dyth68quote: I see the only purpose of rewards (in the context of a game) to be increasing fun. So I don't see a reason to reward one skill (rapidly flitting about the map) when there are plenty of other skills (such as grand strategy, careful unit choices, clever manoeuvrers or just splitting attention between the *non*-trivial things) to reward. I think rewards should concentrate on the skills that are fun to practice and think flitting about and keeping track of a huge number of trivial things is less fun to practice than the other aspects of the game. I also think ladder positioning is only a substantial reward for a few people who are concentrated near the top. |
There's far more going on than APM that should be given credit. You listed some of them yourself. Like Randy, I'm getting old and laugh at how slow I'm becoming. You'd think that would make me FOR micro reducing widgets but honestly I'm not sold. So whilst you say you don't enjoy practising those aspects, I still do. For me there's a lot of fun to be had executing a three pronged attack, or a bait into some nasty cloak and paralyze trap whilst a scythe hits those winds. I DO enjoy those things going well and put a lot of effort into making sure they're set up and executed well, even if doing so requires me to experience a sloppy blurred mess of activity most times. I'd never trade my personal ability to do it for a bot, because it's no longer skillful or cool then. It's the norm. UI stuff like better indicators I can get behind. Auto-jump away from danger, artillery revealing, bots etc... Nah. It's the equivalent of PEDs and Steroids in sports. Fine for casual stuff, banned in official games like the Olympics. What makes our competitive / ranked play any more official or serious than casual if it's not held to some sort of additional standard?
+1 / -0
quote: MOBAs are very tactical and most decisions are very local in time and space. |
Every MOBA I've seen requires a great deal of awareness of the entire map to play at a high level, e.g. knowing where things are that you can't see by predicting decisions (and some counter-intelligence). quote: And my take on this is that Istrolid went too far to satisfy the fringes while the center couldn't hold. |
This is good analysis, and yes the concept could be taken further. Being able to write your own "strategic states" for each type of unit (or select from some out of the box). Refine it far enough and you can factor out manual control entirely. Now you've invented Dwarf-K, and we raise our mugs in salute. If nothing else it would be a good insight into tweaking your own fully-automated AI, which is the next level, writing rules to select strategic states and choose what to build. A game that plays itself, and I think you're suggesting that you can take control of any unit(s).
+2 / -0
quote: A game that plays itself, and I think you're suggesting that you can take control of any unit(s).
It's more than that: i want the army to be able to fight on its own while i am free to fractally interfere on any level of its operation. I want to sometimes personally take the Glaive's body and from inside of it, in first person to shoot its machine gun while looking the enemy in the whites of their robot eyes; To then tell the whole squad that their job is to raid undefended enemy assets within a specific backwater range; And then, i want to address the whole robot host under my command and tell them we're beginning a global liberation offensive and that they should make obscene gestures at the enemy to demotivate them.
+9 / -0
Don't useful widgets eventually get incorporated into the framework of the game proper?
+0 / -0
Only the less janky ones. The janky ones are often the most useful/briefly OP.
+0 / -0
How about limiting widgets to an authorized set for all games except for games that are not ranked and in which non-authorized widgets have been enabled? If you like a new and unauthorized widget enough, then you can seek to get it added to the authorized set for the benefit and use of everybody or have it integrated in the game. This helps ensure a level playing field for ranked and tournament games, and safeguards against obtaining an unwarranted advantage via one or more widgets not in use by others and a desire to keep such widgets secret for the same reason.
+0 / -0
quote: How about limiting widgets to an authorized set for all games except for games that are not ranked and in which non-authorized widgets have been enabled?
If you like a new and unauthorized widget enough, then you can seek to get it added to the authorized set for the benefit and use of everybody or have it integrated in the game.
This helps ensure a level playing field for ranked and tournament games, and safeguards against obtaining an unwarranted advantage via one or more widgets not in use by others and a desire to keep such widgets secret for the same reason. |
What is the harm with this approach? It gives a more level playing field, right? And it prevents gaining an unwarranted advantage during games that are supposed to be a test of skill rather than use of hacks. Aim bots might improve the fun for the individual in possession of the unwarranted advantage, but they spoil the game for everyone else and in such competitive games are therefore appropriately banned for this reason. The proposed approach allows widget development and testing but prevents gaining an unwarranted advantage in competitive play from a widget not readily available for everyone else by accident or design.
