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This page lists the '''internal unit names''' of [[units]] and[[ buildings]] in Zero-K, including test/unused/template units and excluding commanders.
This page lists the '''internal unit names''' of [[units]] and [[buildings]] in Zero-K, including test/unused/template units and excluding commanders.
== Unit names and IDs ==
== Unit names and IDs ==
:''Click a header to sort the table''
:''Click a header to sort the table''
{|class="wikitable sortable"
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! Unit def name || Human name
! Unit def name !! Human name !! class="unsortable"| In-game description
|amphaa || [[Angler]]
|amphaa || [[Angler]]
|| Amphibious Anti-Air Bot
|amphassault || [[Grizzly]]
|amphassault || [[Grizzly]]
|| Heavy Amphibious Assault Walker
|amphbomb || [[Limpet]]
|amphbomb || [[Limpet]]
|| Amphibious Slow Bomb
|amphcon || [[Conch]]
|amphcon || [[Conch]]
|| Amphibious Construction Bot, Armored When Idle, builds at 7.5 m/s
|amphfloater || [[Buoy]]
|amphfloater || [[Buoy]]
|| Heavy Amphibious Skirmisher Bot
|amphimpulse || [[Archer]]
|amphimpulse || [[Archer]]
|| Amphibious Raider/Riot Bot (Anti-Sub)
|amphlaunch || [[Lobster]]
|amphlaunch || [[Lobster]]
|| Amphibious Launcher Bot
|amphraid || [[Duck]]
|amphraid || [[Duck]]
|| Amphibious Raider (Anti-Sub, Undersea Fire)
|amphriot || [[Scallop]]
|amphriot || [[Scallop]]
|| Amphibious Riot Bot (Undersea Fire)
|amphsupport || [[Bulkhead]]
|| Deployable Amphibious Fire Support (must stop to fire)
|amphtele || [[Djinn]]
|amphtele || [[Djinn]]
|| Amphibious Teleport Bridge
|assaultcruiser || [[Vanquisher]]
|assaultcruiser || [[Vanquisher]]
|| Heavy Cruiser (Assault)
|asteroid || [[Asteroid]]
|asteroid || [[Asteroid]]
|| Space Rock
|athena || [[Athena]]
|athena || [[Athena]]
|| Airborne SpecOps Engineer, builds at 15.0 m/s
|bomberassault || [[Eclipse]]
|bomberassault || [[Odin]]
|| Heavy Assault/Utility Bomber (Anti-Static)
|bomberdisarm || [[Thunderbird]]
|bomberdisarm || [[Thunderbird]]
|| Disarming Lightning Bomber
|bomberheavy || [[Likho]]
|bomberheavy || [[Likho]]
|| Singularity Bomber
|bomberheavyold || [[Likho]]
|| Singularity Bomber
|bomberprec || [[Raven]]
|bomberprec || [[Raven]]
|| Precision Bomber (Anti-Sub)
|bomberriot || [[Phoenix]]
|bomberriot || [[Phoenix]]
|| Saturation Napalm Bomber
|bomberstrike || [[Kestrel]]
|bomberstrike || [[Magpie]]
|| Tactical Strike Bomber
|chicken || [[Chicken]]
|chicken || [[Chicken]]
|| Swarmer
|chicken_blimpy || [[Blimpy]]
|chicken_blimpy || [[Blimpy]]
|| Dodo Bomber
|chicken_digger || [[Digger]]
|chicken_digger || [[Digger]]
|| Burrowing Scout/Raider
|chicken_digger_b || [[Digger (burrowed)]]
|chicken_dodo || [[Dodo]]
|chicken_dodo || [[Dodo]]
|| Chicken Bomb
|chicken_dragon || [[White Dragon]]
|chicken_dragon || [[White Dragon]]
|| Prime Assault Chicken
|chicken_drone || [[Drone]]
|chicken_drone || [[Drone]]
|| Morphs Into Chicken Structures
|chicken_drone_starter || [[Drone]]
|chicken_drone_starter || [[Drone]]
|| Morphs Into Chicken Structures
|chicken_leaper || [[Leaper]]
|chicken_leaper || [[Leaper]]
|| Hopping Raider
|chicken_listener || [[Listener]]
|chicken_listener || [[Listener]]
|| Burrowing Mobile Seismic Detector
|chicken_listener_b || [[Listener (burrowed)]]
|chicken_pigeon || [[Pigeon]]
|chicken_pigeon || [[Pigeon]]
|| Flying Spore Scout
|chicken_rafflesia || [[Rafflesia]]
|chicken_rafflesia || [[Rafflesia]]
|| Chicken Shield (Static)
|chicken_roc || [[Roc]]
|chicken_roc || [[Roc]]
|| Heavy Attack Flyer
|chicken_shield || [[Blooper]]
|chicken_shield || [[Blooper]]
|| Shield/Anti-Air
|chicken_spidermonkey || [[Spidermonkey]]
|chicken_spidermonkey || [[Spidermonkey]]
|| All-Terrain Support
|chicken_sporeshooter || [[Sporeshooter]]
|chicken_sporeshooter || [[Sporeshooter]]
|| All-Terrain Spores (Anti-Air/Skirm)
|chicken_tiamat || [[Tiamat]]
|chicken_tiamat || [[Tiamat]]
|| Heavy Assault/Riot
|chickena || [[Cockatrice]]
|chickena || [[Cockatrice]]
|| Assault/Anti-Armor
|chickenblobber || [[Blobber]]
|chickenblobber || [[Blobber]]
|| Heavy Artillery
|chickenbroodqueen || [[Chicken Brood Queen]]
|chickenbroodqueen || [[Chicken Brood Queen]]
|| Tends the Nest, builds at 8.0 m/s
|chickenc || [[Basilisk]]
|chickenc || [[Basilisk]]
|| All-Terrain Riot
|chickend || [[Chicken Tube]]
|chickend || [[Chicken Tube]]
|| Defence and energy source
|chickenf || [[Talon]]
|chickenf || [[Talon]]
|| Flying Spike Spitter
|chickenflyerqueen || [[Chicken Flyer Queen]]
|chickenflyerqueen || [[Chicken Queen]]
|| Clucking Hell!
|chickenlandqueen || [[Chicken Queen]]
|chickenlandqueen || [[Chicken Queen]]
|| Clucking Hell!
