At least 50 1v1 resigns required.

1. NLrank[GBC]Tandstickor : 9.2 minutes
2. Firepluk : 9.5 minutes
3. USranksomekid : 9.5 minutes
4. FIranksprang : 9.7 minutes
5. USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng : 9.7 minutes
6. DErankSinKitty : 10.2 minutes
7. PLrankOrfelius : 10.3 minutes
8. USrankKshatriya : 10.3 minutes
9. UArankCorvus_Corax : 10.3 minutes
10. UArankdahn : 10.3 minutes

+6 / -0
8 years ago
If you normalize for the amount of games played
Quite nessecary to do that, because with 15771 played games
Firepluk has like ~ten times the matches of average players..
+3 / -0

8 years ago
If you used relative values this'd be the result:

Firepluk Award

Percentage represents what fraction of games the player resigns but his team still manages to win. Minimum 200 Wins and 200 Losses.

1. USrank[fury]ofnightly : 22.6%
2. CNranknfc : 21.4%
3. @[I]jussipe : 18.4%
4. IErankhelltone : 13.6%
5. USrankHomelessCasey : 10.5%
6. USrankHinoki : 9.7%
7. FRrankplatyhelminth : 8.9%
8. GBrankNEShelltone : 8.9%
9. Firepluk : 8.0%
10. unknownrankDomenom : 8.0%

Resign lobsters!

This percentage of lost games the player resigned early. Minimum 200 Wins and 200 Losses.

1. USrank[fury]ofnightly : 74.4%
2. IErankhelltone : 62.5%
3. @[I]jussipe : 56.3%
4. Firepluk : 52.9%
5. USrankAntelope : 52.4%
6. FIrank[PinK]SirArtturi : 51.9%
7. FIrankVarikonniemi : 51.6%
8. USrankfdge : 51.0%
9. USrankHavocsquad : 50.3%
10. USrank[ACP]havoc_squad : 49.8%
+2 / -0
8 years ago
Could you also do the % of the games in which a player resigns in?
+0 / -0
8 years ago
what game modes are those numbers from?
+0 / -0

King of resign

Percentage of games where the player resigned early.

1. USrank[fury]ofnightly : 48.8%
2. IErankhelltone : 38.4%
3. @[I]jussipe : 36.8%
4. CNranknfc : 31.2%
5. Firepluk : 30.4%
6. USrankHavocsquad : 29.1%
7. USrankfdge : 28.7%
8. FIrankVarikonniemi : 28.5%
9. USrank[ACP]havoc_squad : 28.0%
10. FRrankplatyhelminth : 27.2%
+3 / -0
8 years ago
See? I'm not even on the list. Please people stop saying that I resign all the time > . > I have statistics to back me up here.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
why is GBrankQuaddafiDuck level 0 with 727 played, 172 watched, 67 missions?
+0 / -0

8 years ago
PLrankOrfelius you resign early on 1v1s where your resignation marks the end of the game, so by definition you'll get 100%
Look at the list of least frequent resigners, it has an impressive representation of 1v1 people.

CHrankAdminDeinFreund fix your dataset.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Also, you want to measure early resigns who resulted in victory/loss vs. early resigns and not vs. all games, since that way you can actually see how good this person is in assessing the situation correctly
..or causing the situation by his resign.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Resigning is for the weak!

Interesting to see that not all of the top 10 slowest resigners are 1v1 players.
+1 / -0
Added ATrankhokomoko suggestion.

Do you generally prefer percentages(0-100%) over ratios(0.0-Infinity)? I find ratios intuitive, but they can be misleading with the lim x->0: 1/x growth.

Well I tried..

The slow resigners list is pretty pointless. It would have to detect AFK/Quitters to make any sense. Currently I have the feeling many of these players just do one of these things instead of resigning. (Bamn1 never early resigned a single game, MULTIPLAYERS regularly doesn't arrive ingame...)
+0 / -0
PLrankOrfelius is indeed not one of the most frequent early resigners, but he does score on the average 1v1 resign speed!