+0 / -0
quote: Have you seen   PRO_rANDY's thread? He doesn't seem to be switching between keeping track of a large number of things at once. |
I have seen the thread but have not consumed the video materials, as i no longer commute on public transit where i used to be able to suffer through doing that. Randy preferring to manifest in few larger attentions is useful knowledge. I shall endeavour to manifest as many smaller low-risk attentions next time i encounter him.
+1 / -0
Lynx : Aimbots make the game much less interesting. If everyone had aimbots, would that game be worth playing? While if everyone had terve's "shields are perfectly valid targets to fire at" widget, the game does not get less interesting. Also, I strongly disagree that games are supposed to be a competitive test of skill. Playing vs. an AI or someone who has a way better UI than you will still be a test of skill. The harm in your listed approach depends on the specifics, such as what you are counting as a ranked game. It prevents people customizing their UI to their preferences and customizing unit behaviour to work with their gameplay style. This makes the game less fun for them.
+0 / -0
quote: Also, I strongly disagree that games are supposed to be a competitive test of skill. Playing vs. an AI or someone who has a way better UI than you will still be a test of skill. |
We have a competitive ladder. Of course that section of the game is supposed to be a competitive test of skill. What was the original purpose of making that ladder? To measure players skill against eachother, or something else to do with who was packing the most PEWs (Performance Enhancing Widgets yo, what a term)? If people have widgets that are genuinely about UI improvements, they are prime candidates for integration and as such would be allowed in a theoretically locked down ranked competitive ladder environment - so no harm there. If anything, by formalizing this, you get a better pipeline for widget submission and pressure to get them out of the dark and into players hands.
+0 / -0
"I strongly disagree that games are supposed to be a competitive test of skill."   clearly those are both examples of games. there is no difference between them, right? Everyone knows that chess has nothing to do with reading-skill and the outcome is surely purely random.
+5 / -0
Stellaris is an RTS, and its a sluggish titanic monster. RTS' only definition is that its a strategy game that plays ou in real time. Any narrower definition you might want to make will be a sub-genre. The way I see it, "strategy" and "action" are like two axis of a graph. An FPS is extremely biased towards action but still has an element of strategy. Something like Stellaris is extremely biased towards strategy, but still has an element of action (at least if you're playing without pause, which is common in MP for obvious reasons). A Moba has a lot more strategy than an FPS, but its still mostly an action game if you ask me. Whereas something like Zero-K has a lot more action than Stellaris, but its still mostly an strategy game. Different people prefer different points in that graph, tis a matter of taste, etc. Some, if not all, are capable of enjoying multiple points and not necessarily enjoy the points between them. I enjoy action games well enough and also enjoy turn based games, but don't enjoy all sorts of RTS. I don't enjoy fast-paced RTS games like Starcraft at all for example. Regarding my personal preference in this matter and overall vision of what kinds of automation should or should not exist: In strategy games like Zero-K I have always felt that, as you play the role of army commander, you should ideally not have to make decisions that fall into the scope of individual units, or at least not most of the time. Aka: your units should have enough independent intelligence to execute basic fighting strategies on their own, just as you'd expect your soldiers to do if you were commanding a real, intelligent army. The commander takes care of the macro stuff. For example, I absolutely believe that a lance should have enough intelligence to not waste shots on fleas. That's not an army commander decision, that's an unit tactics decision. My personal beef with the idea of significant amounts of micro in an RTS is that it feels like it makes your role in the game fuzzy. You're the army commander but you have to babysit that lance? What exactly are you then? You're the army commander but 5% of the time you're also a lance pilot?
+3 / -0
Stellaris is grand strategy and roleplaying :D Its "real-time" but plays far too slowly for the need to actually be split on where to micro at a time.
+0 / -0
A copy from a different thread: Widgets should be used to solve inconveniences, not introduce new dimensions to gameplay and allow for extra help. That gives people with widgets an advantage over others who don't use them. Things like auto expanders save soo much time for players that they can focus on microing their raiders early on and get a huge advantage over others. That seems a bit game-breaking, being able to completely out micro someone in combat because you have a personal ai doing your eco. Other such widgets like the llt or unit one that makes them sweep areas to detect cloakers are also quite game-breaking, as that is something a normal player wouldn't be able to do or would need to spend a lot of time doing it thus giving the person with widgets an advantage that they should not have. Some widgets are helpful and lead to new game development, but others provide unfair advantages to certain players. From what I have seen, there are no guidelines or body governing what is and what is not acceptable. that can lead to a lot of harm in the future... I would advise that the developers make up a little committee or panel and decide what is and what is not acceptable and make the widgets they deem acceptable part of the base game. People should have free and easy access to tools that provide advantages such as those offered by widgets.