|chickenr || [[Lobber]]
|chickenr || [[Lobber]]
|| Artillery
|chickens || [[Spiker]]
|chickens || [[Spiker]]
|| Skirmisher
|chickenspire || [[Chicken Spire]]
|chickenspire || [[Chicken Spire]]
|| Static Artillery
|chickenwurm || [[Wurm]]
|chickenwurm || [[Wurm]]
|| Burrowing Flamer (Assault/Riot)
|cloakaa || [[Gremlin]]
|cloakaa || [[Gremlin]]
|| Cloaked Anti-Air Bot
|cloakarty || [[Sling]]
|cloakarty || [[Sling]]
|| Light Artillery Bot
|cloakassault || [[Knight]]
|cloakassault || [[Knight]]
|| Lightning Assault Bot
|cloakbomb || [[Imp]]
|cloakbomb || [[Imp]]
|| All Terrain EMP Bomb (Burrows)
|cloakcon || [[Conjurer]]
|cloakcon || [[Conjurer]]
|| Cloaked Construction Bot, builds at 5.0 m/s
|cloakheavyraid || [[Scythe]]
|cloakheavyraid || [[Scythe]]
|| Cloaked Raider Bot
|cloakjammer || [[Iris]]
|cloakjammer || [[Iris]]
|| Area Cloaker/Jammer Walker
|cloakraid || [[Glaive]]
|cloakraid || [[Glaive]]
|| Light Raider Bot
|cloakriot || [[Reaver]]
|cloakriot || [[Reaver]]
|| Riot Bot
|cloakskirm || [[Ronin]]
|cloakskirm || [[Ronin]]
|| Skirmisher Bot (Direct-Fire)
|cloaksnipe || [[Phantom]]
|cloaksnipe || [[Phantom]]
|| Cloaked Skirmish/Anti-Heavy Artillery Bot
|damagesink || [[Damage Sink thing]]
|damagesink || [[Damage Sink thing]]
|| Does not care if you shoot at it.
|dronecarry || [[Gull]]
|dronecarry || [[Gull]]
|| Carrier Drone
|dronefighter || [[Spicula]]
|dronefighter || [[Spicula]]
|| Fighter Drone
|droneheavyslow || [[Viper]]
|droneheavyslow || [[Viper]]
|| Advanced Battle Drone
|dronelight || [[Firefly]]
|dronelight || [[Firefly]]
|| Attack Drone
|empiricaldpser || [[Empirical DPS thing]]
|empiricaldpser || [[Empirical DPS thing]]
|| Shoot at it for science.
|empiricaldpsersmall || [[Empirical DPS thing (small)]]
|empiricaldpsersmall || [[Empirical DPS thing (small)]]
|| Shoot at it for science.
|empmissile || [[Shockley]]
|empmissile || [[Shockley]]
|| EMP missile - Stuns almost everything for 45s. Pierces shields except charged Funnelweb.
|energyfusion || [[Fusion Reactor]]
|energyfusion || [[Fusion Reactor]]
|| Medium Powerplant
|energygeo || [[Geothermal Generator]]
|energygeo || [[Geothermal Generator]]
|| Medium Powerplant
|energyheavygeo || [[Advanced Geothermal]]
|energyheavygeo || [[Advanced Geothermal]]
|| Large Powerplant HAZARDOUS
|energypylon || [[Energy Pylon]]
|energypylon || [[Energy Pylon]]
|| Extends overdrive grid
|energysingu || [[Singularity Reactor]]
|energysingu || [[Singularity Reactor]]
|| Large Powerplant HAZARDOUS
|energysolar || [[Solar Collector]]
|energysolar || [[Solar Collector]]
|| Small Powerplant
|energywind || [[Wind/Tidal Generator]]
|energywind || [[Wind/Tidal Generator]]
|| Small Powerplant
|factoryamph || [[Amphbot Factory]]
|factoryamph || [[Amphbot Factory]]
|| Produces Amphibious Bots, builds at 10.0 m/s
|factorycloak || [[Cloakbot Factory]]
|factorycloak || [[Cloakbot Factory]]
|| Produces Cloaked, Mobile Robots, builds at 10.0 m/s
|factorygunship || [[Gunship Plant]]
|factorygunship || [[Gunship Plant]]
|| Produces Gunships, builds at 10.0 m/s
|factoryhover || [[Hovercraft Platform]]
|factoryhover || [[Hovercraft Platform]]
|| Produces Hovercraft, builds at 10.0 m/s
|factoryjump || [[Jumpbot Factory]]
|factoryjump || [[Jumpbot Factory]]
|| Produces Jumpjet Equipped Robots, builds at 10.0 m/s
|factoryplane || [[Airplane Plant]]
|factoryplane || [[Airplane Plant]]
|| Produces Airplanes, builds at 10.0 m/s
|factoryshield || [[Shieldbot Factory]]
|factoryshield || [[Shieldbot Factory]]
|| Produces Tough Robots, builds at 10.0 m/s
|factoryship || [[Shipyard]]
|factoryship || [[Shipyard]]
|| Produces Naval Units, builds at 10.0 m/s
|factoryspider || [[Spider Factory]]
|factoryspider || [[Spider Factory]]
|| Produces Spiders, builds at 10.0 m/s
|factorytank || [[Tank Foundry]]
|factorytank || [[Tank Foundry]]
|| Produces Heavy Tracked Vehicles, builds at 10.0 m/s
|factoryveh || [[Rover Assembly]]
|factoryveh || [[Rover Assembly]]
|| Produces Light Wheeled Vehicles, builds at 10.0 m/s
|fakeunit || [[Fake radar signal]]
|fakeunit || [[Fake radar signal]]
|| Created by scrambling devices.
|fakeunit_aatarget || [[Fake AA target]]
|fakeunit_aatarget || [[Fake AA target]]
|| Used by the jumpjet script.