1. NLrank[GBC]Tandstickor : 9.2 minutes
2. Firepluk : 9.5 minutes
3. USranksomekid : 9.5 minutes
4. FIranksprang : 9.7 minutes
5. USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng : 9.7 minutes
6. DErankSinKitty : 10.2 minutes
7. PLrankOrfelius : 10.3 minutes
8. USrankKshatriya : 10.3 minutes
9. UArankCorvus_Corax : 10.3 minutes
10. UArankdahn : 10.3 minutes
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Wait, this is pointless. I have to exclude people who mistake Alt+F4 for the resign button.

Orfelius you resign early on 1v1s

+0 / -0
1. NLrankNapoleon[GBC]Tandstickor : 9.2 minutes
2. RUrankNapoleonFirepluk : 9.5 minutes
3. USrankSoldiersomekid : 9.5 minutes
4. FIrankNapoleonsprang : 9.7 minutes
5. GBrankSoldier[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng : 9.7 minutes
6. DErankNapoleonSinKitty : 10.2 minutes
7. PLrankSoldierOrfelius : 10.3 minutes
8. USrankNapoleonKshatriya : 10.3 minutes
9. UArankNapoleonCorvus_Corax : 10.3 minutes
10. UArankNapoleondahn : 10.3 minutes

Their last 1v1 matches:
[GBC]Tandstickor 14 months ago
Firepluk 5 days ago
somekid 20 months ago
sprang 29 days ago
[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng 11 months ago
SinKitty 3 years ago
Orfelius 2 days ago the *
Kshatriya 46 hours ago *²
Corvus_Corax 2 months ago

on average the last 1v1 match of those peoplers was
 ( (14*30)+5+(20*30)+29+(11*30)+(3*365)+2+2+(2*30) ) /10 = 254 days ago 


Did not look for others, but USranksomekid 's 1v1 games are kinda strange.
Many lolmaps that end in in seconds and even matches the normal maps hardly go longer than 2-10 minutes.
Would like to see what was going on there but my 'lobby program is not running.'

lol this formating parser
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Are you asking for another player activity graph to prove a playerbase reduction? Because taking the average of time since last 1v1 game played of early resigners(who probably dont like 1v1 too much) is a really bad measure for that.

Games shorter than 2 minutes, missions/bot games and fun maps are completely ignored in my statistics unless noted otherwise.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Do not really care, whenever there are lists of players I randomly click names and notice how many are inactive.

Even in 1v1 tourneys I noticed that sometimes signed up players had months since last game and in generally did not play much 1v1. I guess the players in 1v1 tourney kinda like 1v1, or are even supposed to be the best or something..

Where is the "other" activity graph?

Imo activity is hard to express in graph or number. For example if average match-size goes from 5v5 to 10v10 (or other way around) that means dramatic 50% change in playerminutes.
But to a player who logs in and waits for a match to join it does not really matter.
More important is the 'felt activity:' How much waiting does it take after initial log-in to get ingame, how long series of 1v1 can one play, how many evenings are there when you can not find any decent match (even with lowered standards) , what is the blabla vs play ration in battleroom etc
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Games shorter than 2 minutes, [...] are completely ignored in my statistics unless noted otherwise.
Is that not bad in a statistics about early resigns
+0 / -0
8 years ago
why is QuaddafiDuck level 0 with 727 played, 172 watched, 67 missions?

Could by caused by a level reset punishment or perhaps CPU time for elo calculation is not wasted on players who didn't play for four years or probably something completely different.
+0 / -0
DErank[2up]knorke last game 2 years ago. According to data you don't play Zero-K and only whine on the forums.

Why do you care that other people play the game infrequently? I have my reasons why I stopped. Mainly the reason is that I don't have anybody at a same skill level to play said 1v1s with. Are you invalidating they playtime because their play once a month or something when you last played 2 years ago?
+5 / -0
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