+2 / -0
Unless this auto-expand of which you speak is really sophisticated, you can replicate its behavior with a few large, chained automex orders. And if you put on repeat, mexes will be rebuilt automatically until all involved builders are dead. Likewise you can give long energy construction chains to builders, leave them on low priority, and switch to normal when you want to invest on energy. That being said, if an auto-build-energy widget ramps up your energy in pace with your current metal production/overdrive, that is something hard to automate with just interface commands atm. Priorities are often useful but are also too binary, being able to get more fractional with who gets how much metal would be nice.
+0 / -0
In no particular order, on whether widgets could afford the sort of advantage that would be classified as cheating:
Widgetspace is a constrained sandbox that limits what information is available for widgets to information that is visible to the associated player (or spectator), and errs on the side of not being able to read information. For example, while a player might be able to see a Lance's beam that is partially obscured, widgetspace cannot see this beam unless the Lance that is firing it is also visible. Zero-K goes beyond the engine's sandbox and imposes even further limitations on the availability of information to widgetspace where there are important player-attention minigames in play. For example, enemy sniper projectiles can never be read by widgets, ensuring that the dodge/sweep sniper minigame remains fully human. Most important projectiles are limited in this way. From the top of my head: SLAM rockets, all tactical missiles, Big Bertha projectiles, Disco Rave Party projectiles, and the Trinity nuke are all unreadable. I don't think this is an exhaustive list.
There's currently a bug which means that the widgetspace sandbox can leak some information to bad faith widgets. I audited the lua callouts, and almost all of them are very tight, having consistent checks for eg. INLOS / PREVLOS | CONTRADAR to match information available to the player. However, GetUnitTeam, GetUnitAllyTeam, GetUnitNeutral all return the relevant information when provided with a unitID, and do not currently perform any checks to see if a player has seen the unit before. At first glance this appears fine, since you only find out a unitID when a unit becomes visible, and all of that information (which team a unit is on) is immediately apparent to a player as soon as the unit is visible. However, it's theoretically possible to brute force the 32-bit unitID space, and get the number of units on each team from doing so. This is pretty clearly information not normally available to a player, even if it perhaps doesn't rise to the level of what people normally think of when they read "cheating". This isn't really practical, given this would involve looping over 4,294,967,296 possibilities in the slow lua interpreter for a negligable result. It should still be corrected in the engine though, as it wouldn't cost anything to fix.
In no particular order, on the impact of widgets-merged-upstream-as-whitelist:
One room culture has meant that the only place widgets can be tested at scale is in the lobpot. Many issues that arise during widget development, such as pressure from high load or latency, line of sight edge cases, and something-terraform-related-spontaneously-crashing-everything-again incidents, only appear when tested in practice. Requiring widgets to be completed before testing imposes a harsh catch-22. Even if it didn't, it would reduce the development OODA loop to one-iteration-per-game-version-update. No development is going to happen under these conditions. I don't know which people would take this as a preferential outcome.
It's pretty hard to get accepted upstream. I think this is at least in part a change in quality controls, as eg Global Build Command is both utterly incomprehensible and routinely crashes if left enabled for much beyond the early game. This isn't to say that the process is impossible: I very much hope that my Icon View package will be accepted upstream as a default widget once the engine-duplicativeness and remaining performance concerns are resolved, and I have hope that a refactored Reclaim Highlight (from ivand's omnibus package) can get accepted at least as an off-by-default widget. Still, this is all work we're doing in our free time, unfortunately.
To my knowledge, every widget is pretty much already available (I'm not including the so-called EcoOverlay AI, which is both not a widget and an entirely different form of automation), so even if you only consider the perspective of widget availability, such a policy isn't going to change much. In either case, someone setting up a widget for the first time is probably going to need outside assistance (and possibly needing to reinstall their game after messing up some number of times), but should be able to proceed on their own and help others do the same after succeeding once. In either case, there are experienced players, if not the authors themselves, around to help interested parties get set up with anything they may wish to use. In either case, the authors have already demonstrated good faith by at least attempting to make their creation available, for the benefit and use of everybody.
In no particular order, my personal thoughts:
People of all positions would do well to be mindful of externalities: A course of action solving an issue for them in the immediate future, while not imposing any cost on them, is not necessarily going to be free of imposing costs on others.