|fakeunit_los || [[LOS Provider]]
|fakeunit_los || [[LOS Provider]]
|| Knows all and sees all
|generic_tech || [[Generic Neutral Structure]]
|generic_tech || [[Generic Neutral Structure]]
|| Unlocks tech
|grebe || [[Grebe]]
|grebe || [[Grebe]]
|| Amphibious Raider Bot
|gunshipaa || [[Trident]]
|gunshipaa || [[Trident]]
|| Anti-Air Gunship
|gunshipassault || [[Revenant]]
|gunshipassault || [[Revenant]]
|| Heavy Raider/Assault Gunship
|gunshipbomb || [[Blastwing]]
|gunshipbomb || [[Blastwing]]
|| Flying Bomb/Scout (Burrows)
|gunshipcon || [[Wasp]]
|gunshipcon || [[Wasp]]
|| Heavy Gunship Constructor, builds at 10.0 m/s
|gunshipemp || [[Gnat]]
|gunshipemp || [[Gnat]]
|| Anti-Heavy EMP Drone
|gunshipheavyskirm || [[Nimbus]]
|gunshipheavyskirm || [[Nimbus]]
|| Fire Support Gunship
|gunshipheavytrans || [[Hercules]]
|gunshipheavytrans || [[Hercules]]
|| Armed Heavy Air Transport
|gunshipkrow || [[Krow]]
|gunshipkrow || [[Krow]]
|| Flying Fortress
|gunshipraid || [[Locust]]
|gunshipraid || [[Locust]]
|| Raider Gunship
|gunshipskirm || [[Harpy]]
|gunshipskirm || [[Harpy]]
|| Multi-Role Support Gunship
|gunshiptrans || [[Charon]]
|gunshiptrans || [[Charon]]
|| Air Transport
|hoveraa || [[Flail]]
|hoveraa || [[Flail]]
|| Anti-Air Hovercraft
|hoverarty || [[Lance]]
|hoverarty || [[Lance]]
|| Anti-Heavy Artillery Hovercraft
|hoverassault || [[Halberd]]
|hoverassault || [[Halberd]]
|| Blockade Runner Hover
|hovercon || [[Quill]]
|hovercon || [[Quill]]
|| Construction Hovercraft, builds at 5.0 m/s
|hoverdepthcharge || [[Claymore]]
|hoverdepthcharge || [[Claymore]]
|| Riot Hovercraft (Anti-Sub)
|hoverheavyraid || [[Bolas]]
|| Disruptor Hovercraft
|hoverminer || [[Dampener]]
|hoverminer || [[Dampener]]
|| Minelaying Hover
|hoverraid || [[Dagger]]
|hoverraid || [[Dagger]]
|| Fast Attack Hovercraft (Anti-Sub)
|hoverriot || [[Mace]]
|hoverriot || [[Mace]]
|| Riot Hover
|hovershotgun || [[Punisher]]
|hovershotgun || [[Punisher]]
|| Shotgun Hover
|hoverskirm || [[Scalpel]]
|hoverskirm || [[Scalpel]]
|| Skirmisher/Anti-Heavy Hovercraft
|hoverskirm2 || [[Trisula]]
|hoverskirm2 || [[Trisula]]
|| Light Assault/Battle Hovercraft
|hoversonic || [[Morningstar]]
|hoversonic || [[Morningstar]]
|| Antisub Hovercraft
|jumpaa || [[Toad]]
|jumpaa || [[Toad]]
|| Heavy Anti-Air Jumper
|jumparty || [[Firewalker]]
|jumparty || [[Firewalker]]
|| Saturation Artillery Walker
|jumpassault || [[Jack]]
|jumpassault || [[Jack]]
|| Melee Assault Jumper
|jumpblackhole || [[Placeholder]]
|jumpblackhole || [[Placeholder]]
|| Black Hole Launcher
|jumpbomb || [[Skuttle]]
|jumpbomb || [[Skuttle]]
|| Cloaked Jumping Anti-Heavy Bomb
|jumpcon || [[Constable]]
|jumpcon || [[Constable]]
|| Jumpjet Constructor, builds at 5.0 m/s
|jumpraid || [[Pyro]]
|jumpraid || [[Pyro]]
|| Raider/Riot Jumper
|jumpscout || [[Puppy]]
|jumpscout || [[Puppy]]
|| Walking Missile
|jumpskirm || [[Moderator]]
|jumpskirm || [[Moderator]]
|| Disruptor Skirmisher Walker
|jumpsumo || [[Jugglenaut]]
|jumpsumo || [[Jugglenaut]]
|| Heavy Riot Jumper
|mahlazer || [[Starlight]]
|mahlazer || [[Starlight]]
|| Planetary Energy Chisel - Power by connecting to a 600 energy grid
|missileslow || [[Zeno]]
|| Slow Homing Missile - High single-target slow damage with lingering damage over time
|napalmmissile || [[Inferno]]
|napalmmissile || [[Inferno]]
|| Napalm Missile - Sets an area on fire for 45s. Low direct damage, blocked by area shield.
|nebula || [[Nebula]]
|nebula || [[Nebula]]
|| Atmospheric Mothership
|obj_artefact || [[Ancient Artefact]]
|| Capture artefacts by destroying them. Control all artefacts to win.
|planecon || [[Crane]]
|planecon || [[Crane]]
|| Construction Aircraft, builds at 5.0 m/s
|planefighter || [[Swift]]
|planefighter || [[Swift]]
|| Multi-role Fighter
|planeheavyfighter || [[Raptor]]
|planeheavyfighter || [[Raptor]]
|| Air Superiority Fighter
|planelightscout || [[Sparrow]]
|| Light Scout/Radar Jammer Plane
|planescout || [[Owl]]
|planescout || [[Owl]]
|| Radar/Sonar Scout Plane
|plateamph || [[Amphbot Plate]]
|| Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
|platecloak || [[Cloakbot Plate]]
|| Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
|plategunship || [[Gunship Plate]]
|| Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
|platehover || [[Hovercraft Plate]]
|| Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
|platejump || [[Jumpbot Plate]]
|| Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
|plateplane || [[Airplane Plate]]
|| Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
|plateshield || [[Shieldbot Plate]]
|| Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
|plateship || [[Ship Plate]]
|| Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
|platespider || [[Spider Plate]]
|| Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
|platetank || [[Tank Plate]]
|| Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
|plateveh || [[Rover Plate]]
|| Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
|pw_artefact || [[Ancient Artefact]]
|pw_artefact || [[Ancient Artefact]]
|| Mysterious Relic
|pw_bomberfac || [[Bomber Factory]]
|pw_bomberfac || [[Bomber Factory]]
|| Produces bombers, builds at 10.0 m/s
|pw_dropfac || [[Dropship Factory]]
|pw_dropfac || [[Dropship Factory]]
|| Produces dropships, builds at 10.0 m/s
