White Dragon

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The White Dragon is a miniboss chicken in Chicken Defense.

White Dragon
Prime Assault Chicken
Cost 10500
Hit Points 32000
Movement Speed (elmo/s) 63
Turn Rate (deg/s) 66
Vision Radius (elmo) 1200
Sonar (elmo) 450
Improved Regen
Idle Regen (HP/s) 5
Time to enable (s) 10.0
Chicken Jaws
Damage 300
Reload Time (s) 0.60
Damage per Second 500
Range (elmo) 160
Area of Effect (elmo) 16
Projectile Speed (elmo/s) 600
Ignores shields

Spores × 3
Damage 60 × 5
Reload Time (s) 5
Damage per Second 60
Range (elmo) 600
Projectile Speed (elmo/s) 500
Homing (deg/s) 132
Wobbly (maximum, deg/s) 176

Damage 500 × 8
Reload Time (s) 8
Damage per Second 500
Range (elmo) 700
Area of Effect (elmo) 80
Projectile Speed (elmo/s) 600
Inaccuracy (deg) 12.2

Chicken Kick
Damage 10
Reload Time (s) 1
Damage per Second 10
Range (elmo) 384
Area of Effect (elmo) 150
Projectile Speed (elmo/s) 0.80


The White Dragons, senior guardians of the chicken hive, are monstrous beings second only to the queen herself. With a powerful stomp, lethal jaws, corrosive goo and a multitude of spores, they are a threat to be feared indeed.