Very personally, I have nerve damage that leaves me incapable of maintaining marine-split-style micro for long, and that's only going to get worse with time. Fortunately, Zero-K has had many leaps in accessibility over the years. Spring itself provides an incredible interface in the form of a whole-map icon overview. Line move was game changing. Unit AI was game changing. While I will be biased on this front, I have to hope there will be many more to come, and have spent much of what little free time I have trying to help make this happen. The improved Icon Overview displays much more information at a glance, culling huge amounts of needless, uninteresting, and often painful interaction. Reclaim highlight offers much the same. We haven't even exhausted the supply of ideas from similar games yet! Porting over an equivalent of Dota 2's hotwheel communicator to coordinate with predefined messages in a tap would be a huge boon for everyone. These are all things that I have in the pipeline right now! They never would be happening without a nod to CatB Bazaar-style development.
+8 / -0
quote: I disagree with the above post in a complicated way that I may figure out later. |
 Dregs I think I am honing in on my disagreement with what you are writing. Or perhaps how you are writing it. Basically, you write like you know the objective truth about the very nature of competition itself, and all you need to do is argue people into seeing this truth. You consistently denigrate abilities that don't fit in your definition of "skill", calling those advocating for a different type of competition (what you see as subverting the competition) as having "no business" winning, just wanting to hurt those with "real" skill, trying to win even though they lack talent, or just being envious. I seriously cannot tell how your view looks from the inside or what type of thing you think the views of others are. Do you think you are objectively correct? Do you think that everyone agrees with you on the fundamental nature of competition, but that some people just happen to be evil (like a strawman Christian that cannot conceive of people who aren't either Christains or Satanists)? What I see is a particular opinion on the types of skills that should and not make you good at ZK. If you took a step back and considered your opinion as just one in a sea of many, then I expect you would find quite a bit of common ground with most of the people here. You don't need to argue people into your exact opinion and attempts to do so are often pointless. I don't think your view is as hard line as some of your posts make it out to be, but that might be a failure by me to put myself in your shoes. Perhaps you are mainly reacting to a perceived slippery slope. There are many different types of skill. You barely mentioned Zero-K in your post so, although it was probably implicit, humor my generalisation of what you said to other games.
"Being capable of multitasking is tantamount to good play" - What about in Olympic archery? (idk much about archery but it looks like they are focused on a single task)
"Automation doesn't create gladiators, it creates an endless cycle of code adjustments." - Why not both, such as in Screeps or an AI challenge? http://ants.aichallenge.org/
"They have put in the research and practise" - What if engineering is also required, such as in Battle Bots? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BattleBots
"a place where people with talent should stand out" - But only a particular set of talents?
Now you might reply quote: Sure   PRO_rANDY doesn't have the strength to be an Olympic gymnast, but that isn't relevant to Zero-K. |
and you would right (assuming Liquipedia is correct), but that highlights my point. You're not arguing against a bunch of evil people who know what "real work" is and are just too lazy to get the "rewards" without any "talent". You're arguing against a bunch of people who don't share your exact view of what kind of talent or skill should be rewarded by Zero-K. Imagine a space (a vector space) with axis (basis) corresponding to everything a human can be good or bad at. Everyone is somewhere in this space based on all their abilities. Every game is in this space to (assuming a bunch of unrealistic linearity) with its position (vector) based on what skills it requires. A game that cares nothing about memory has a very low value on that axis while a game that cares a lot about multitasking as a high value. The closer a human is to a game in this space (the higher the dot product of their vectors), the better they are at the game. Zero-K is a point in this space, but the opinions around where Zero-K should be are more like a cloud. Take a look at Battle Bots again. There are people who think that Zero-K should be closer to Battle Bots than you do. You can't deny that Battle Bots is a competition (or at least its ideal is, I don't know the particulars). Battle Bots is testing the player's skill at designing and constructing a robot prior to fighting, as well as their reaction time and micromanagement when controlling the robot in battle. This is akin to people tinkering with the ZK UI prior to games, and then piloting it against other players with similar setups ingame. If their janky unit AI breaks and shoots themselves in the foot they are not annoyed at the UI, they have had their widget-writing skill tested and found wanting. Improving this skill is part of the competition for them. And I have just hit upon another reason that simply including player-widgets in the repository is a non-solution (a default widget has to work, it is not a learning experience when someone else's code breaks). Finally on that post, maybe you would need to push your opinion that hard if one of the more hardcore cyborg players were at the wheel, but they are not so there is time for subtly and understanding. I think the number of players that actually want to play the implications of full-cyborg Zero-K is rather small. I don't know much about the details of Istrolid, but it sounds like a cautionary tale. quote: To answer your final point, I think a particular play should be rewarded if it is a smart, strategical decision. |