|pw_estorage || [[Energy Storage]]
|pw_estorage || [[Energy Storage]]
|| Stores energy
|pw_estorage2 || [[Double Energy Storage]]
|pw_estorage2 || [[Double Energy Storage]]
|| Stores energy
|pw_garrison || [[Field Garrison]]
|pw_garrison || [[Field Garrison]]
|| Reduces Influence gain
|pw_gaspowerstation || [[Gas Power Station]]
|pw_gaspowerstation || [[Gas Power Station]]
|| Produces Energy
|pw_generic || [[Generic Neutral Structure]]
|pw_generic || [[Generic Neutral Structure]]
|| Blank
|pw_grid || [[Planetary Defense Grid]]
|pw_grid || [[Planetary Defence Grid]]
|| Defends against everything
|pw_guerilla || [[Guerilla Jumpgate]]
|pw_guerilla || [[Guerilla Jumpgate]]
|| Spreads Influence remotely
|pw_hq_attacker || [[Attacker Command]]
|pw_hq_attacker || [[Attacker Command]]
|| PlanetWars Field HQ (changes influence gain)
|pw_hq_defender || [[Defender Command]]
|pw_hq_defender || [[Defender Command]]
|| PlanetWars Field HQ (changes influence gain)
|pw_inhibitor || [[Wormhole Inhibitor]]
|pw_inhibitor || [[Wormhole Inhibitor]]
|| Blocks Influence Spread
|pw_interception || [[Interception Network]]
|pw_interception || [[Interception Network]]
|| Intercepts planetary bombers
|pw_metal || [[Ancient Fabricator]]
|pw_metal || [[Ancient Fabricator]]
|| Produces Metal out of thin air (+10)
|pw_mine || [[Power Generator Unit]]
|pw_mine || [[Power Generator Unit]]
|| Produces 50 energy/turn
|pw_mine2 || [[Orbital Solar Array]]
|pw_mine2 || [[Orbital Solar Array]]
|| Produces 100 energy/turn
|pw_mine3 || [[Planetary Geothermal Tap]]
|pw_mine3 || [[Planetary Geothermal Tap]]
|| Produces 250 energy/turn
|pw_mstorage2 || [[Metal Storage]]
|pw_mstorage2 || [[Metal Storage]]
|| Stores metal
|pw_relay || [[Communication Relay]]
|pw_relay || [[Communication Relay]]
|| Sends messages across the void
|pw_storage || [[Mega Storage]]
|| Stores 100,000 metal
|pw_techlab || [[Tech Lab]]
|pw_techlab || [[Tech Lab]]
|| Contains powerful ancient technology
|pw_warpgate || [[Warp Gate]]
|pw_warpgate || [[Warp Gate]]
|| Produces warp cores
|pw_warpgatealt || [[Warp Gate]]
|pw_warpgatealt || [[Warp Gate]]
|| Produces warp cores
|pw_warpjammer || [[Warp Jammer]]
|pw_warpjammer || [[Warp Jammer]]
|| Prevents warp attacks
|pw_wormhole || [[Wormhole Generator]]
|pw_wormhole || [[Wormhole Generator]]
|| Links this planet to nearby planets
|pw_wormhole2 || [[Improved Wormhole]]
|pw_wormhole2 || [[Improved Wormhole]]
|| Links this planet to nearby planets
|raveparty || [[Disco Rave Party]]
|raveparty || [[Disco Rave Party]]
|| Destructive Rainbow Projector - Power by connecting to a 400 energy grid
|rocksink || [[Rocking Damage Sink thing]]
|rocksink || [[Rocking Damage Sink thing]]
|| Rocks when you shoot at it.
|roost || [[Roost]]
|roost || [[Roost]]
|| Spawns Chicken
|seismic || [[Quake]]
|seismic || [[Quake]]
|| Seismic Missile - Destroys terrain but deals no damage. Blocked by high hits on area shields.
|shieldaa || [[Vandal]]
|shieldaa || [[Vandal]]
|| Anti-Air Bot
|shieldarty || [[Racketeer]]
|shieldarty || [[Racketeer]]
|| Disarming Artillery
|shieldassault || [[Thug]]
|shieldassault || [[Thug]]
|| Shielded Assault Bot
|shieldbomb || [[Snitch]]
|shieldbomb || [[Snitch]]
|| Crawling Bomb (Burrows)
|shieldcon || [[Convict]]
|shieldcon || [[Convict]]
|| Shielded Construction Bot, builds at 5.0 m/s
|shieldfelon || [[Felon]]
|shieldfelon || [[Felon]]
|| Shielded Riot/Skirmisher Bot
|shieldraid || [[Bandit]]
|shieldraid || [[Bandit]]
|| Medium-Light Raider Bot
|shieldriot || [[Outlaw]]
|shieldriot || [[Outlaw]]
|| Riot Bot
|shieldscout || [[Dirtbag]]
|shieldscout || [[Dirtbag]]
|| Box of Dirt
|shieldshield || [[Aspis]]
|shieldshield || [[Aspis]]
|| Area Shield Walker
|shieldskirm || [[Rogue]]
|shieldskirm || [[Rogue]]
|| Skirmisher Bot (Indirect Fire)
|shipaa || [[Zephyr]]
|shipaa || [[Zephyr]]
|| Anti-Air Frigate
|shiparty || [[Envoy]]
|shiparty || [[Envoy]]
|| Artillery Cruiser
|shipassault || [[Siren]]
|shipassault || [[Siren]]
|| Riot/Assault Destroyer (Anti-Sub)
|shipcarrier || [[Reef]]
|shipcarrier || [[Reef]]
|| Aircraft Carrier (Bombardment), stockpiles disarm missiles at 5 m/s
|shipcon || [[Mariner]]
|shipcon || [[Mariner]]
|| Construction Ship, builds at 7.5 m/s
|shipheavyarty || [[Shogun]]
|shipheavyarty || [[Shogun]]
|| Battleship (Heavy Artillery)
|shipriot || [[Corsair]]
|shipriot || [[Corsair]]
|| Raider/Riot Corvette
|shipscout || [[Cutter]]
|shipscout || [[Cutter]]
|| Scout Ship (Disarming)
|shipskirm || [[Mistral]]
|shipskirm || [[Mistral]]
|| Skirmisher Ship
|shiptorpraider || [[Hunter]]
|shiptorpraider || [[Hunter]]
|| Torpedo Raider Ship (Anti-Sub)
|slicer || [[Slicer]]
|| Melee Assault Walker
|spideraa || [[Tarantula]]
|spideraa || [[Tarantula]]
|| Anti-Air Spider
|spideranarchid || [[Anarchid]]
|spideranarchid || [[Anarchid]]
|| Riot EMP Spider
|spiderantiheavy || [[Widow]]
|spiderantiheavy || [[Widow]]
|| Cloaked Scout/Anti-Heavy
|spiderassault || [[Hermit]]
|spiderassault || [[Hermit]]
|| All Terrain Assault Bot
|spidercon || [[Weaver]]
|spidercon || [[Weaver]]
|| Construction Spider, builds at 7.5 m/s
|spidercrabe || [[Crab]]
|spidercrabe || [[Crab]]
|| Heavy Riot/Skirmish Spider - Curls into Armored Form When Stationary
|spideremp || [[Venom]]
|spideremp || [[Venom]]
|| Lightning Riot Spider
