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Your optimal teammate

19 posts, 1503 views
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These are the teammates each of the 100 most active players has had most success (winrate) with.

The suggestions are ordered by statistic significance, meaning the first suggestion is the riskiest and the last suggestion the safest option.

Firepluk: DErankManu12 GBrankicklefluffybunny @SupaNeb
4hundred: ROrankForgottenGeneral SKrankSvatopluk AUrankLyth
Corvus_Corax: AUrankSortale PLrankFailer RUrank[tre]PAK
Svatopluk: DErankMagman CZrankanonymise737 AUrank4hundred
[tre]PAK: DEranknoobcluster DErankmm19 SKrankSvatopluk
Klon: BRrankmuffa USrank[I]burp RUrankYurGa
southern98: FIrank_edrush PLrankFailer PLrankFailer
patrician: USrankdogma USrankdarkstar64 @-
_Shaman: AUrankSnuggleBass DErankJummy Firepluk
Jasper: unknownrankToKC GBrankSkullRazer PLrankRafalpluk
Chesti: BGrankBrynnlow DErankmodschi AUrank4hundred
Failer: ITrankMiguelw ROrankForever USranksouthern98
Kyubey: USrankomgwhy FRrank[Kf3in]C21 @Saab
NorthChileanG: FRrankSolenostomus PErankatom2 Firepluk
[DrK]Lancelan: USrankAmoebaX USrankpatrician @-
Rafalpluk: FRrankHelwor USrank[I]burp USrankJasper
Helwor: PLrankRafalpluk snoke USrankStrog
atom2: PErankvenom69 USrankDenzenDazo EErankNorthChileanG
Saab: DErankXivender FIrankAdminAlcur USranksouthern98
Xivender: @Saab HRranktomicaST DErankAdminmojjj
ElTorero: GBrank[Fx]Drone @Saab Firepluk
mojjj: USrankentropy3 DErankSinoe DErankXivender
DeinFreund: LVrankSenaven AUrank4hundred Firepluk
banana_Ai: ROrankForever CAranksanyc RUranksfirecracker
Forever: RUrankbanana_Ai RUrankYurGa DErankKlon
Skasi: FRrankBlackdutchie FRrankBlackdutchie Firepluk
sanyc: QAranknorm0616 RUrankbanana_Ai AUrank4hundred
modschi: BYrankGorilloX DErankChesti AUrank4hundred
tomicaST: DErankmultirotor DErankChesti @-
Miguelw: USrankCaptNutbar snoke EErankNorthChileanG
Slaab: ROrankledgy AUrankSnuggleBass DErankChesti
xponen: AUrankSortale UArankCorvus_Corax Firepluk
Radavvadra: ITrankMiguelw PErankatom2 FRrankHelwor
Magman: SKrankSvatopluk RUrank[tre]PAK DErankbhaktivedanta
DenzenDazo: PErankatom2 PErankatom2 Firepluk
Rapheal: PErankatom2 UArankCorvus_Corax @-
Strog: USrankentropy3 DErankmur1 PErankatom2
Jummy: CHrankConnetable @_Shaman FRrankSlaab
noobcluster: AUrankLyth RUrank[tre]PAK DErankKlon
[GBC]Fred: PLrank[Sprung] FIranksprang USrank[GBC]1v0ry_k1ng
NeonSturm: MXrank[V]Odin ESrankElTorero USranko_o
SnuggleBass: UArankdahn UArankdahn ROrankJoeDoe
snoke: LVrankLexEst FRrankHelwor EErankNorthChileanG
dahn: USrankpear AUrankSnuggleBass SKrankSvatopluk
GoogleFrog: USrankRapheal UArankCorvus_Corax AUrankAdminAquanim
Licho: USrankAnthem AUrankAdminGoogleFrog Firepluk
Princey: BRrank[V]sheep DEranknoobcluster DErankKlon
