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The Iris is an area cloaker/jammer walker from the Cloakbot Factory.

Area Cloaker/Jammer Walker
Cost 600
Hit Points 600
Movement Speed (elmo/s) 57
Turn Rate (deg/s) 346
Energy (E/s) -1.5
Vision Radius (elmo) 400
Transportable Light
Provides Intel
Radar jam (elmo) 440
Energy cost (E/s) 15

To Cornea
Cost 0
Time (s) 30
Disabled during morph Yes


The Iris has a jamming device to conceal your units' radar returns. It also has a small cloak shield to hide friendly nearby units from enemy sight.

Tactics and Strategy

Having no weapons of its own, the Iris acts as a force multiplier for your other units. Assaults (such as Knight), riots (such as Reaver), and even striders (such as Dante or Detriment) under the cloaking field can close the distance to enemy skirmishers (such as Ronin or Fencer, and even anti-heavy units like Phantom or Lance), artillery (such as Firewalker and Merlin), and static defenses (such as Stinger or Picket) without being fired upon, or even with little warning for the enemy player (if any), until the last moment. Against enemy skirmishers and artillery, this tactic is even more effective, as it prevents the enemy units from directly targeting your units until they break cloak, preventing them from effectively kiting your units, and thus, nullifying the enemy skirmishers' and artillery's range advantage.

Note that the Iris itself is very fragile, and if it is killed you may find your units in dangerous positions outside the safety of your lines.

In addition to its traditional role, the Iris can also be used to deliver bombs (such ash Imp and Snitch) to the heart of enemy unit clusters. When used correctly, this can be a very efficient counter to shield balls.