|spiderriot || [[Redback]]
|spiderriot || [[Redback]]
|| Riot Spider
|spiderscout || [[Flea]]
|spiderscout || [[Flea]]
|| Ultralight Scout Spider (Burrows)
|spiderskirm || [[Recluse]]
|spiderskirm || [[Recluse]]
|| Skirmisher Spider (Indirect Fire)
|starlight_satellite || [[Glint]]
|starlight_satellite || [[Glint]]
|| Starlight relay satellite
|staticantinuke || [[Antinuke]]
|staticantinuke || [[Antinuke]]
|| Strategic Nuke Interception System
|staticarty || [[Cerberus]]
|staticarty || [[Cerberus]]
|| Plasma Artillery Battery - Power by connecting to a 50 energy grid
|staticcon || [[Caretaker]]
|staticcon || [[Caretaker]]
|| Construction Assistant, builds at 10.0 m/s
|staticheavyarty || [[Big Bertha]]
|staticheavyarty || [[Big Bertha]]
|| Strategic Plasma Cannon - Power by connecting to a 50 energy grid
|staticheavyradar || [[Advanced Radar]]
|staticheavyradar || [[Advanced Radar]]
|| Long-Range Radar
|staticjammer || [[Cornea]]
|staticjammer || [[Cornea]]
|| Area Cloaker/Jammer
|staticmex || [[Metal Extractor]]
|staticmex || [[Metal Extractor]]
|| Produces Metal
|staticmissilesilo || [[Missile Silo]]
|staticmissilesilo || [[Missile Silo]]
|| Produces Tactical Missiles, builds at 10.0 m/s
|staticnuke || [[Trinity]]
|staticnuke || [[Trinity]]
|| Strategic Nuclear Launcher, Drains 18 m/s, 3 minute stockpile
|staticradar || [[Radar Tower]]
|staticradar || [[Radar Tower]]
|| Early Warning System
|staticrearm || [[Airpad]]
|staticrearm || [[Airpad]]
|| Repairs and Rearms Aircraft, repairs at 2.5 e/s per pad
|staticshield || [[Aegis]]
|staticshield || [[Aegis]]
|| Area Shield
|staticsonar || [[Sonar Station]]
|staticsonar || [[Sonar Station]]
|| Locates Water Units
|staticstorage || [[Storage]]
|staticstorage || [[Storage]]
|| Stores Metal and Energy (500)
|statictele || [[Teleporter]]
|| Produces warp cores
|statictempshield || [[Pavise]]
|| Temporary Shield
|striderantiheavy || [[Ultimatum]]
|striderantiheavy || [[Ultimatum]]
|| Cloaked Anti-Strider Walker (Undersea Fire)
|striderarty || [[Merlin]]
|striderarty || [[Merlin]]
|| Heavy Saturation Artillery Strider
|striderbantha || [[Paladin]]
|striderbantha || [[Paladin]]
|| Ranged Support Strider
|striderdante || [[Dante]]
|striderdante || [[Dante]]
|| Assault/Riot Strider
|striderdetriment || [[Detriment]]
|striderdetriment || [[Detriment]]
|| Ultimate Assault Strider (Undersea Fire)
|striderdozer || [[Dozer]]
|| Heavy Buster, Very Tank
|striderfunnelweb || [[Funnelweb]]
|striderfunnelweb || [[Funnelweb]]
|| Shield Support Strider, builds at 40.0 m/s
|striderhub || [[Strider Hub]]
|striderhub || [[Strider Hub]]
|| Constructs Striders - Power by connecting to a 50 energy grid, builds at 10.0 m/s
|striderscorpion || [[Scorpion]]
|striderscorpion || [[Scorpion]]
|| Cloaked Infiltration Strider
|subraider || [[Seawolf]]
|subraider || [[Seawolf]]
|| Raider Submarine (Anti-Sub, Undersea Fire)
|subscout || [[Lancelet]]
|subscout || [[Lancelet]]
|| Scout/Suicide Minisub
|subtacmissile || [[Scylla]]
|subtacmissile || [[Scylla]]
|| Tactical Nuke Missile Sub, Drains 20 m/s, 30 second stockpile
|tacnuke || [[Eos]]
|tacnuke || [[Eos]]
|| Tactical Nuke - High damage in a small area. Blocked by fully charged area shields.
|tankaa || [[Ettin]]
|tankaa || [[Ettin]]
|| Flak Anti-Air Tank
|tankarty || [[Emissary]]
|tankarty || [[Emissary]]
|| General-Purpose Artillery
|tankassault || [[Minotaur]]
|tankassault || [[Minotaur]]
|| Assault Tank
|tankcon || [[Welder]]
|tankcon || [[Welder]]
|| Armed Construction Tank, builds at 7.5 m/s
|tankheavyarty || [[Tremor]]
|tankheavyarty || [[Tremor]]
|| Heavy Saturation Artillery Tank
|tankheavyassault || [[Cyclops]]
|tankheavyassault || [[Cyclops]]
|| Very Heavy Tank Buster
|tankheavyraid || [[Blitz]]
|tankheavyraid || [[Blitz]]
|| Lightning Assault/Raider Tank
|tankraid || [[Kodachi]]
|tankraid || [[Kodachi]]
|| Raider Tank
|tankriot || [[Ogre]]
|tankriot || [[Ogre]]
|| Heavy Riot Support Tank
|tele_beacon || [[Lamp]]
|tele_beacon || [[Lamp]]
|| Teleport Bridge Entry Beacon, right click to teleport.
|terraunit || [[Terraform]]
|terraunit || [[Terraform]]
|| Spent: 0
|tiptest || [[Turn In Place test]]
|tiptest || [[Turn In Place test]]
|| Tests turn in place
|turretaaclose || [[Hacksaw]]
|turretaaclose || [[Hacksaw]]
|| Burst Anti-Air Turret
|turretaafar || [[Chainsaw]]
|turretaafar || [[Chainsaw]]
|| Long-Range Anti-Air Missile Battery
|turretaaflak || [[Thresher]]
|turretaaflak || [[Thresher]]
|| Anti-Air Flak Gun
|turretaaheavy || [[Artemis]]
|turretaaheavy || [[Artemis]]
|| Very Long-Range Anti-Air Missile Tower, Drains 4 m/s, 20 second stockpile
|turretaalaser || [[Razor]]
|turretaalaser || [[Razor]]
|| Hardened Anti-Air Laser
|turretantiheavy || [[Lucifer]]
|turretantiheavy || [[Lucifer]]
|| Tachyon Projector - Power by connecting to a 50 energy grid
|turretemp || [[Faraday]]
|turretemp || [[Faraday]]
|| EMP Turret
|turretgauss || [[Gauss]]
|turretgauss || [[Gauss]]
|| Popup gauss turret, regenerates when closed (Anti-Sub)
|turretheavy || [[Desolator]]
|turretheavy || [[Desolator]]
|| Medium Range Defence Fortress - Power by connecting to a 50 energy grid
|turretheavylaser || [[Stinger]]
|turretheavylaser || [[Stinger]]
|| High-Energy Laser Tower
|turretimpulse || [[Newton]]
|turretimpulse || [[Newton]]