_edrush: @_Shaman @_Shaman Firepluk
[V]sheep: GBrankPrincey CZrank[V]ConTrust GBrankKyubey
[V]Crutch: DErank[V]SeoAiri]0K[ @[V]Restrepo @-
Lyth: DEranknoobcluster @Saab USranksouthern98
dogma: USrankpatrician USrankpatrician @-
niktu: USrankUFO_JESUS USrankpatrician Firepluk
SATO_S: USrank[ACP]havoc_squad USrankpatrician USrankJasper
kaen: USrankstrong_tank FRrankHelwor EErankNorthChileanG
Batman: USrankCuteBunny USrankpatrician @-
bhaktivedanta: AUrank4hundred DErankMoffmaster DErankMagman
[G0G0]Dancer: SKrankSvatopluk UArankCorvus_Corax Firepluk
Stumi: PErankatom2 SKrankSvatopluk SKrankSvatopluk
Sinoe: DErankpizza123 DErankSaandro86 DErankSaandro86
OldGhostStalker: FRrank[Kf3in]C21 Firepluk @-
mm19: GGrankCovertMagic RUrank[tre]PAK RUrank[tre]PAK
CaptNutbar: FRrankHelwor ITrankMiguelw @-
[NC]Gretchen: FRrankAronath Skasi @-
icklefluffybunny: FRrankSlaab Firepluk Firepluk
pear: snoke FRrankHelwor @-
swappan: DErankMagman BYrankGorilloX Firepluk
LifeAquatic: USrankUFO_JESUS BRrank[V]sheep DErankKlon
[Kf3in]C21: RUrank[tre]PAK GBrankKyubey @-
YurGa: DErankChesti DErankKlon DErankKlon
muffa: PErankSATO_S DErankKlon @-
Senaven: CHrankAdminDeinFreund FRrankSlaab DErankChesti
[Er0]Godde: MYrankxponen USrankTheDarkStar SErankZnack
dark_gf: FRrankHelwor USrankhopefulll AUrank4hundred
ChvaN: PLrankFailer AUrank4hundred RUrankbanana_Ai
Aronath: PLrankiHateNoobs USrankJasper USrankJasper
[ffc]killer: USrankDeeDiebS RUrank[tre]PAK PLrankFailer
diligentdolphin: @Saab DErankChesti SKrankSvatopluk
TheDarkStar: SErank[Er0]Godde SErank[Er0]Godde @-
strong_tank: CArankTheMooseIsLoose CAranksanyc USranksouthern98
Cebulak: CArankStumi ROrankForever Firepluk
Anarchid: ESrankElTorero ESrankElTorero @-
indaled: GBrankFiveinches SKrankSvatopluk SKrankSvatopluk
GorilloX: DErankmodschi NLrankswappan Firepluk
Saandro86: @SupaNeb DErankSinoe DErankSinoe
bobbins: BRrankFortaleza DErankKlon @-
raaar: PErankSpartacus_ USrankDenzenDazo EErankNorthChileanG
Bigmaverik: PLrankRafalpluk ITrankOldGhostStalker AUrank4hundred
Saktoth: CNranknfc @KingRaptor @-
TLama: ROrankledgy FRrankSlaab Firepluk
UFO_JESUS: CArankballofdoom USrankdeterminism USrankpatrician
Jeff19412: RErankdan974 DErankKlon Firepluk
TheSponge: @[ffc]killer ROrankForever Firepluk
multirotor: HRranktomicaST DErankChesti SKrankSvatopluk
entropy3: DErankAdminmojjj PLrankRafalpluk SKrankSvatopluk
jummy: DErankpizza123 UArankCorvus_Corax RUrank[tre]PAK
[ACP]havoc_squad: PErankSATO_S PLrankRafalpluk USrankJasper
Moffmaster: FRranknewparrain DErankbhaktivedanta DErankHagbart
Connetable: DErankJummy AUrank4hundred Firepluk
kapsi: CArankStumi AUrank4hundred Firepluk

Here's the code that generated this: Paste

PS: I would like to put all of this stuff in a single thread, but due to spoilers and tables being broken by [] this is hardly possible.