  PRO_rANDY I don't think anyone could reasonably disagree with this. The disagreement comes when judging what should be a strategic option, and baiting enemy units into clearly bad actions often comes down on the side of something that shouldn't be in the strategy space. What if Glaives had a mechanic where they chased any unit they shot at automatically with Fire At Will for 10 seconds and were uncontrollable for that entire time? It would be a good strategy to bait Glaives, and removing this hindrance would remove options, but we think the game can handle the loss of such options. Part of the philosophy of ZK is that a player's simple desires for a unit should be communicable without requiring an upkeep in micromanagement to implement. "Don't fire at Fleas" is one such desire. This desire would have upkeep if implemented via Hold Fire and constant checking to see whether an appropriate target is in range. To reiterate, this philosophy is not the same as that of "reducing micromanagement burden". Micromanagement will always be present largely because the fast pace of the game makes your overall goals change rapidly as new information and counter plays come to light. A simple AI could not react to all the ways your goals often change during a raid. Whenever set your Ronin to Attack Move and go do something else you are missing out the choice to clump up, dive in, move back, or do some other maneuver. Such choices should be frequent enough to make them worth making, instead of just leaving units on Attack Move. Sure, these choices could be made automatically be a global AI that has a valuation of your army, the enemy army, and each of the targets in range. That is why the philosophy is about simple desires like "stay at max range" or "don't fire 10 Scalpels at one Glaive". There shouldn't be a "go perform an optimal battle over here" command, even though it would certainly reduce micromanagement.
+7 / -1
Now for some miscellaneous things. quote: How does one get started helping out with development? As in, if I had ideas for a way to improve unit AI (Lance targeting based on unit value, for instance), where can I find the code to make a fork that does just that? I'm assuming that's how you'd prefer someone help out with development. |
  Niarteloc http://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Zero-K:Developing#Getting_sources and join Discord to ask questions. Look in luarules and be careful with reinventing the wheel. I'd love to have you poking around to see what you can improve. There are gadgets to extend (overkill prevention could deal with Lance Fleas), gadgets to configure (Tactical AI and Target Priority have scope for a massive amount of configuration, but are filled in fairly crudely at the moment), and probably even some new gadgets to write. quote: Don't useful widgets eventually get incorporated into the framework of the game proper? |
quote: If you like a new and unauthorized widget enough, then you can seek to get it added to the authorized set for the benefit and use of everybody or have it integrated in the game. |
quote: I would advise that the developers make up a little committee or panel and decide what is and what is not acceptable and make the widgets they deem acceptable part of the base game. People should have free and easy access to tools that provide advantages such as those offered by widgets. |
Lynx,   Astran and   Tarkin see the top of http://zero-k.info/Forum/Post/219329#219329 and the bottom of http://zero-k.info/Forum/Post/219357#219357 . Simply including player-widgets in the game is not a viable solution. There are solutions in the vicinity of what you are suggesting but they are hardly 'simple'. The automation philosophy behind Istrolid sounds completely different to that of Zero-K. Automation should not make units uncontrollable, it should give players more control. Automation implementations seem to commonly stray into the territory of taking control away by making units do too much on their own (another problem with simply including player-widgets, since other users did not decide to lose that much manual control). This is why I don't even like the non-economic state toggles, they are fiddly to use in combat. Choosing commands to issue out of Move, Attack Move, Set Target and Force Fire is a much more fluid way to communicate a large range of desires to units. State toggles mostly exist as a cop-out for not solving the rare edge cases in various bits of unit AI and I don't want to force people to interact with them.   esainane
You seem to be suggesting a set of technically-implemented regulations to keep the widget sandbox alive without breaking anything. This is akin to banning an expensive new material from Battle Bots because it would price too many people out of the competition. I feel like this will be the eventual solution, but who is going to write it? If the widget sandbox gets too full then I would like the authors of this competition to do a bit of work regulating it.
Disabling widgets in the lobsterpot would make too many people sad for it to happen unless some big failure occurs somewhere.
Pushing upstream and getting into the default UI somehow, at least as an easy to find setting, is the benchmark. Global Build Command existed back in the wild west of widget development when the UI was a lot more broken. I dealt with those holdover widgets by disabling rather than deleting them. The current standard is to be more stable and less hard to control than GBC.
Widgets are not "very much available" in a meaningful sense.
+1 / -0