|| Gravity Turret
|turretlaser || [[Lotus]]
|turretlaser || [[Lotus]]
|| Light Laser Tower
|turretmissile || [[Picket]]
|turretmissile || [[Picket]]
|| Light Missile Tower
|turretriot || [[Stardust]]
|turretriot || [[Stardust]]
|| Anti-Swarm Turret
|turretsunlance || [[Sunlance]]
|turretsunlance || [[Sunlance]]
|| Anti-Tank Turret - Requires 25 Power
|turrettorp || [[Urchin]]
|turrettorp || [[Urchin]]
|| Torpedo Launcher (Anti-Sub)
|vehaa || [[Crasher]]
|vehaa || [[Crasher]]
|| Fast Anti-Air Rover
|veharty || [[Badger]]
|veharty || [[Badger]]
|| Artillery Minelayer Rover
|vehassault || [[Ravager]]
|vehassault || [[Ravager]]
|| Assault Rover
|vehcapture || [[Dominatrix]]
|vehcapture || [[Dominatrix]]
|| Capture Rover
|vehcon || [[Mason]]
|vehcon || [[Mason]]
|| Construction Rover, builds at 5.0 m/s
|vehheavyarty || [[Impaler]]
|vehheavyarty || [[Impaler]]
|| Precision Artillery Rover
|vehraid || [[Scorcher]]
|vehraid || [[Scorcher]]
|| Raider Rover
|vehriot || [[Ripper]]
|vehriot || [[Ripper]]
|| Riot Rover
|vehscout || [[Dart]]
|vehscout || [[Dart]]
|| Disruptor Raider/Scout Rover
|vehsupport || [[Fencer]]
|vehsupport || [[Fencer]]
|| Deployable Missile Rover (must stop to fire)
|wolverine_mine || [[Claw]]
|wolverine_mine || [[Claw]]
|| Badger Mine
|zenith || [[Zenith]]
|zenith || [[Zenith]]
|| Meteor Controller - Power by connecting to a 400 energy grid
== Generation code ==
== Generation code ==
The above wiki table can be generated using a widget with the following Lua code:
The above wiki table can be generated using a widget with the following Lua code:
<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
function widget:Initialize()
function widget:Initialize()
local file = io.open("testwidget.txt", "w")
local file = io.open("testwidget.txt", "w")
Line 547: Line 866:

Latest revision as of 09:55, 4 July 2024

This page lists the internal unit names of units and buildings in Zero-K, including test/unused/template units and excluding commanders.

Unit names and IDs

Click a header to sort the table
Unit def name Human name In-game description
amphaa Angler Amphibious Anti-Air Bot
amphassault Grizzly Heavy Amphibious Assault Walker
amphbomb Limpet Amphibious Slow Bomb
amphcon Conch Amphibious Construction Bot, Armored When Idle, builds at 7.5 m/s
amphfloater Buoy Heavy Amphibious Skirmisher Bot
amphimpulse Archer Amphibious Raider/Riot Bot (Anti-Sub)
amphlaunch Lobster Amphibious Launcher Bot
amphraid Duck Amphibious Raider (Anti-Sub, Undersea Fire)
amphriot Scallop Amphibious Riot Bot (Undersea Fire)
amphsupport Bulkhead Deployable Amphibious Fire Support (must stop to fire)
amphtele Djinn Amphibious Teleport Bridge
assaultcruiser Vanquisher Heavy Cruiser (Assault)
asteroid Asteroid Space Rock
athena Athena Airborne SpecOps Engineer, builds at 15.0 m/s
bomberassault Odin Heavy Assault/Utility Bomber (Anti-Static)
bomberdisarm Thunderbird Disarming Lightning Bomber
bomberheavy Likho Singularity Bomber
bomberheavyold Likho Singularity Bomber
bomberprec Raven Precision Bomber (Anti-Sub)
bomberriot Phoenix Saturation Napalm Bomber
bomberstrike Magpie Tactical Strike Bomber
chicken Chicken Swarmer
chicken_blimpy Blimpy Dodo Bomber
chicken_digger Digger Burrowing Scout/Raider
chicken_dodo Dodo Chicken Bomb
chicken_dragon White Dragon Prime Assault Chicken
chicken_drone Drone Morphs Into Chicken Structures
chicken_drone_starter Drone Morphs Into Chicken Structures
chicken_leaper Leaper Hopping Raider
chicken_listener Listener Burrowing Mobile Seismic Detector
chicken_pigeon Pigeon Flying Spore Scout
chicken_rafflesia Rafflesia Chicken Shield (Static)
chicken_roc Roc Heavy Attack Flyer
chicken_shield Blooper Shield/Anti-Air
chicken_spidermonkey Spidermonkey All-Terrain Support
chicken_sporeshooter Sporeshooter All-Terrain Spores (Anti-Air/Skirm)
chicken_tiamat Tiamat Heavy Assault/Riot
chickena Cockatrice Assault/Anti-Armor
chickenblobber Blobber Heavy Artillery
chickenbroodqueen Chicken Brood Queen Tends the Nest, builds at 8.0 m/s
chickenc Basilisk All-Terrain Riot
chickend Chicken Tube Defence and energy source
chickenf Talon Flying Spike Spitter
chickenflyerqueen Chicken Queen Clucking Hell!
chickenlandqueen Chicken Queen Clucking Hell!
chickenr Lobber Artillery
chickens Spiker Skirmisher
chickenspire Chicken Spire Static Artillery
chickenwurm Wurm Burrowing Flamer (Assault/Riot)
cloakaa Gremlin Cloaked Anti-Air Bot
cloakarty Sling Light Artillery Bot
cloakassault Knight Lightning Assault Bot
cloakbomb Imp All Terrain EMP Bomb (Burrows)
cloakcon Conjurer Cloaked Construction Bot, builds at 5.0 m/s
cloakheavyraid Scythe Cloaked Raider Bot
cloakjammer Iris Area Cloaker/Jammer Walker
cloakraid Glaive Light Raider Bot
cloakriot Reaver Riot Bot
cloakskirm Ronin Skirmisher Bot (Direct-Fire)
cloaksnipe Phantom Cloaked Skirmish/Anti-Heavy Artillery Bot
damagesink Damage Sink thing Does not care if you shoot at it.
dronecarry Gull Carrier Drone
dronefighter Spicula Fighter Drone
droneheavyslow Viper Advanced Battle Drone
dronelight Firefly Attack Drone
empiricaldpser Empirical DPS thing Shoot at it for science.
empiricaldpsersmall Empirical DPS thing (small) Shoot at it for science.
empmissile Shockley EMP missile - Stuns almost everything for 45s. Pierces shields except charged Funnelweb.