Since Firepluk's SupaNeb seems to have escaped ZK, here's a list of bad compromises:

1. @SupaNeb <-> Firepluk : 1.48
2. CHrankAdminDeinFreund <-> Firepluk : 1.27
3. USranksouthern98 <-> Firepluk : 1.23
4. DErankmm19 <-> Firepluk : 1.22
5. DErankSaandro86 <-> Firepluk : 1.21
6. @_Shaman <-> Firepluk : 1.2
7. PLrankFailer <-> Firepluk : 1.19
8. @[ffc]killer <-> Firepluk : 1.17
9. RUrankindaled <-> Firepluk : 1.16
10. Firepluk <-> AUrank4hundred : 1.16
+4 / -0
RUrankYurGa is so awesome he gets to play with 2 DErankKlon s.

(also some other occurances of double names, how come?)
+1 / -0
I'm guessing that a given player happens to be the best partner at several different levels of uncertainty.

In other words, this isn't a (1) (2) (3) rank ordering of players, it's the best partner given X%, Y% and Z% levels of ignoring uncertainty arising from a sparsity of data.
+0 / -0
Every1 wants to have *pluk in their team ^^
+1 / -0
8 years ago
Most active players means 'most played matches total'? Because several players from that list are not active anymore:
DErankNeonSturm - Last Login: 2 years ago
[GBC]Fred - Last Login: 10 months ago

How many best teammates are resigned teammates?
+0 / -0
knorkrer: Yes, those are just the people with the most games played because they are the ones where enough data is available.

DErankKlon For the first name you need to have played X games together, second name is 2X and third name is 4X. So sometimes these can give the same result. For some players there's no third name because they haven't played that regularly with anyone.

X is higher the more games you have played in total.

Failer: TWrankyppah56 USranksouthern98 USranksouthern98
+0 / -0

8 years ago
@_Shaman AUrankSnuggleBass

I'd take that combo any day.

_edrush: USrankSoldier_Shaman USrankSoldier_Shaman RUrankNapoleonFirepluk

Not one, but TWO shamans AND Firepluk?

Yeah gg.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
I am not sure those stats are right. Pick some random and make evidence with data
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I can confirm that it's going quite good on speed metal when I play with FIrankAdminAlcur :D we usually did successful strategy mixes
+0 / -0

8 years ago
DErankChesti the code is pretty much the same as http://zero-k.info/Forum/Post/163331#163331

But if you want the exact battles for a relation just name the 2 involved players.
+0 / -0
Rafal and all the other players matched with me where in my PW clan. I know for a fact that after you play 100 games with someone you work better with them.
+1 / -0
8 years ago
How did I not make the top 100 list?
+1 / -0
GBrankicklefluffybunny: FRrankSlaab Firepluk Firepluk

Wut? GBrankicklefluffybunny get twice pluks?

USrankCrakKCRacKKrAkK:@Firepluk Firepluk

Firepluk is the riskiest and the safest for the USrankCrakKCRacKKrAkK?
+2 / -0

8 years ago
USrankKshatriya you just don't play a lot of zk..

I've extended the list to top 300, updated the dataset and added filtering for fun maps. I originally didn't add more than a 100 players because the available data(games played) tends to get so small that the list converges to a collection of random usernames.
+1 / -0
My optimal teammates are Skasi and PLrankAdminSprung . I'm pretty sure they're also the 2 I've given the most upvotes to.

This should be sufficient proof that Zero-K and Forum-K are fundamentally the same thing.
+4 / -0

8 years ago

a collection of random usernames
should be sufficient proof that Zero-K and Forum-K are fundamentally the same thing.

I can into statistics.

TLDR: By my standards FIranksprang is correct.
+4 / -0
8 years ago
Failer: ITrankMiguelw ROrankForever USranksouthern98


ChvaN: PLrankFailer AUrank4hundred RUrankbanana_Ai

Who the hell that guy even is?
+2 / -0
8 years ago
Who the hell that guy even is?

He is an another banana
+3 / -0

8 years ago
So I play well with DErankKlon :D
+0 / -0