Internal unit names
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This page lists the internal unit names of units andbuildings in Zero-K, including test/unused/template units and excluding commanders.
Unit names and IDs
- Click a header to sort the table
Unit def name | Human name |
amphaa | Angler |
amphassault | Grizzly |
amphbomb | Limpet |
amphcon | Conch |
amphfloater | Buoy |
amphimpulse | Archer |
amphlaunch | Lobster |
amphraid | Duck |
amphriot | Scallop |
amphtele | Djinn |
assaultcruiser | Vanquisher |
asteroid | Asteroid |
athena | Athena |
bomberassault | Eclipse |
bomberdisarm | Thunderbird |
bomberheavy | Likho |
bomberprec | Raven |
bomberriot | Phoenix |
bomberstrike | Kestrel |
chicken | Chicken |
chicken_blimpy | Blimpy |
chicken_digger | Digger |
chicken_digger_b | Digger (burrowed) |
chicken_dodo | Dodo |
chicken_dragon | White Dragon |
chicken_drone | Drone |
chicken_drone_starter | Drone |
chicken_leaper | Leaper |
chicken_listener | Listener |
chicken_listener_b | Listener (burrowed) |
chicken_pigeon | Pigeon |
chicken_rafflesia | Rafflesia |
chicken_roc | Roc |
chicken_shield | Blooper |
chicken_spidermonkey | Spidermonkey |
chicken_sporeshooter | Sporeshooter |
chicken_tiamat | Tiamat |
chickena | Cockatrice |
chickenblobber | Blobber |
chickenbroodqueen | Chicken Brood Queen |
chickenc | Basilisk |
chickend | Chicken Tube |
chickenf | Talon |
chickenflyerqueen | Chicken Flyer Queen |
chickenlandqueen | Chicken Queen |
chickenr | Lobber |
chickens | Spiker |
chickenspire | Chicken Spire |
chickenwurm | Wurm |
cloakaa | Gremlin |
cloakarty | Sling |
cloakassault | Knight |
cloakbomb | Imp |
cloakcon | Conjurer |
cloakheavyraid | Scythe |
cloakjammer | Iris |
cloakraid | Glaive |
cloakriot | Reaver |
cloakskirm | Ronin |
cloaksnipe | Phantom |
damagesink | Damage Sink thing |
dronecarry | Gull |
dronefighter | Spicula |
droneheavyslow | Viper |
dronelight | Firefly |
empiricaldpser | Empirical DPS thing |
empiricaldpsersmall | Empirical DPS thing (small) |
empmissile | Shockley |
energyfusion | Fusion Reactor |
energygeo | Geothermal Generator |
energyheavygeo | Advanced Geothermal |
energypylon | Energy Pylon |
energysingu | Singularity Reactor |
energysolar | Solar Collector |
energywind | Wind/Tidal Generator |
factoryamph | Amphbot Factory |
factorycloak | Cloakbot Factory |
factorygunship | Gunship Plant |
factoryhover | Hovercraft Platform |
factoryjump | Jumpbot Factory |
factoryplane | Airplane Plant |
factoryshield | Shieldbot Factory |
factoryship | Shipyard |
factoryspider | Spider Factory |
factorytank | Tank Foundry |
factoryveh | Rover Assembly |
fakeunit | Fake radar signal |
fakeunit_aatarget | Fake AA target |
fakeunit_los | LOS Provider |
generic_tech | Generic Neutral Structure |
grebe | Grebe |
gunshipaa | Trident |
gunshipassault | Revenant |
gunshipbomb | Blastwing |
gunshipcon | Wasp |
gunshipemp | Gnat |
gunshipheavyskirm | Nimbus |
gunshipheavytrans | Hercules |
gunshipkrow | Krow |
gunshipraid | Locust |
gunshipskirm | Harpy |
gunshiptrans | Charon |
hoveraa | Flail |
hoverarty | Lance |
hoverassault | Halberd |
hovercon | Quill |
hoverdepthcharge | Claymore |
hoverminer | Dampener |
hoverraid | Dagger |
hoverriot | Mace |
hovershotgun | Punisher |
hoverskirm | Scalpel |
hoverskirm2 | Trisula |
hoversonic | Morningstar |
jumpaa | Toad |
jumparty | Firewalker |
jumpassault | Jack |
jumpblackhole | Placeholder |
jumpbomb | Skuttle |
jumpcon | Constable |
jumpraid | Pyro |
jumpscout | Puppy |
jumpskirm | Moderator |
jumpsumo | Jugglenaut |
mahlazer | Starlight |
napalmmissile | Inferno |
nebula | Nebula |
planecon | Crane |
planefighter | Swift |
planeheavyfighter | Raptor |
planescout | Owl |
pw_artefact | Ancient Artefact |
pw_bomberfac | Bomber Factory |
pw_dropfac | Dropship Factory |
pw_estorage | Energy Storage |
pw_estorage2 | Double Energy Storage |
pw_garrison | Field Garrison |