energyfusion Fusion Reactor Medium Powerplant
energygeo Geothermal Generator Medium Powerplant
energyheavygeo Advanced Geothermal Large Powerplant HAZARDOUS
energypylon Energy Pylon Extends overdrive grid
energysingu Singularity Reactor Large Powerplant HAZARDOUS
energysolar Solar Collector Small Powerplant
energywind Wind/Tidal Generator Small Powerplant
factoryamph Amphbot Factory Produces Amphibious Bots, builds at 10.0 m/s
factorycloak Cloakbot Factory Produces Cloaked, Mobile Robots, builds at 10.0 m/s
factorygunship Gunship Plant Produces Gunships, builds at 10.0 m/s
factoryhover Hovercraft Platform Produces Hovercraft, builds at 10.0 m/s
factoryjump Jumpbot Factory Produces Jumpjet Equipped Robots, builds at 10.0 m/s
factoryplane Airplane Plant Produces Airplanes, builds at 10.0 m/s
factoryshield Shieldbot Factory Produces Tough Robots, builds at 10.0 m/s
factoryship Shipyard Produces Naval Units, builds at 10.0 m/s
factoryspider Spider Factory Produces Spiders, builds at 10.0 m/s
factorytank Tank Foundry Produces Heavy Tracked Vehicles, builds at 10.0 m/s
factoryveh Rover Assembly Produces Light Wheeled Vehicles, builds at 10.0 m/s
fakeunit Fake radar signal Created by scrambling devices.
fakeunit_aatarget Fake AA target Used by the jumpjet script.
fakeunit_los LOS Provider Knows all and sees all
generic_tech Generic Neutral Structure Unlocks tech
grebe Grebe Amphibious Raider Bot
gunshipaa Trident Anti-Air Gunship
gunshipassault Revenant Heavy Raider/Assault Gunship
gunshipbomb Blastwing Flying Bomb/Scout (Burrows)
gunshipcon Wasp Heavy Gunship Constructor, builds at 10.0 m/s
gunshipemp Gnat Anti-Heavy EMP Drone
gunshipheavyskirm Nimbus Fire Support Gunship
gunshipheavytrans Hercules Armed Heavy Air Transport
gunshipkrow Krow Flying Fortress
gunshipraid Locust Raider Gunship
gunshipskirm Harpy Multi-Role Support Gunship
gunshiptrans Charon Air Transport
hoveraa Flail Anti-Air Hovercraft
hoverarty Lance Anti-Heavy Artillery Hovercraft
hoverassault Halberd Blockade Runner Hover
hovercon Quill Construction Hovercraft, builds at 5.0 m/s
hoverdepthcharge Claymore Riot Hovercraft (Anti-Sub)
hoverheavyraid Bolas Disruptor Hovercraft
hoverminer Dampener Minelaying Hover
hoverraid Dagger Fast Attack Hovercraft (Anti-Sub)
hoverriot Mace Riot Hover
hovershotgun Punisher Shotgun Hover
hoverskirm Scalpel Skirmisher/Anti-Heavy Hovercraft
hoverskirm2 Trisula Light Assault/Battle Hovercraft
hoversonic Morningstar Antisub Hovercraft
jumpaa Toad Heavy Anti-Air Jumper
jumparty Firewalker Saturation Artillery Walker
jumpassault Jack Melee Assault Jumper
jumpblackhole Placeholder Black Hole Launcher
jumpbomb Skuttle Cloaked Jumping Anti-Heavy Bomb
jumpcon Constable Jumpjet Constructor, builds at 5.0 m/s
jumpraid Pyro Raider/Riot Jumper
jumpscout Puppy Walking Missile
jumpskirm Moderator Disruptor Skirmisher Walker
jumpsumo Jugglenaut Heavy Riot Jumper
mahlazer Starlight Planetary Energy Chisel - Power by connecting to a 600 energy grid
missileslow Zeno Slow Homing Missile - High single-target slow damage with lingering damage over time
napalmmissile Inferno Napalm Missile - Sets an area on fire for 45s. Low direct damage, blocked by area shield.
nebula Nebula Atmospheric Mothership
obj_artefact Ancient Artefact Capture artefacts by destroying them. Control all artefacts to win.
planecon Crane Construction Aircraft, builds at 5.0 m/s
planefighter Swift Multi-role Fighter
planeheavyfighter Raptor Air Superiority Fighter
planelightscout Sparrow Light Scout/Radar Jammer Plane
planescout Owl Radar/Sonar Scout Plane
plateamph Amphbot Plate Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
platecloak Cloakbot Plate Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
plategunship Gunship Plate Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
platehover Hovercraft Plate Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
platejump Jumpbot Plate Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
plateplane Airplane Plate Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
plateshield Shieldbot Plate Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
plateship Ship Plate Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
platespider Spider Plate Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
platetank Tank Plate Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
plateveh Rover Plate Parallel Unit Production, builds at 10.0 m/s
pw_artefact Ancient Artefact Mysterious Relic
pw_bomberfac Bomber Factory Produces bombers, builds at 10.0 m/s
pw_dropfac Dropship Factory Produces dropships, builds at 10.0 m/s
pw_estorage Energy Storage Stores energy
pw_estorage2 Double Energy Storage Stores energy
pw_garrison Field Garrison Reduces Influence gain
pw_gaspowerstation Gas Power Station Produces Energy
pw_generic Generic Neutral Structure Blank
pw_grid Planetary Defence Grid Defends against everything
pw_guerilla Guerilla Jumpgate Spreads Influence remotely
pw_hq_attacker Attacker Command PlanetWars Field HQ (changes influence gain)
pw_hq_defender Defender Command PlanetWars Field HQ (changes influence gain)
pw_inhibitor Wormhole Inhibitor Blocks Influence Spread
pw_interception Interception Network Intercepts planetary bombers
pw_metal Ancient Fabricator Produces Metal out of thin air (+10)
pw_mine Power Generator Unit Produces 50 energy/turn
pw_mine2 Orbital Solar Array Produces 100 energy/turn
pw_mine3 Planetary Geothermal Tap Produces 250 energy/turn
pw_mstorage2 Metal Storage Stores metal
pw_relay Communication Relay Sends messages across the void
pw_storage Mega Storage Stores 100,000 metal
pw_techlab Tech Lab Contains powerful ancient technology
pw_warpgate Warp Gate Produces warp cores
pw_warpgatealt Warp Gate Produces warp cores
pw_warpjammer Warp Jammer Prevents warp attacks
pw_wormhole Wormhole Generator Links this planet to nearby planets
pw_wormhole2 Improved Wormhole Links this planet to nearby planets
raveparty Disco Rave Party Destructive Rainbow Projector - Power by connecting to a 400 energy grid
rocksink Rocking Damage Sink thing Rocks when you shoot at it.
roost Roost Spawns Chicken
seismic Quake Seismic Missile - Destroys terrain but deals no damage. Blocked by high hits on area shields.