pw_gaspowerstation | Gas Power Station |
pw_generic | Generic Neutral Structure |
pw_grid | Planetary Defense Grid |
pw_guerilla | Guerilla Jumpgate |
pw_hq_attacker | Attacker Command |
pw_hq_defender | Defender Command |
pw_inhibitor | Wormhole Inhibitor |
pw_interception | Interception Network |
pw_metal | Ancient Fabricator |
pw_mine | Power Generator Unit |
pw_mine2 | Orbital Solar Array |
pw_mine3 | Planetary Geothermal Tap |
pw_mstorage2 | Metal Storage |
pw_relay | Communication Relay |
pw_techlab | Tech Lab |
pw_warpgate | Warp Gate |
pw_warpgatealt | Warp Gate |
pw_warpjammer | Warp Jammer |
pw_wormhole | Wormhole Generator |
pw_wormhole2 | Improved Wormhole |
raveparty | Disco Rave Party |
rocksink | Rocking Damage Sink thing |
roost | Roost |
seismic | Quake |
shieldaa | Vandal |
shieldarty | Racketeer |
shieldassault | Thug |
shieldbomb | Snitch |
shieldcon | Convict |
shieldfelon | Felon |
shieldraid | Bandit |
shieldriot | Outlaw |
shieldscout | Dirtbag |
shieldshield | Aspis |
shieldskirm | Rogue |
shipaa | Zephyr |
shiparty | Envoy |
shipassault | Siren |
shipcarrier | Reef |
shipcon | Mariner |
shipheavyarty | Shogun |
shipriot | Corsair |
shipscout | Cutter |
shipskirm | Mistral |
shiptorpraider | Hunter |
shiptransport | Surfboard |
spideraa | Tarantula |
spideranarchid | Anarchid |
spiderantiheavy | Widow |
spiderassault | Hermit |
spidercon | Weaver |
spidercrabe | Crab |
spideremp | Venom |
spiderriot | Redback |
spiderscout | Flea |
spiderskirm | Recluse |
starlight_satellite | Glint |
staticantinuke | Antinuke |
staticarty | Cerberus |
staticcon | Caretaker |
staticheavyarty | Big Bertha |
staticheavyradar | Advanced Radar |
staticjammer | Cornea |
staticmex | Metal Extractor |
staticmissilesilo | Missile Silo |
staticnuke | Trinity |
staticradar | Radar Tower |
staticrearm | Airpad |
staticshield | Aegis |
staticsonar | Sonar Station |
staticstorage | Storage |
striderantiheavy | Ultimatum |
striderarty | Merlin |
striderbantha | Paladin |
striderdante | Dante |
striderdetriment | Detriment |
striderfunnelweb | Funnelweb |
striderhub | Strider Hub |
striderscorpion | Scorpion |
subraider | Seawolf |
subscout | Lancelet |
subtacmissile | Scylla |
tacnuke | Eos |
tankaa | Ettin |
tankarty | Emissary |
tankassault | Minotaur |
tankcon | Welder |
tankheavyarty | Tremor |
tankheavyassault | Cyclops |
tankheavyraid | Blitz |
tankraid | Kodachi |
tankriot | Ogre |
tele_beacon | Lamp |
terraunit | Terraform |
tiptest | Turn In Place test |
turretaaclose | Hacksaw |
turretaafar | Chainsaw |
turretaaflak | Thresher |
turretaaheavy | Artemis |
turretaalaser | Razor |
turretantiheavy | Lucifer |
turretemp | Faraday |
turretgauss | Gauss |
turretheavy | Desolator |
turretheavylaser | Stinger |
turretimpulse | Newton |
turretlaser | Lotus |
turretmissile | Picket |
turretriot | Stardust |
turretsunlance | Sunlance |
turrettorp | Urchin |
vehaa | Crasher |
veharty | Badger |
vehassault | Ravager |
vehcapture | Dominatrix |
vehcon | Mason |
vehheavyarty | Impaler |
vehraid | Scorcher |
vehriot | Ripper |
vehscout | Dart |
vehsupport | Fencer |
wolverine_mine | Claw |
zenith | Zenith |
Generation code
The above wiki table can be generated using a widget with the following Lua code:
function widget:Initialize() local file ="testwidget.txt", "w") file:write([[{|class="wikitable sortable"]] .. "\n") file:write("! Unit def name || Human name\n") -- || Description\n") for i=1,#UnitDefs do local ud = UnitDefs[i] if not ud.customParams.level then local unitname = local name = ud.humanName local desc = Spring.Utilities.GetDescription(ud, nil) local helptext = Spring.Utilities.GetHelptext(ud) file:write("|-\n") file:write("|" .. unitname .. " || " .. "[[" .. name .. "]]\n") -- .. " || " .. desc .. "\n") -- .. "\t" .. helptext .. "\n") end end file:write("|}") file:flush() file:close() end
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