shieldaa Vandal Anti-Air Bot
shieldarty Racketeer Disarming Artillery
shieldassault Thug Shielded Assault Bot
shieldbomb Snitch Crawling Bomb (Burrows)
shieldcon Convict Shielded Construction Bot, builds at 5.0 m/s
shieldfelon Felon Shielded Riot/Skirmisher Bot
shieldraid Bandit Medium-Light Raider Bot
shieldriot Outlaw Riot Bot
shieldscout Dirtbag Box of Dirt
shieldshield Aspis Area Shield Walker
shieldskirm Rogue Skirmisher Bot (Indirect Fire)
shipaa Zephyr Anti-Air Frigate
shiparty Envoy Artillery Cruiser
shipassault Siren Riot/Assault Destroyer (Anti-Sub)
shipcarrier Reef Aircraft Carrier (Bombardment), stockpiles disarm missiles at 5 m/s
shipcon Mariner Construction Ship, builds at 7.5 m/s
shipheavyarty Shogun Battleship (Heavy Artillery)
shipriot Corsair Raider/Riot Corvette
shipscout Cutter Scout Ship (Disarming)
shipskirm Mistral Skirmisher Ship
shiptorpraider Hunter Torpedo Raider Ship (Anti-Sub)
slicer Slicer Melee Assault Walker
spideraa Tarantula Anti-Air Spider
spideranarchid Anarchid Riot EMP Spider
spiderantiheavy Widow Cloaked Scout/Anti-Heavy
spiderassault Hermit All Terrain Assault Bot
spidercon Weaver Construction Spider, builds at 7.5 m/s
spidercrabe Crab Heavy Riot/Skirmish Spider - Curls into Armored Form When Stationary
spideremp Venom Lightning Riot Spider
spiderriot Redback Riot Spider
spiderscout Flea Ultralight Scout Spider (Burrows)
spiderskirm Recluse Skirmisher Spider (Indirect Fire)
starlight_satellite Glint Starlight relay satellite
staticantinuke Antinuke Strategic Nuke Interception System
staticarty Cerberus Plasma Artillery Battery - Power by connecting to a 50 energy grid
staticcon Caretaker Construction Assistant, builds at 10.0 m/s
staticheavyarty Big Bertha Strategic Plasma Cannon - Power by connecting to a 50 energy grid
staticheavyradar Advanced Radar Long-Range Radar
staticjammer Cornea Area Cloaker/Jammer
staticmex Metal Extractor Produces Metal
staticmissilesilo Missile Silo Produces Tactical Missiles, builds at 10.0 m/s
staticnuke Trinity Strategic Nuclear Launcher, Drains 18 m/s, 3 minute stockpile
staticradar Radar Tower Early Warning System
staticrearm Airpad Repairs and Rearms Aircraft, repairs at 2.5 e/s per pad
staticshield Aegis Area Shield
staticsonar Sonar Station Locates Water Units
staticstorage Storage Stores Metal and Energy (500)
statictele Teleporter Produces warp cores
statictempshield Pavise Temporary Shield
striderantiheavy Ultimatum Cloaked Anti-Strider Walker (Undersea Fire)
striderarty Merlin Heavy Saturation Artillery Strider
striderbantha Paladin Ranged Support Strider
striderdante Dante Assault/Riot Strider
striderdetriment Detriment Ultimate Assault Strider (Undersea Fire)
striderdozer Dozer Heavy Buster, Very Tank
striderfunnelweb Funnelweb Shield Support Strider, builds at 40.0 m/s
striderhub Strider Hub Constructs Striders - Power by connecting to a 50 energy grid, builds at 10.0 m/s
striderscorpion Scorpion Cloaked Infiltration Strider
subraider Seawolf Raider Submarine (Anti-Sub, Undersea Fire)
subscout Lancelet Scout/Suicide Minisub
subtacmissile Scylla Tactical Nuke Missile Sub, Drains 20 m/s, 30 second stockpile
tacnuke Eos Tactical Nuke - High damage in a small area. Blocked by fully charged area shields.
tankaa Ettin Flak Anti-Air Tank
tankarty Emissary General-Purpose Artillery
tankassault Minotaur Assault Tank
tankcon Welder Armed Construction Tank, builds at 7.5 m/s
tankheavyarty Tremor Heavy Saturation Artillery Tank
tankheavyassault Cyclops Very Heavy Tank Buster
tankheavyraid Blitz Lightning Assault/Raider Tank
tankraid Kodachi Raider Tank
tankriot Ogre Heavy Riot Support Tank
tele_beacon Lamp Teleport Bridge Entry Beacon, right click to teleport.
terraunit Terraform Spent: 0
tiptest Turn In Place test Tests turn in place
turretaaclose Hacksaw Burst Anti-Air Turret
turretaafar Chainsaw Long-Range Anti-Air Missile Battery
turretaaflak Thresher Anti-Air Flak Gun
turretaaheavy Artemis Very Long-Range Anti-Air Missile Tower, Drains 4 m/s, 20 second stockpile
turretaalaser Razor Hardened Anti-Air Laser
turretantiheavy Lucifer Tachyon Projector - Power by connecting to a 50 energy grid
turretemp Faraday EMP Turret
turretgauss Gauss Popup gauss turret, regenerates when closed (Anti-Sub)
turretheavy Desolator Medium Range Defence Fortress - Power by connecting to a 50 energy grid
turretheavylaser Stinger High-Energy Laser Tower
turretimpulse Newton Gravity Turret
turretlaser Lotus Light Laser Tower
turretmissile Picket Light Missile Tower
turretriot Stardust Anti-Swarm Turret
turretsunlance Sunlance Anti-Tank Turret - Requires 25 Power
turrettorp Urchin Torpedo Launcher (Anti-Sub)
vehaa Crasher Fast Anti-Air Rover
veharty Badger Artillery Minelayer Rover
vehassault Ravager Assault Rover
vehcapture Dominatrix Capture Rover
vehcon Mason Construction Rover, builds at 5.0 m/s
vehheavyarty Impaler Precision Artillery Rover
vehraid Scorcher Raider Rover
vehriot Ripper Riot Rover
vehscout Dart Disruptor Raider/Scout Rover
vehsupport Fencer Deployable Missile Rover (must stop to fire)
wolverine_mine Claw Badger Mine
zenith Zenith Meteor Controller - Power by connecting to a 400 energy grid

Generation code

The above wiki table can be generated using a widget with the following Lua code:

function widget:Initialize()
	local file = io.open("testwidget.txt", "w")
	file:write([[{|class="wikitable sortable"]] .. "\n")
	file:write("! Unit def name || Human name\n")	-- || Description\n")
	for i=1,#UnitDefs do
		local ud = UnitDefs[i]
		if not ud.customParams.level then
			local unitname = ud.name
			local name = ud.humanName
			local desc = Spring.Utilities.GetDescription(ud, nil)
			local helptext = Spring.Utilities.GetHelptext(ud)
			file:write("|" .. unitname .. " || " .. "[[" .. name .. "]]\n")	-- .. " || " .. desc .. "\n")	-- .. "\t" .. helptext .. "\n")